On the evening before Roger Brown left England he took his girlfriend  перевод - On the evening before Roger Brown left England he took his girlfriend  английский как сказать

On the evening before Roger Brown l

On the evening before Roger Brown left England he took his girlfriend Mary Summers to the theatre. There are over thirty theatres in London, each offering a different play, musical, revue or variety show. Roger studied the entertainment section in the newspaper for a long time before deciding which theatre to go to. Eventually he chose something gay and amusing - the stage production of My Fair Lady at the Drury Lane Theatre. This musi­cal play, based on George Bernard Shaw's famous play, Pygma­lion, had been on for almost five years. It had been one of the grea­test successes in the history of the theatre. During the first few years of its"run" it had been very difficult to get tickets but by the time Roger wanted to buy two the show was playing to half-empty houses.

Roger had booked his tickets through a theatre ticket agency in Shaftesbury Avenue, a long street in the West End of London, famous bacause most of London's theatres are located on the street itself or in the neighbourhood.

The show began at eight o'clock and Roger and Mary decided to have a quick snack in a coffee-bar before the show and dinner in a restaurant afterwards. As Roger wanted the evening to be a memorable one, he had reserved a table for two at a famous night club and restaurant where they could not only eat fine food but dance to a first-class orchestra. Roger had decided to ask Mary to marry him in a year's time. He wanted to propose to her in a roman­tic setting.

He met Mary outside her office at 5.30. As the evening was fine they walked in St. James' Park for an hour before taking a taxi to Shaftesbury Avenue. There they soon found a pleasant coffee-bar and had some coffee and cakes. At 7.30 they took another taxi to Drury Lane Theatre. They were shown to good seats in the front stalls and from there they could see every part of the stage. At five minutes to eight members of the orchestra came into the orches­tra pit and began tuning their instruments. Then at 8 o'clock the house lights dimmed and the orchestra began playing the overtu­re - a piece of music that was to follow.

Although the cast of the play had acted their parts every night for several years, they had not lost any interest in the play and everyone gave an excellent performance. Mary was particularly


delighted by the costumes and Roger who takes technical interest in all things commented on the clever lighting and the construction of the sets.

Mary and Roger enjoyed the performance very much and applauded enthusiastically at the end when the cast lined up on the stage to take their curtain calls. Outside the theatre Roger hailed a taxi and told the driver to take them to the "Black Cat" night club. London has many night clubs, but the "Black Cat" is one of the most famous and certainly the most expensive.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
On the evening before Roger Brown left England he took his girlfriend Mary Summers to the theatre. There are over thirty theatres in London, each offering a different play, musical, revue or variety show. Roger studied the entertainment section in the newspaper for a long time before deciding which theatre to go to. Eventually he chose something gay and amusing - the stage production of My Fair Lady at the Drury Lane Theatre. This musi­cal play, based on George Bernard Shaw's famous play, Pygma­lion, had been on for almost five years. It had been one of the grea­test successes in the history of the theatre. During the first few years of its"run" it had been very difficult to get tickets but by the time Roger wanted to buy two the show was playing to half-empty houses.Roger had booked his tickets through a theatre ticket agency in Shaftesbury Avenue, a long street in the West End of London, famous bacause most of London's theatres are located on the street itself or in the neighbourhood.The show began at eight o'clock and Roger and Mary decided to have a quick snack in a coffee-bar before the show and dinner in a restaurant afterwards. As Roger wanted the evening to be a memorable one, he had reserved a table for two at a famous night club and restaurant where they could not only eat fine food but dance to a first-class orchestra. Roger had decided to ask Mary to marry him in a year's time. He wanted to propose to her in a roman­tic setting.He met Mary outside her office at 5.30. As the evening was fine they walked in St. James ' Park for an hour before taking a taxi to Shaftesbury Avenue. There they soon found a pleasant coffee-bar and had some coffee and cakes. At 7.30 am they took another taxi to Drury Lane Theatre. They were shown to good seats in the front stalls and from there they could see every part of the stage. At five minutes to eight members of the orchestra came into the orches tra pit and began tuning their instruments. Then at 8 o'clock the house lights dimmed and the orchestra began playing the overtu re-a piece of music that was to follow.Although the cast of the play had acted their parts every night for several years, they had not lost any interest in the play and everyone gave an excellent performance. Mary was particularly136delighted by the costumes and Roger who takes technical interest in all things commented on the clever lighting and the construction of the sets.Mary and Roger enjoyed the performance very much and applauded enthusiastically at the end when the cast lined up on the stage to take their curtain calls. Outside the theatre Roger hailed a taxi and told the driver to take them to the "Black Cat" night club. London has many night clubs, but the "Black Cat" is one of the most famous and certainly the most expensive.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
on the evening before roger brown left england, he took his girlfriend mary summers to the station. there are over thirty theatres in london, each offering a different play, musical, (or variety show. roger set the entertainment section in the newspaper for a long time before january which was to go to. Eventually he chose something gay and amusing - the stage production of my fair lady at the Drury lane theatre. this musi­cal play, based on george bernard shaw's famous play, Pygma­lion, had been on for almost five years. it had been one of the grea­test successes in the history of the theatre. during the first few years of its "run" it had been very difficult to get tickets, but by the time roger wanted to buy, but the show was playing to half empty houses.roger had had his tickets through a service ticket agency in shaftesbury avenue, a long street in the west end of london, and bacause most of london's theatres are located on the street itself or in the neighbourhood.the show began at eight o 'clock and roger and mary decided to have a quick snack in a coffee bar before the show and dinner in a restaurant afterwards. as roger wanted the place to be a memorable one, he had reserved a table for two at a famous night club and restaurant where they could not only eat fine food, and dance to a first - class orchestra. roger had decided to ask mary to marry him in a year's time. he wanted to propose to her in a roman­tic setting.i met mary in her office at 5:30. as the hotel was fine they walked in st. james' park for an hour before taking a taxi to shaftesbury avenue. there they soon found a pleasant coffee bar and had some coffee and cakes. at 7:30, they took another taxi to Drury lane theatre. they were shown to good with the hotelier and from there they could see every part of the country. at five minutes to eight members of the orchestra came into the orches­tra speaking and began tuning their instruments. then at 8 o 'clock the house lights dimmed and the orchestra began playing the overtu­re - a piece of music that was to follow.although the cast of the play was acted by parts every night for several years, they had not lost any interest in the play and everyone gave an excellent performance. mary was very136liked by the costumes and roger who takes technical interest in all things commented on the clever lighting and the construction of the sets.mary and roger enjoyed the performance very much and applauded enthusiastically at the end when the cast is up on the stage to take their eggs back. outside the station roger hailed a taxi and told the driver to take them to the "black cat" night club. london has many night clubs, but the "black cat" is one of the most famous and certainly the most expensive.
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