Я общительная личность. Люблю знакомиться с новыми людьми, общаться в большой компании, участвовать в спорах. Среди моих друзей есть и мальчики, и девочки. Я назвал бы себя доброжелательным человеком, часто я помогаю своим друзьям.
По характеру я внешне спокойный. Люблю подумать и помечать. Но это не значит, что я не могу сильно переживать. Просто я заметил, что если внутренне взволнован, то это не видно по моему поведению. Эту черту своего характера я хотел бы немного изменить. Ведь часто мои друзья и товарищи просто не замечают, что у меня какие-то неприятности, и не предлагают помочь.
Изредка я бываю вспыльчивым, если меня очень раздразнят. Тогда я могу излить весь свой гнев на обидчика, так, что ему мало не покажется. Но потом я способен помириться, потому что не злопамятен.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I am a sociable person. Love to meet new people, communicate in a large company, involved in disputes. Among my friends there are boys and girls. I would call myself a benevolent person, often I help my friends.By nature I am outwardly calm. Love to think and tag. But that doesn't mean I can't strongly worry. I just noticed that if internally excited, then it is not seen in my behavior. This trait of his character, I would like to change a bit. Very often my friends and comrades just don't notice that I have some trouble, and did not offer to help.Occasionally I am hot-tempered, if me very razdraznât. Then I can vent all your anger at the abuser, so that it does not seem little. But then I am able to reconcile, because not vindictive.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I am a sociable person. I love to meet new people, to communicate in a large company, to participate in the debate. Among my friends there are boys and girls. I would call myself a friendly person, I often help my friends. By nature I'm outwardly calm. I like to think and flag. But this does not mean that I can not worry much. I just noticed that if internally excited, this is not visible in my behavior. This trait of his character, I would like to change a little. It is often my friends and comrades do not notice that I have some kind of trouble, and did not offer to help. Occasionally, I'm quick-tempered, if I really teased. Then I can vent their anger at the offender, so that he will not find it. But then I was able to make peace, because it is not vindictive.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i am easy-going personality. i love to meet new people, to communicate in a big company, to participate in the debate. some of my friends have both boys and girls. i would call myself a benevolent man, i often help my friends.by nature, i outwardly calm. i like to think and mark. but that doesn"t mean i can"t worry. i just noticed that if internally excited, it doesn"t show on my behavior. this line of its nature, i would like to change it a bit. often my friends and comrades just don"t notice that i had some trouble, and offer to help.sometimes, i am a passionate, if i am very раздразнят. then i can pour out your anger on him, so that he won"t know what hit him. but then i was able to make up, because not unforgiving.
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