для перехода к устойчивому развитию необходимы определенные политическ перевод - для перехода к устойчивому развитию необходимы определенные политическ английский как сказать

для перехода к устойчивому развитию

для перехода к устойчивому развитию необходимы определенные политические условия, но это требует таких серьезных изменений, что политики, зависящие в условиях демократии от мнения избирателей, не решаются на их проведение. При этом открытое обсуждение принципов устойчивого развития до сих пор не проходило ни в одном обществе планеты. Мы обсуждаем вопросы дефицита сырья и энергии, однако устойчивое развитие касается всего строя нашей жизни – речь о том, чтобы повлиять на гражданское общество, чтобы оно в свою очередь повлияло на политиков.

Считаю, что система образования является важнейшей возможностью этого добиться. Вторая причина состоит в том, что экономисты и политики считают, что все вопросы, связанные с переходом к устойчивому развитию и экологии, можно разрешить с помощью динамичного роста экономики и внедрения научных инноваций. Ясно, что без экономики не обойтись, но сама экономика – часть проблемы. Если же экономика развивается в заведомо неверных условиях, то она лишь оптимизирует неверные результаты. Мы же стремились отделить экономический рост от объема потребления энергии и сырья – в результате за 50 лет мы достигли поразительных показателей эффективного использования энергии. Однако всё, что удалось сберечь, поглотил растущий спрос. Когда видишь, какой отложенный спрос скопился в развивающихся странах, становится ясно, что у нас нет ни малейшего шанса добиться отделения роста экономики от потребления энергии и ресурсов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
for the transition to sustainable development requires certain political conditions, but this requires a serious change that policy, that in a democracy the views of voters, are hesitant to them. The open discussion of the principles of sustainable development has not yet been in any society in the world. We discuss the issues of scarcity of raw materials and energy, however, sustainable development is the order of our lives is about to affect civil society so that it in turn influenced politicians.I think that the education system is an important opportunity to achieve this. The second reason is that economists and politicians believe that all issues related to the transition to sustainable development and environmental issues, can be resolved using the dynamic growth of the economy and the introduction of scientific innovation. It is clear that the economy cannot do without, but the economy itself is part of the problem. If the economy is in a bad condition, it only optimizes the incorrect results. We also sought to separate the economic growth of the consumption of energy and raw materials, as a result, over 50 years we have reached astounding levels of energy efficiency. However, all that has been preserved, has absorbed an increasing demand. When you see some pent-up demand there in developing countries, it is clear that we do not have the slightest chance to separate economic growth from consumption of energy and resources.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
for the transition to sustainable development requires certain political conditions, but it requires such major changes that policy in a democracy depend on the views of the voters, do not dare to see it through. In this case, an open discussion of the principles of sustainable development has not yet been passed in any society of the world. We discussed shortage of raw materials and energy, but sustainable development concerns the whole system of life - talking about how to influence the civil society, so that it, in turn, influence policy. I believe that the education system is an important opportunity to achieve this. The second reason is that economists and politicians believe that all issues related to the transition to sustainable development and the environment, can be solved with the help of dynamic economic growth and the introduction of scientific innovation. It is clear that the economy can not do without, but the economy itself - part of the problem. If the economy is developing in the wrong conditions, it only optimizes incorrect results. We sought to decouple economic growth from energy consumption and raw materials - as a result of over 50 years we have achieved amazing energy efficiency indicators. However, all that was possible to save, absorbed the growing demand. When you see some pent-up demand has accumulated in developing countries, it is clear that we have no chance to achieve separation of economic growth from the consumption of energy and resources.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
For the transition to sustainable development requires certain political conditions, but this requires that such serious changes that policy, dependent in a democracy from the voters,Do not be hesitant to their holding. When the open discussion on principles of sustainable development have so far not met in any society of the world. We are discussing issues deficit raw materials and energy,However, sustainable development as regards the whole damage our lives - it is about, to affect the civil society, to ensure that it in turn has had an impact on the politicians.lord I believe,That the education system is a critical opportunity to achieve this. The second reason is that economists and policy makers consider that all issues related to the transition to sustainable development and the environment,You can allow using the dynamic growth of the economy and the introduction of scientific innovation. It is clear that without economic growth would not be impossible, but the economy is part of the problem.However, if the economy is in a known bad conditions, it only optimizes incorrect results.We also have sought to separate the economic growth in the volume of consumption of energy and raw materials, as a result, in the 50 years we have achieved striking indicators effective use of energy. However, all that has succeeded in preserving,Break the growing demand. When you look, which delayed demand packed in the developing countries, it is clear that we have no chance to achieve the growth of the economy of consumption of energy and resources.
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