Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).
(B) (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.)
1. Если бы миссис Копперфильд не имела намерения выйти замуж, она бы не послала Давида к мистеру Пеготти. 2. Глядя на маленькую Эмили, Давид часто думал о том, что если бы не мистер Пеготти, она была бы несчастным бесприютным (homeless) ребенком. 3. Давид сказал Пеготти: «Я думаю, что ваш брат очень добрый человек; он бы не удочерил (to adopt) маленькую Эмили, если бы он не был такой добрый». 4. Маленькая Эмили часто говорила Давиду, что если бы случилось так, что она когда-нибудь стала богатой дамой, она подарила бы мистеру Пеготти золотые часы, серебряную трубку и целый ящик денег. 5. Давид не знал, что его матушка вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона. Если бы он знал об этом, он не возвращался бы домой в таком хорошем настроении. 6. Если бы мистер Мердстон сказал Давиду хотя бы одно ласковое (kind) слово, мальчик, возможно, привязался бы к нему. 7. Увидев на лице Давида следы слез, мистер Мердстон велел ему немедленно умыться. Мальчик сразу понял, что если бы случилось так, что он ослушался отчима, тот бы его жестоко избил. 8. «Как мы были бы сейчас счастливы, если бы матушка не вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона», часто думал Давид. 9. Давид был способный мальчик и мог бы хорошо учиться, если бы на уроках не присутствовали Мердстоны. 10. Давид стал угрюмым и вялым (dull) ребенком. Он, возможно, совсем бы отупел (to get stupefied), если бы не книги, которые он читал часами.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).(B) (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by ch. Dickens.)1. If Mrs Copperfield had no intention to marry, it would not have sent David to Mister Pegotti. 2. looking at the little Emily, David often thought that if it were not for Mr Pegotti, it would be a miserable helpless (homeless) child. 3. David Pegotti said: "I think your brother is very kind man; He would not be back (to adopt) the little Emily, had he not been so kind. " 4. Little Emily often spoke to David that if it so happens that she ever was a rich Lady, she gave the Mister Pegotti gold watch, a silver tube and a whole box of money. 5. David knew that his mother was married to Mr Merdstona. If he knew about it, he would not return home in such a good mood. 6. If Mr Merdston said to David, at least one gentle kind word, the boy might be attached to it. 7. Seeing the face of David traces of tears, Mr Merdston told him to wash. The boy immediately realized that if it so happens that he disobeyed her stepfather, he would be severely beaten. 8. "we are now happy, if the mother is not married Mr Merdstona", often thought David. 9. David was a capable boy and would learn well, if Merdstony were not present in the classroom. 10. David became sullen and lethargic (dull) child. It may just be otupel (to get stupefied) if not for the books that he read a clock.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood WHERE required (conditional sentences). (B) (Based on an Episode from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.) 1. If Mrs. Copperfield had no intention of marrying, she would not have sent to Mr. David Pegotti. 2. Looking at the little Emily, David often thought that if it were not for Mr. Pegotti, it would be unfortunate homeless (homeless) child. 3. David said Pegotti: "I think your brother is very good man; he would not have to adopt (to adopt) Little Emily if he was not so good. " 4. Little Emily often told David that if it happened that she ever became a wealthy lady, she gave to Mr. Pegotti gold watch, a silver pipe and a box of money. 5. David did not know that his mother married Mr. Merdstona. If he knew about it, he would not return home in such a good mood. 6. If Mr. David Merdston said at least one tender (kind) word, the boy may be attached to it. 7. Seeing the face of David traces of tears, Mr. Merdston told him to wash immediately. The boy immediately realized that if it happened that he disobeyed his stepfather, who brutally beat him. 8. "What we would now be happy if my mother did not marry Mr. Merdstona" often thought David. 9. David was a smart boy, and could learn well if the lessons were not present Merdstony. 10. David became sullen and lethargic (dull) child. He may be quite dulled (to get stupefied), if not for the books he read for hours.
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