У каждой страны есть свои предпочтения в еде. Но в России люди чаще вс перевод - У каждой страны есть свои предпочтения в еде. Но в России люди чаще вс английский как сказать

У каждой страны есть свои предпочте

У каждой страны есть свои предпочтения в еде. Но в России люди чаще всего едят- различные супы,каши,блины или пироги,картошку и многое другое. Необычно что,в нашей стране люди в буднии дни готовят дома,а в кафе и рестораны ходят только по праздникам ,в отличаи от Европы. В наши дни почти все пробукты содержат большое количество жиров и углеводов,поэтому многие люди соблюдают разные диеты и ведут здоровый образ жизни. Когда люди говорят дома,они знают из чего состоят их блюда и могу не волноваться за своё здоровье. Некоторые люди не могу ходить в кафе,так как они очень привередливые. Но ресторанная еда такая же вкусная,но дорогая. Чаще всего в наших ресторанах на праздники можно увидеть блюда такие как , селёдка под шубой,отбивные ,утку, свиью,множество салатов,торты и пироги и другие.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Each country has their own eating habits. But in Russia, people often eat different soups, porridges, pancakes or pies, potatoes and much more. Unusually that, in our country, people in the business days are cooked at home, but in cafes and restaurants go only on holidays, otličai from Europe. Nowadays almost all probukty contain large amounts of fat and carbohydrates, which is why many people observe different diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. When people talk, they know which consist of dishes and can not worry about his health. Some people can't walk into a café, because they are very demanding. But the restaurant food is the same tasty, but expensive. Often in our restaurants for the holidays you can see dishes like herring under a fur coat, chops, duck, svi′û, lots of salads, cakes and pies, and others.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Each country has its own eating habits. But in Russia, people often edyat- various soups, cereal, pancakes or pies, potatoes and more. Unusual that in our country people on weekdays cook at home and in cafes and restaurants only go on holidays in is different from Europe. Nowadays, almost all probukty contain large amounts of fats and carbohydrates, so many people follow different diets, and lead a healthy lifestyle. When people speak at home, they know what it consists of dishes and I can not worry about their health. Some people can not go to the cafe, as they are very choosy. But restaurant food is the same delicious, but expensive. Most often in our restaurants for the holidays can be seen dishes such as herring under a fur coat, chops, duck, sviyu, a lot of salads, cakes and pies, and others.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
each country has their own eating habits. but in russia, people often eat the soup, cereal, pancakes or pies, chips and much more. unusually, in our country, people in the буднии days cooking at homein the cafes and restaurants are only on holidays, unlike in europe. nowadays, almost all the пробукты contain large amounts of fat and carbohydrate, however many people with different diet and lead a healthy life.when people at home, they know what is their food, and can not to worry about his health. some people can't go to the cafe, as they are very finicky. but exactly the restaurant food is good, but expensive.often in our restaurants for the holidays, you can see the dishes such as herring under coat, chops, duck, свиью, lots of salads, cakes and pies, and other.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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