1. Она подошла к двери, чтобы поприветствовать своего адвоката, которо перевод - 1. Она подошла к двери, чтобы поприветствовать своего адвоката, которо английский как сказать

1. Она подошла к двери, чтобы попри

1. Она подошла к двери, чтобы поприветствовать своего адвоката, которого она ждала (to
expect). 2. Наконец-то он высказал идею, которую прокручивал в голове в последнее
время. 3. Молодой человек поднялся со ступенек, на которых он сидел, и вошел в дом. 4.
Художник внимательно рассматривал картину, которую он рисовал уже несколько недель. 5.
Он беспокоился о своей жене. В последнее время она посещала (to see) психоаналитика,
пытаясь выяснить причину своей депрессии. 6. Все уважали президента фирмы. Он
управлял (to run) этой фирмой много лет. 7. Наконец наступил момент, которого он ждал
всю жизнь. 8. Она повесила в шкаф платье, которое только что примеряла. Оно было
слишком ярким. 9. В доме замечательно пахло. Бабушка с утра варила клубничное
варенье. 10. Рабочие попросили нас ни к чему не прислоняться, так как они только что
красили стены. 11. Когда я вошел в комнату, все замолчали, и я понял, что они говорили
обо мне. 12. Наш шеф вошел в офис и пожаловался, что собака сжевала доклад, над
которым он работал все выходные.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. She came to the door to greet his lawyer whom she waited (toexpect). 2. Lastly, he expressed the idea that running in the head in the mosttime. 3. a young man up stairs, on which he sat, and entered the House. 4.The artist carefully considered the picture he painted for several weeks. 5.He worried about his wife. Recently, she visited (to see), psychoanalysttrying to find out the cause of your depression. 6. all respected the President at the firm. Hemanaged (to run) this firm for many years. 7. Finally, the moment he waitedthe rest of your life. 8. She hung in the closet dress that just was trying to portray. It wastoo bright. 9. The House smelled wonderful. Granny with am cooked Strawberryjam. 10. workers asked us to lean, as they justpainted walls. 11. When I entered the room, everyone stopped talking and I realized what they were sayingabout me. 12. Our Chief entered the Office and complained that dog sževala report onwhich he worked all weekend.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. She went to the door to greet her lawyer, she was waiting (to
the expect). 2. Finally, he suggested that scrolls in the head in the last
time. 3. The young man climbed the steps on which he sat, and went into the house. 4.
The artist carefully considered the picture he painted for several weeks. 5.
He was worried about his wife. Recently she attended (to see) the analyst,
trying to figure out the cause of his depression. 6. All the respected president of the company. He
drove (to run) by this company for many years. 7. Finally came the moment he had been waiting
all his life. 8. She hung in the closet dress that had just tried on. It was
too bright. 9. The house smelled wonderful. Grandma in the morning cooked strawberry
jam. 10. The workers asked us to nothing to lean against, as they have just
painted the walls. 11. When I entered the room, everyone stopped talking, and I realized that they were talking
about me. 12. Our boss came into the office and complained that the dog chewed the report on
which he worked all weekend.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. she came to the door to greet her lawyer that she waited toexpect). 2. finally, he expressed the idea that running in my head in the lasttime. 3. the young man climbed the stairs, at which he was sitting, and entered the house. 4.the artist carefully considered the painting, which he painted for several weeks. 5.he was worried about his wife. recently she was seeing (to see) the therapisttrying to figure out the cause of their depression. 6. all respect the president of the company. herunning (run) of the company for many years. 7. finally the moment he waitedthe rest of my life. 8. she hung it in the closet dress just trying. it wastoo bright. 9. the house smelled great. grandma in the morning made strawberryjam. 10. the workers asked us not прислоняться, as they justpainting the wall. 11. when i entered the room, all quiet, and i know what they sayabout me. 12. the boss walked into the office and complained that the dog chewing a report onhe was working all weekend.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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