Добрый день Роберт!Спасибо друг мой, получила твое письмо, была очень  перевод - Добрый день Роберт!Спасибо друг мой, получила твое письмо, была очень  английский как сказать

Добрый день Роберт!Спасибо друг мой

Добрый день Роберт!
Спасибо друг мой, получила твое письмо, была очень рада, не ожидала, что так много напишешь, ты первый поклонник, который написал такое длинное письмо. Меня зовут Нургуль Калиева. Я из Кыргызстана, наверно слышал про нашу страну, где 2 раза сбежали президента ограбив простой народ. Мне 42 года исполнится 19-апреля, разведена, у меня есть дочка, ее зовут Кымбат ,переводится как «Дорогая», ей 9 лет, я ее родила сама в 32 года , я очень поздно замуж вышла с точки зрения азиатского менталитета, в 30 лет, у меня был гостевой брак, в разных городах жили, почему поздно вышла, надо было сперва высшее образование получить, потом карьера, потом квартиры надо было купить, вот и так время прошло. Работаю финансовым менеджером/главным бухгалтером в маленькой финансовой компании, в большой деревне, то есть в поселке городского типа, где наша компания выдает кредиты с низкой процентной ставкой местному населению . Живу очень красивом месте, называется озеро Иссык-Куль. Озеро Иссык-Куль начинается с нашего города. У нас очень красиво зимой и летом. Сейчас хочу замуж выйти, рожать еще одного ребенка, выйду только за интеллигентного человека с высшим образованием, с чувством юмора, мою дочку как родную принял и воспитал как отец, в радости и в горе, чтоб вместе были. Вот краткий рассказ обо мне. Я тебе отправлю письмо на русском языке и перевод на английский с компьютера, прошу извинить меня если неправильно перевела на английский. Скоро на курсы английского пойду, ты мне стимул дал, спасибо . Если у тебя серьезные намерения пиши. Только будь честным со мной, не люблю предательства, обмана До свидания Роберт.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello Robert!
Thanks my friend, got your letter, was very happy, didn't expect so many write, you're the first fan who wrote a long letter. My name is Nurgul Kaliyeva. I am from Kyrgyzstan, I have heard about our country, where 2 times robbed President escaped the common people. I am 42 years of age 19-April, divorced, I have a daughter, her name is Kymbat, translated as "Dear", 9 years, I gave birth to itself in 32 years, I got married very late from the point of view of the Asian mentality, in 30 years, I had a guest marriage, lived in different cities, why later came out, you had to first obtain higher education, later career, then an apartment had to buy, and so the time passed. I am a finance manager/chief accountant in a small financial company, a large village in the urban-type settlement, where our company provides loans with low interest to the local population. I live a very beautiful place called the Lake Issyk-Kul. The Lake begins with our city. We have very beautiful in winter and summer. Now I want to get married, give birth to another child, leave only an intelligent man with higher education, with a sense of humor, my daughter as his adopted and reared as a father, in joy and in sorrow, that together have been. Here's a short story about me. I will send you a letter in English and translated into English with the computer, I am sorry if wrong translated into English. Soon the English courses will go, you gave me the impetus, thanks. If you have serious intentions to write. Just be honest with me, I do not like treachery, deceit goodbye Robert.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Good day Robert,
Thank you my friend, I got your letter, was very pleased, did not expect that so many write, you're the first fan who wrote such a long letter. My name Nurgul Kaliyeva. I am from Kyrgyzstan, probably heard about our country where 2 times robbing president fled the common people. I'm 42 and will turn 19 in April, divorced, I have a daughter, her name Kymbat, translated as "dear", she is 9 years old, I gave birth to her own at age 32, I got married very late in terms of the Asian mentality, 30 years, I had a guest marriage, lived in different cities, why later came out, it was necessary first to obtain a higher education, then career, then had to buy the apartment, and that's because time has passed. I work as a financial manager / chief accountant in a small financial services company, in a large village, that is in a small town, where our company provides loans with low interest rate to the local population. I live a very beautiful place called Lake Issyk-Kul. Lake Issyk-Kul begins with our city. We have a very beautiful in winter and summer. Now I want to get married, give birth to another child, will leave only an intelligent person with a higher education, with a sense of humor, my daughter as his own adopted and brought up as a father, in joy and in sorrow, that were together. Here is a short story about me. I'll send a letter in Russian and translated into English from the computer, if you'll excuse me if improperly translated into English. Soon the English courses go, you gave me an incentive, thanks. If you have serious intentions to write. Just be honest with me, do not like betrayal, deception Goodbye Robert.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Good day, Robert!
Thank you very much my friend, received your letter, it was a very happy, was not expecting that so many, whither thou the first admirer, who wrote such a long letter. I'm Aral region. I am from Kyrgyzstan,Probably heard about our country, where 2 times escaped of the President of the has been summoned a simple people. I am 42 years will have passed 19-April, divorced, I have a daughter, her name is Кымбат ,translated as "expensive", it 9 years,I have her birth itself in 32 years, I am very late married withdrew from the perspective of Asian mentality, in 30 years, I have been a guest marriage, lived in different cities, why late withdrew, it was first higher education get,Then career, then apartments we had to buy, that is, the time has passed. I'm financial manager/chief accountant in a small financial services company, a large village, that is, the urban village type,Where the company provides loans with low interest rate local populations. I live a very beautiful place, is called a lake. Lake Issyk-kul begins with our city. We have a very nicely in winter and summer.Now I would like to get married to exit, give birth to one child, thou shalt only for the firebrand with higher education, with a great sense of humor, my escaped unscathed as native adopted and's crib as a father, in joy and in sorrow, we were together.Here's a quick story about me. I'll send letter in English and translated to English from the computer, I apologize if you incorrectly translated to English. Coming soon to English courses go,You gave me an impetus, thank you very much. If you do serious food shortages. Just be honest with me, I don't like betrayal, deception goodbye Robert.
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