11. Проблема «Человек и окружающая среда» очень важна. 12. Поведение з перевод - 11. Проблема «Человек и окружающая среда» очень важна. 12. Поведение з английский как сказать

11. Проблема «Человек и окружающая

11. Проблема «Человек и окружающая среда» очень важна. 12. Поведение зависит от окружающей среды. 13. Ученые получили новые свидетельства зависимости животных от окружающей среды. 14. Такой подход к проблеме очень интересен. 15. Новый подход к проблеме дал очень важные результаты. 16. Наши выводы будут зависеть от результатов этого эксперимента. 17. Есть ли здесь какая-нибудь зависимость? 18. Мы пытались выяснить зависимость между поведением животного и окружающей средой. 19. Опыт помогает нам приспособиться к условиям окружающей среды. 20. Эта дискуссия содействовала решению многих теоретических проблем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11. the problem "man and environment" Wednesday is very important. 12. The behavior depends on the environment Wednesday. 13. scientists have received new evidence of dependence of animals from the environment Wednesday. 14. This approach to the problem is very interesting. 15. A new approach to the problem gave a very important results. 16. Our findings will depend on the results of this experiment. 17. Is there any addiction? 18. We were trying to figure out the relationship between the behavior of the animal and the environment Wednesday. 19. Experience helps us to adapt to environmental conditions Wednesday. 20. This discussion contributed to many theoretical problems.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
11. The problem of "Man and the Environment" is very important. 12. The behavior depends on the environment. 13. Scientists have new evidence of animals depending on the environment. 14. This approach to the problem is very interesting. 15. A new approach to the problem has given very important results. 16. Our findings will depend on the results of this experiment. 17. Is there any relationship here? 18. We are trying to figure out the relationship between animal behavior and the environment. 19. Experience helps us to adapt to environmental conditions. 20. This discussion helped to solve many theoretical problems.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
11. the problem of "people and the environment is very important. 12. behavior depends on the environment. 13. scientists have new evidence of dependence of animals from the environment. 14. this approach to the problem is very interesting. 15. a new approach to the problem has very important results. 16. our findings will depend on the results of this experiment. 17. is there any relationship? 18. we tried to find out the correlation between the behavior of the animal and environment. 19. the experience helps us to adapt to the environment. 20. this debate has contributed to the solution of many theoretical problems.
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