1. Вы должны догнать группу, как бы много ни пришлось вам работать. 2. перевод - 1. Вы должны догнать группу, как бы много ни пришлось вам работать. 2. английский как сказать

1. Вы должны догнать группу, как бы

1. Вы должны догнать группу, как бы много ни пришлось вам работать.
2. Он до смерти надоел мне рассказами о своих приключениях.
3. У него по крайней мере пять ошибок в каждой контрольной.
4. Вся беда в том, что у меня с собой только 50 копеек. Что я могу купить на эти деньги?
5. Как бы много новых слов не было в тексте, я все смотрю их в словаре.
6. Вы делаете ошибки в каждом втором предложении.
7. Я не раз говорила Борису Петрову, студенту второго курса, что , если он хочет выдержать экзамен, ему надо больше заниматься.
8. Предполагается, что все студенты знают, кода начинаются экзамены.
9. Трудно признаваться в том, что ты не прав, но он был вынужден сделать это.
10. Я знаю, что поступила плохо, но по крайней мере я осознала, что мне не следовало так поступать.
11. Этот живой, сообразительный мальчик, очень понравился Оливеру, и они стали друзьями.
12. Я вам признателен за помощь.
13. Вы должны читать больше, это позволит вам значительно расширить ваш запас слов.
14. Он смотрел на меня непонимающим взглядом, как будто не слышал, что я говорю.
15. С какой стати вам так волноваться из-за мелочей?
16. Учитель указал на наиболее грубые ошибки в диктанте, просто и ясно объяснил правила, которыми нужно пользоваться, чтобы избежать их.
17. Подробно опишите свои впечатления от этой поездки.
18. Мне нравился в нем ясный ум и простая речь.
19. Что привело класс в такое возбуждение? - Волнующая для них новость: у них будет новый учитель по геометрии.
20. Они были когда-то хорошими друзьями. Просто не могу представить себе почему они поссорились.
21. Старик указал на картину, которая висела на противоположной стене.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. you must catch up with the group, as many as you had to work with. 2. It to death bore me with stories of his adventures.3. It has at least five errors in each check.4. The trouble is that I have only 50 kopecks. What can I buy with the money?5. How many new words in the text, I'll look them up in the dictionary.6. you make mistakes in every second sentence.7. I have talked to Boris Petrov, second-year student that if he wants to pass the exam, he needs to focus on.8. it is expected that all students know the code begin exams.9. it is difficult to admit that you're wrong, but he was compelled to do so.10. I know that was bad, but at least I knew that I should not have to do so.11. This live, smart boy, liked to Oliver, and they became friends. 12. I am grateful for the help.13. you should be reading more, it will allow you to expand your vocabulary.14. He was looking at me a look as if reality had not heard what I was saying.15. Why should you worry about the little things?16. the teacher pointed to the most gross errors in place, simply and clearly explained rules that must be used to avoid them.17. Describe in detail their impressions from this trip. 18. I was liking it a clear mind and a simple question.19. the leading class in such excitement? -Exciting news for them: they will have a new teacher for geometry. 20. They were once good friends. Just can't imagine why they quarreled. 21. The old man pointed at a picture that hung on the opposite wall.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. You need to catch up with the group, no matter how much you had to work with.
2. It bothered me to death with tales of his adventures.
3. It has at least five errors in each test.
4. The trouble is that I have with them only 50 cents. What can I buy with this money?
5. As much as many new words were not in the text, I look them in the dictionary.
6. You make mistakes in every second sentence.
7. I have repeatedly said Boris Petrov, a second year student, if he wants to pass the examination, he had to do more.
8. It is expected that all students know the code exams begin.
9. It's hard to admit that you're wrong, but he was forced to do so.
10. I know I acted badly, but at least I realized that I should not do so.
11. This lively, clever boy, liked Oliver, and they became friends.
12. I am grateful to you for your help.
13. You need to read more, it will allow you to expand your vocabulary.
14. He looked at me blankly as if did not hear what I'm saying.
15. Why would you worry so much because of the little things?
16. The teacher pointed to the most serious errors in dictation, simple and clearly explained the rules that must be used to avoid them.
17. Describe in detail their impressions of this trip.
18. I liked it a clear mind and a simple question.
19. What led the class so excited? - Exciting news for them: they will have a new teacher in geometry.
20. They were once good friends. I just can not imagine why they quarreled.
21. The old man pointed to a picture that hung on the opposite wall.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. You must catch up a group, as well as to many nor had you to work.
2. He to death triangle me stories about their adventures.
3. He had at least five errors in each checksum.
4. The hell with that,I have a only 50 kopecks. That I can buy at the money?
5. How many new words was not in the text, I have all i have seen them in the dictionary.
6. You make an error in every second sentence.
7. I have not once said Boris Ramona,The second course of the student, that, if he wants to survive the exam, it must do more.
8. It is expected that all students know, code begin examinations.
9. It is difficult to be recognized in that you are not the rights of,But he was compelled to do so.
10. I know that language poorly, but at least I realized that I should not have been so to do.
11. This lively, clever outsider-boy, a very beautiful Oliver, and they became friends.
12.I would be grateful if you would arrange for the assistance.
13. You should read more, this will allow you to greatly increase your stock words.
14. He looked at me непонимающим glance, as though it did not have heard that I am.
15.To do something you have to worry about it because of the cinemas?
16. A teacher pointed out to the most serious errors in диктанте, simply and clearly explained the rules, which you want to use, so as to avoid their.
17.Describe in detail your experience from this trip.
18. I liked it a clear mind and a simple question.
19. That led class in such proceedings? - Exciting news for them: they will have a new teacher on geometry.
20.They were good friends. Simply cannot imagine why they quarreled.
21. Old Man pointed to a picture that hung on the opposite wall.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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