творческих работ, позитивная оценка достижений, диалогическое общения и т.д.
Учитель информатики должен перейти от обучения преимущественно информационного характера к формированию личности, умеющей ориентироваться и принимать обоснованные решения в условиях современной информационной среды, владеющей приемами творческой деятельности и способной не только усваивать готовое знание, но и генерировать новое. Он должен уметь организовать обучение так, чтобы обучаемый воспринимал его, прежде всего, как самообучение, саморазвитие, само актуализацию. Учитель должен овладеть методикой преподавания, направленной на осознанное усвоение обучаемыми совокупности знаний и овладение важнейшими в области информатики видами деятельности, главным результатом которой должно стать формирование таких ценных качеств личности: как активность, самостоятельность, убежденность, направленность на достижение результата, способность принятия рациональных решений.
Так как содержание обучения определяется его целями, а цели обучения имеют свою специфику для разных возрастных групп обучаемых, то от учителей информатики требуются умения по организации обучения в рамках конкретной ступени (начальная ступень (пропедевтической курс), основная ступень (базовый курс), старшая ступень (профильные и элективные курсы), профессиональная ступень (вузовский курс)).
Одним их сложных вопросов с точки зрения методики преподавания является организация контроля знаний и умений. Учитель информатики должен обладать умениями как по организации обучения на основе деятельностного содержания, так и по организации адекватного ему мониторинга достижений учащихся. В условиях личностно ориентированного обучения критерии оценки достижения образовательных целей могут быть определены как требования, построенные на основе стандартизированной процедуры с использованием методологии моделирования (И.И. Трубина). Последовательное применение данной методологии позволяет отслеживать реализацию каждого из требований государственного стандарта к знаниям и умениям и на этой основе создавать систему оценки достижений учащихся.
Таким образом, учитель информатики должен уметь управлять современной методической системой обучения. У него должны быть не только знания и
Результаты (
английский) 1:
creative works, a positive assessment of accomplishments, dialogical self communication, etc.Teacher of informatics should move from learning mainly informational nature to the formation of personality, able to navigate and make informed decisions in the face of modern information Wednesday, owning the techniques of creative activity and capable of not only absorb ready knowledge, but also generate new. He should be able to provide training so that the trainee saw it primarily as a self-study, self development, self actualization. The teacher must master the methods of teaching aimed at the assimilation of the body of knowledge of the students informed and critical in the field of informatics activities, the main result of which should be the formation of such valuable qualities as a person: activism, self-reliance, belief, result oriented, ability to make rational decisions.Since learning content is defined by its objectives and learning objectives are specific for different age groups of learners, teachers of Informatics require skills training through specific stages (initial stage (propedeutic course), elementary (basic course), senior (profile and elective courses), professional stage (University course)).One of the difficult issues in terms of teaching methods is the organization monitoring knowledge and skills. Informatics teacher should possess skills like training based on activity and content organization monitoring him adequately the achievements of students. In the face of student centered learning criteria for assessing the achievement of educational goals can be defined as a requirement, based on standardized procedures with the use of modelling methodology (I.i. Trubina). Consistent application of this methodology allows you to monitor the implementation of each of the requirements of the State standard of knowledge and skills and, on that basis, to create a system for assessing students ' achievements.Thus, Informatics teacher must be able to manage a modern methodical training system. It should be not only knowledge and
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
creative works, the positive assessment of the achievements, dialogic communication, etc.
The teacher of computer science should go from teaching predominantly informative character to the formation of personality, able to navigate and to make informed decisions in today's information environment, which owns the techniques of creative activities and capable of not only ready to absorb knowledge but also generate new. He should be able to organize the training so that the student saw him primarily as a self-learning, self-development, self actualization. The teacher must master the methods of teaching aimed at the conscious assimilation of trained body of knowledge and mastery of the most important in the field of computer science activities, mainly the result of which should be the formation of such valuable qualities of personality: the activity, independence, confidence, focus on results, the ability to make rational decisions.
since the content of the training is determined by the goals and learning objectives have their specificity for different age groups of students, some of the teachers of computer science requires the ability to provide training in the framework of a particular stage (initial stage (introductory course), main stage (basic course), the eldest stage (core and elective courses), professional level (college courses)).
One of the complex issues in terms of teaching methods is the organization of the control of knowledge and skills. Informatics teacher should possess skills for organizing a training on the basis of the activity of both content and organization of adequate monitoring of student achievement him. In the conditions of personally focused training the criteria for assessing the achievement of educational goals can be defined as the requirements that are based on a standardized procedure using the modeling methodology (II Trubina). Consistent application of this methodology allows to monitor the implementation of each of the requirements of national standard for knowledge and skills, and on this basis to create a system for evaluating student achievement.
Thus, the science teacher should be able to manage a modern methodological training system. He must have not only the knowledge and
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