Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращались с нею так, словно она была их с перевод - Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращались с нею так, словно она была их с английский как сказать

Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращал

Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращались с нею так, словно она была их служанкой. «Как жаль, что я не могу угодить (to please) сестрам, — не раз думала Золушка. — Как бы я ни старалась угодить им, они всегда недовольны (to find fault with somebody)». Однажды было объявлено (to announce), что в королевском дворце должен состояться большой бал. Всем очень хотелось пойти туда. Сестры Золушки были приглашены, но Золушка так и не получила приглашения. «Как жаль, что меня не пригласили!—думала бедная девушка. — Как жаль, что я не смогу увидеть Юного Принца! Как он, должно быть, красив! А что, если я попрошу сестер взять меня на бал? Нет, бесполезно даже и пытаться. Они меня не возьмут, хотя бы я умоляла их об этом целый день».

Наконец наступил день, когда сестры Золушки должны были поехать на бал. Золушке пришлось много работать, причесывая сестер и стараясь сделать их как можно красивее. Вечером сестры уехали, и Золушка осталась одна. «Какие они счастливые, — думала Золушна, сидя у камина. — Если бы у меня было красивое платье, я бы тоже могла поехать на бал». В эту минуту появилась ее крестная мать и сказала: «У тебя будет красивое платье. Ты пойдешь на бал. Но помни: как бы ты ни веселилась (to enjoy oneself), ты не должна оставаться во дворце после полуночи».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sisters of Cinderella (Cinderella) treated her as if she was their maid. "It is a pity that I can't please (to please) sisters — not once thought of Cinderella. — No matter how hard I tried to please them, they always dissatisfied (to find fault with somebody). " Once it was announced (to announce) that will be held in the Royal Palace grand ball. Everyone really wanted to go there. Cinderella's sisters were invited but Cinderella never received an invitation. "What a pity, that I wasn't invited! — thought the poor girl. -What a pity that I will not be able to see the young Prince! How he must be handsome! What if I asked the sisters to take me to the ball? No, it is useless to even try. They won't take me, although I begged them about it the whole day.Finally the day came when Cinderella's sisters were supposed to go to the ball. Cinderella had to work a lot, pričesyvaâ sisters and trying to make them more beautiful. In the evening, the sisters left, and Cinderella was left alone. "What are they happy, is thought Zolušna, sitting by the fireplace. -If I had a beautiful dress, I would also be able to go to the ball. At that moment her godmother appeared and said, "you will have a beautiful dress. You go to the ball. But remember: how would you no fun (to enjoy oneself), you must not stay in the Palace after midnight.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sister Cinderella (Cinderella) treated her like she was their maid. "What a pity that I can not please (to please) sisters - not once thought of Cinderella. - As much as I tried to please them, they are always unhappy (to find fault with somebody) ». One day it was announced (to announce), that the royal palace to be held a great ball. Everyone wanted to go there. Cinderella's sisters were invited but Cinderella has not received an invitation. "What a pity that I was not invited! You think the poor girl. - What a pity that I could not see the young prince! How he must be handsome! What if I asked the sisters to take me to the prom? No, it is useless to even try. They will not take me, even though I begged them about it all day. " Finally the day came when the sisters of Cinderella had to go to the ball. Cinderella had to work hard, brushing sisters and trying to make them as much as possible beautiful. In the evening, the sisters left, and Cinderella was alone. "What they are happy - Zolushna thought, sitting by the fireplace. - If I had a beautiful dress, I would, too, could go to the ball. " At that moment her godmother appeared and said, "You'll have a beautiful dress. You go to the prom. But remember: no matter how you had fun (to enjoy oneself), you should not stay in the palace after midnight. "

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Sisters Cinderella (he directed) have been treated with it, as if it was their lowly handmaid. "It's a pity that I cannot accomodate (to please) sisters, - not once thought I was Cinderella. - As I tried appease them, they always complain (to find fault with Ternheim) ".Once it was announced (to subscription), that at the royal palace should be held a large ball. All very much like to go there. Cinderella sisters were invited, but the Stepmother and has not received an invitation. "It's a pity,
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