вариант 1 .Узнав, что ее подозревают в убийстве, она упала в обморок 2 перевод - вариант 1 .Узнав, что ее подозревают в убийстве, она упала в обморок 2 английский как сказать

вариант 1 .Узнав, что ее подозреваю

вариант 1 .Узнав, что ее подозревают в убийстве, она упала в обморок 2.На него постоянно жалуются, так как он все время лезет не в свои дела. З.Он мечтал о карьере певца, но, к сожалению, оказалось, что в пении он не силен. 4.Нельзя идти по линии наименьшего сопротивления. Нужно сделать все возможное, чтобы сдать все экзамены 5 Она расплакалась, когда прочитала о себе сплетни в колонке светских нов Она не лгунья, а просто фантазер 6.У меня было сильное желание сказать ему, что я устала от его постоянных жалоб 7.Я бы посоветовала вам сделать над собой усилие и не поддаваться искушению который 8.Размышляя о приключениях прошлой ночью, Эндрью восхищался своим другом, проявил такое присутствие духа и сумел взять себя в руки. чтобы 9 Нельзя не восхищаться людьми, которые добиваются своей цели и не допускают, развлечения мешали работе и не решается произнести ни Мальчик немного заикался, из-за этого он очень застенчив слова в присутствии незнакомых людей. и что он 11 Доктор наклонился над больным и сказал. что у него нет ничего серьезного потерял сознание от духоты. крайне неприятна. Он 12.Его манера, говорить с сознанием собственного превосходства, всегда вмешивается в чьи-либо дела побуждений, часто оказывается некстати 13. То, что мы иногда говорим из лучших заводит друзей Если люди 14 Он очень общительный человек и легко жизнь. 15.Я знаю Мэри очень хорошо, и она не позволит вмешиваться в ее вмешиваются в твою жизнь, значит ты сам этого хочешьТы
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
option 1. learning that her suspected murder, she fainted 2. he constantly complain, as he climbs not in their case. Z. He dreamed of a career as a singer, but, unfortunately, that in singing, he is not strong. 4. do not follow the line of least resistance. We need to do everything possible to pass all exams 5 She burst into tears when I read about myself in gossip column secular new she is not a liar, but simply the dreamer 6. I had a strong desire to tell him that I was tired of his constant complaints 7. I would like to advise you to make an effort and not to succumb to the temptation which 8. Reflecting on last night's adventures Andrew, admired his friend, showed such a presence of mind and managed to pull herself together. to 9 it is impossible not to admire people who achieve their goals and don't concede entertainment interfered with work and does not dare utter a little Boy stuttered, because of this he very shy speech in the presence of strangers. and that he is the doctor bent over the sick 11 and said. He had nothing serious fainted from stuffiness. extremely unpleasant. He 12. his manner of talking with the consciousness of its own superiority, always interfere in anyone's Affairs, often out of season 13. What we sometimes speak of the best turns friends if people 14 It very sociable person and easy life. 15. I know Mary is very good and it will not interfere in its interfering with your life, then you are the hochesh'Ty
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Option 1 .Uznav that it is suspected of murder, she fainted 2. On it are constantly complaining, because all the time he climbs own business. Z.On dreamed of a singing career, but unfortunately, it turned out that he was not good at singing. 4.Nelzya follow the line of least resistance. We need to do everything possible to pass all the exams 5 She burst into tears when I read about yourself in the gossip column of the newly secular She was not a liar, but simply a dreamer 6.U I had a strong desire to tell him that I was tired of his constant complaints to 7.I I advise you to make an effort and do not succumb to the temptation which 8.Razmyshlyaya about the adventures of last night, Andrew admired his friend, showed a presence of mind and was able to pull myself together. 9 It is impossible not to admire people who achieve their goals and do not allow interfere with the entertainment and does not dare to say a little boy stuttered, because of this, he was very shy in the presence of the word of strangers. and that he had 11 doctor leaned over and said to the sick. he does not have anything serious fainted from lack of air. extremely unpleasant. He 12.Ego manner, talking to the consciousness of their own superiority, always interfere in anyone's business motives, often inappropriate 13. What we sometimes speak of the best makes friends If people 14 He's a very sociable person and easy life. Mary 15.YA know very well, and she would not allow it to interfere with interfere with your life, then you yourself this hocheshTy
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
option 1.узнав that her murder suspect, she fainted 2.на continuously complain all the time, so he's not in your business. з.он dreamed of singing, but, unfortunately, it turns out that singing is not strong. 4.нельзя go on the line of least resistance. we need to do everything possible to pass all the exams. 5 she burst into tears when i read about a gossip column secular, but she's not a liar, but simply a fantasist 6.у, i had a strong desire to tell him that i'm tired of his constant complaints 7.я would advise you to make an effort to resist the temptation to 8.размышляя adventures last night, andrew admired my friend was this the presence of the spirit, and i managed to get myself together. to 9, we admire people who have their purpose and do not permit from the entertainment and addressed to no boy stammered a bit, because he's very shy words in front of strangers. and he leaned over the sick, and the doctor said 11. he had no serious fainted from the stuffiness. it's not nice. he 12.его manner to the consciousness of superiority, always interfere in anybody's motives, it is often inconvenient. what we sometimes speak of the best makes friends if people 14 he is very sociable and easy life. 15.я know mary very well, and she will not interfere in interfere in your life, so you don хочешьты
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