Подавляющее большинство кандидатов представляют политические партии Со перевод - Подавляющее большинство кандидатов представляют политические партии Со английский как сказать

Подавляющее большинство кандидатов

Подавляющее большинство кандидатов представляют политические партии Соединенного Королевства. При предоставлении документов кандидат также обязан внести избирательный залог в размере 500 фунтов стерлингов. Эта сумма подлежит возврату лишь в том случае, если он наберет свыше 5% от общего числа голосов, поданных в избирательном округе.

Численность избирательных округов, а соответственно и количество депутатов Палаты общин пересматриваются в Великобритании примерно раз в 8-12 лет. В настоящее время Великобритания разделена на 650 избирательных округов: Англия — 533 избирательных округа; Шотландия — 59 избирательных округов; Уэльс — 40 избирательных округов; Северная Ирландия — 18 избирательных округов.

Для проведения выборов каждый избирательный округ разделяется на участки для голосования, и в каждом таком участке устанавливаются места для голосования. Полномочия по учреждению избирательных участков, а также установление мест для голосования принадлежат местным советам графств и округов.

Голосовать на выборах могут все дееспособные избиратели Великобритании, Республики Ирландии и стран Британского

Содружества, достигшие 18 лет и не имеющие юридических ограничений на право голосования. При этом регистрация в качестве избирателя является фактически обязательной и регистрироваться необходимо заранее. Избиратели могут подавать бюллетени лично, а также по доверенности или по почте.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The vast majority of candidates are political parties in the United Kingdom. When providing documents the candidate is also required to make a deposit in the amount of 500 pounds. This amount is refundable only if it obtains more than 5% of the total number of votes cast in the electoral district.The number of constituencies, and the number of the deputies of the House of Commons are reviewed in the uk approximately every 8-12 years. Currently the United Kingdom is divided into 650 constituencies: England-533 constituencies; Scotland-59 constituencies; Wales-40 electoral districts; Northern Ireland — 18 electoral districts.For each electoral constituency is divided into plots for a vote, and each such site are established places to vote. The authority for the establishment of polling stations, as well as establishing places for voting are owned by local councils of counties and districts.To vote all capable voters uk, Republic of Ireland and of the BritishThe Commonwealth aged 18 years old and have no legal restrictions on the right to vote. While voter registration is virtually mandatory in advance and recorded. Voters can submit ballots personally, as well as by proxy or by mail.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The vast majority of candidates, political parties are the United Kingdom. When submitting documents a candidate is also required to pay an election deposit of £ 500. This amount is refundable only if he gets more than 5% of the total number of votes cast in the constituency. The number of electoral districts and, consequently, the number of members of the House of Commons in the UK are reviewed approximately every 8-12 years. Currently, the UK is divided into 650 electoral districts: England - 533 constituencies; Scotland - 59 electoral districts; Wales - 40 electoral districts; Northern Ireland - 18 constituencies. For the election each electoral district is divided into polling stations, and in each such area are set for polling places. The authority for the establishment of polling stations, as well as the establishment of places for voting belong to local and county council districts. Vote in the elections can all able-bodied voters UK, Republic of Ireland and the countries of the British Commonwealth who have reached 18 years of age and have no legal restrictions on the right to vote. This registration as a voter is in fact mandatory and must be registered in advance. Voters can submit ballots in person and by proxy or by mail.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the vast majority of candidates represent political parties in the united kingdom. in the provision of documents is also required to make a deposit of $500 pounds.this amount shall be refunded only if he gets more than 5% of the total number of votes cast in the constituency.

, the number of electoral districts.a number of members of the house of commons, respectively, and are reviewed in the uk about once every 8 to 12 years. currently, the united kingdom is divided into 650 constituencies: england - 533 electoral district.scotland - 59 constituencies; wales - 40 electoral districts; northern ireland - 18 constituencies.

for elections every electoral district is divided into sections for the vote.and in each station are designated for a vote. the establishment of the polling stations, and also the duty to vote belonged to the local councils of counties and districts.

to vote in the election, voters are capable of great britain, the republic of ireland and of the british commonwealth

who have reached 18 years of age and had no legal restrictions on the right to vote.the registration as a voter is virtually mandatory, and should be registered in advance. voters may submit a ballot in person, as well as by proxy or by mail.
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