Я уже неделю в полной депрессии, потому что я чувствую, что что-то изменилось между нами, не могу понять что, не могу понять почему, это истерика дикая жить в неведении, потому что от тебя едва ли дождёшься каких-то комментариев, которые бы хоть как-то прояснили ситуацию. Я вся реально измучилась, я как муха об стекло, я не знаю чего делать, умываю руки. Мне надо было услышать или "Всё хорошо" или "Отстань от меня", и сразу стало бы понятно, но я уже понимаю, что я не добьюсь ничего. И можно было бы ждать всю жизнь, если бы знать, что тебе это надо, но увы. Решай как знаешь. Я уже без инициативы.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I have a week in full depression, because I feel that something has changed between us, I can't understand that, I can't understand why, it's hysterical wild live in ignorance, because from you who hardly any comments that would somehow clarify the situation. I really izmučilas′ all, I'm like a fly on the windshield, I don't know what to do, wash my hands. I had to hear or "everything is good" or "stop bothering me from me", and would be immediately understandable, but I realize that I'm not going to get anything. And could wait a lifetime to know if you need it, but alas. Decide as you know. I have no initiative.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I have a week full of depression, because I feel that something has changed between us, I can not understand that, I can not understand why it's hysterical wild live in ignorance because of you hardly dozhdeshsya some comments that It would somehow clarify the situation. I'm all really exhausted, I'm like a fly on the glass, I do not know what to do, wash your hands. I had heard or "All is well" or "Leave me alone," and at once it would be understandable, but I realize that I did not achieve. And one could wait a lifetime if know that you need it, but alas. Decide as you know. I have no initiative.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
I already have a week in full depression, because I don't feel, that we have changed between us, I cannot understand that, I cannot understand why, this behaves wild to live in the dark,Because of you is hardly unlike any settling type "Louei any comments, which would be to have any sensible situation. I have all the real измучилась, i as a fly on the window, i don't know what to do, умываю hands.I want to hear or the "all is well" or "wherefore Abner from me", and as soon as it has become to be understandable, but I already understand that I didn't do nothing. And it might be to wait for the entire life, if you would know that you need it, but alas. Thou countenance a poor man as you know.I already without the initiative.
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