19. В чем он вас убеждал? Он убеждал ее в том, что имнеобходимо работа перевод - 19. В чем он вас убеждал? Он убеждал ее в том, что имнеобходимо работа английский как сказать

19. В чем он вас убеждал? Он убежда

19. В чем он вас убеждал? Он убеждал ее в том, что им
необходимо работать вместе. Он не мог уговорить ее написать письмо своим родителям. Мы уговаривали ее не
бросать занятий музыкой. Ему не понадобилось много времени, чтобы убедить их в этом. 20. Когда вы приехали
на стройку? (a construction site). Мы прибыли в Киев в понедельник утром. Сам факт, что он предложил ей своюTextbook 2
nd course Unit 2
помощь, изумил нас. Она, должно быть, пошла заниматься в библиотеку несмотря на головную боль. Вот в чем
дело. Расскажите, как это все произошло. Случайно он встретил на улице своего друга - это была удача. Жаль,
что вы не поместили эту заметку в нашей газете. Они часами, как зачарованные, слушали рассказы отца. Он мог
часами смотреть в огонь. Она завернула подарок в яркую бумагу
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
19. What are you convinced? He persuaded her that theyneed to work together. He could not persuade her to write a letter to their parents. We persuaded her notthrowing music. He has not needed much time to convince them. 20. When you cameon a construction site? (a construction site). We arrived in Kiev on Monday morning. The mere fact that he offered her svoûTextbook 2ND course Unit 213assistance was amazed us. She must have went to engage the library despite the headache. Here's whatcase. Tell us how it all happened. By chance he met on the street of his friend-it was luck. What a pitythat you do not put this info in our newspaper. They spent hours as charmed, listened to the stories of his father. He couldstare into the fire. She wrapped gift in a bright paper
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
19. What is it you convinced? He tried to convince her that they
need to work together. He could not persuade her to write a letter to his parents. We tried to persuade her not
to throw music lessons. It did not take long to convince them of this. 20. When you come
on the scene? (a construction site). We arrived in Kiev on Monday morning. The fact that he offered her svoyuTextbook 2
nd course Unit 2
help, astonished us. She must have gone to the library to engage despite the headache. Here's the
deal. Tell us how it all happened. By chance, he met his friend on the street - it was a stroke of luck. It is a pity
that you do not put this note in our newspaper. They watch, spellbound, listening to the stories of his father. He could
spend hours watching the fire. She wrapped the gift in bright paper
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
19. what he told you? he told her that theythe need to work together. he couldn"t convince her to write a letter to his parents. we told her notto study music. he took a lot of time to convince them of that. 20. when you come hereon the site? a construction site). we arrived in kiev monday morning. the fact that he offered her a своюTextbook 2nd course unit 213help, изумил us. she must have gone to the library, in spite of the headache. that"s whatthe case. tell me how it all happened. by chance he met on the street, my friend, that was lucky. sorry,you don"t put this article in our newspaper. they watch like charmed, listening to the stories of his father. he couldfor hours to watch the fire. she wrapped the gift in a paper.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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