1. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому. Дул сильный ветер и станов перевод - 1. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому. Дул сильный ветер и станов английский как сказать

1. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли

1. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому. Дул сильный ветер и становилось всё холоднее и холоднее.
2. Если у меня будет время, я навещу вас.
3. Она постоянно задаёт мне один и тот же вопрос.
4. Он никогда не опаздывает на занятия и приходит за несколько минут до начала занятий.
5. Вы когда-нибудь были в Бразилии? - Пока нет.
6. Когда мы сдадим экзамены, у нас будет возможность отдохнуть во время каникул.
7. Они только что уехали.
8. В то время как Джейн готовила ужин, Питер ремонтировал машину в гараже.
9. Они уже завершили строительство дороги?
10. Вчера он вернулся домой поздно.
11. Вы уже слышали последние новости?
12. Все выпускники школ хотят получить высшее образование.
13. Он собирается стать программистом.
14. Когда он окончит университет, он поедет работать в Москву.
15. Где вы были вчера? Я звонил вам, но никого не было дома.
16. Ему нужно ещё два дня, чтобы закончить работу.
17. Вода состоит из водорода и кислорода.
18. Поезд из Питера приезжает в 7 часов вечера.
19. Они знают друг друга уже более десяти лет.
20. На улице сильный дождь. Не забудь взять с собой зонтик.

Ex. 45. Translate the following sentences into English using appropriate tense forms (Low Intermediate level).
1. Я не могу решить, какую книгу мне выбрать.
2. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол.
3. Нина в библиотеке пишет доклад по истории.
4. Я не видела вас уже целую вечность.
5. Когда мы придём домой, мы вам сразу же позвоним.
6. Согласно учебной программе в следующем семестре у нас будет курс русского языка и культуры речи.
7. Он никогда не обращает внимания на своё здоровье.
8. Они только что вернулись из Парижа.
9. Если вы на него не повлияете, он попадёт в беду.
10. Постарайтесь в следующий раз придти во время.
11. Она получила письмо от своей сестры на прошлой неделе.
12. В этой книге содержится вся необходимая для вас информация.
13. Он отказался помочь ей.
14. Вы интересуетесь иностранными языками?
15. Вы когда-нибудь ездили верхом на лошади?
16. Химические и физические свойства урана теперь хорошо известны.
17. Оденьтесь теплее, на улице холодает.
18. Когда мы вернулись, они сидели за столом и пили чай.
19. Раньше они часто ходили в театр, а теперь у них нет свободного времени.
20. Завтра он уезжает в Москву.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. it was already dark when we come to the House. A strong wind was blowing and became colder and colder.
2. If I have time, I will visit you.
3. She constantly asks me the same question.
4. He is never late for classes and comes in a few minutes.
5. Have you ever been in Brazil? -Not yet.
6. When we pass the exams, we will be able to relax during the holidays.
7. They just drove off.
8. While Jane was cooking dinner, Peter was repairing the car in the garage.
9. They have already completed the construction of the road?
10. Today he returned home late.
11. You've heard the latest news?
12. All school graduates want to obtain higher education.
13. It's going to be a programmer.
14. When he finished University, he would be going to work in Moscow.
15. Where were you yesterday? I called you but nobody was home.
16. He needed two more days to finish work.
17. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
18. The train from Peter arrives at 7:0 pm.
19. They have known each other for more than a decade.
20. Street rain. Don't forget to bring your umbrella. Ex

. 45. Translate the following sentences into English, using appropriate tense forms (Low Intermediate level)
1. I can't decide which book I pick.
2. When Tom went out of the House, all the guys played football.
3. Nina writes a report on library history.
4. I haven't seen you for ages.
5. When we come home, we will immediately call you.
6. According to the curriculum in the next semester we will rate the Russian language and culture speech.
7. He never pays attention to your health.
8. They have just returned from Paris.
9. If you not would influence, He will get into trouble.
10. Try next time to come while.
11. She received a letter from my sister last week.
12. This book contains all necessary information for you.
13. He refused to help her.
14. Are you interested in foreign languages?
15. Have you ever ridden a horse?
16. The chemical and physical properties of uranium is now well known.
17. Dress warmer outside temperatures drop.
18. When we got back, They sat at the table and drank tea.
19. They often went to the theater, and now they have no free time.
20. Tomorrow he goes to Moscow

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Was already dark when we reached the house. Strong wind was blowing and it was getting colder and colder.
2. If I have time, I'll visit you.
3. She keeps asking me the same question.
4. He is never late to class and comes in a few minutes before class.
5. Have you been to Brazil? - Not yet.
6. When we pass the exam, we will be able to relax during the holidays.
7. They just left.
8. While Jane cooking dinner, Peter repaired the car in the garage.
9. They have already completed the construction of the road?
10. Yesterday he came home late.
11. You've heard the latest news?
12. All high school graduates want to pursue higher education.
13. He's going to be a programmer.
14. When he graduated from university, he would go to work in Moscow.
15. Where were you yesterday? I called you, but no one was home.
16. He needed two more days to finish the job.
17. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
18. Train from Peter arrives at 7:00 pm.
19. They know each other for over ten years.
20. On the street, heavy rain. Do not forget to bring your umbrella. Ex. 45. Translate the following sentences into English using appropriate tense forms (Low Intermediate level). 1. I can not decide which book I choose. 2. When Tom came out of the house, all the boys played football. 3. Nina writes in the library on the history report. 4. I have not seen you for ages. 5. When we get home, we will call you immediately. 6. According to the curriculum next semester we will have a course of Russian language and culture of speech. 7. He never pays attention to his health. 8. They had just returned from Paris. 9. If you do not affect him, he gets into trouble. 10. Try next time come in time. 11. She received a letter from my sister last week. 12. This book contains all the necessary information for you. 13. He refused to help her. 14. Are you interested in foreign languages? 15. Have you ever ridden a horse? 16. Chemical and physical properties of uranium are now well known. 17. Dress warmly, it gets cold outside. 18. When we returned, they sat at the table drinking tea. 19. Previously, they often went to the theater, and now they do not have free time. 20. Tomorrow he leaves for Moscow.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. It was already dark when we have come to the house. Heaven knows what the wind and got colder and colder.
2. If I have time, i навещу you.
3. She constantly asked me the same question.
4.He never is late on the sheet and comes in a few minutes before the class.
5. Have you ever been to Brazil? - As long as there is no.
6. When we gubernatorial inauguration examinations, we will have the opportunity to relax during the holidays.
7.They had just left.
8. At the time, as well as Jane had prepared dinner, Peter repaired car in the garage.
9. They have already completed the construction of the road?
10. Yesterday he returned home late.
11. Have you heard the latest news?
12.All the graduates schools want to get a higher education.
13. It's going to be a programr.
14. When they expire, he won't work in Moscow.
15. Where were you yesterday? I called you, but no one was home.
16.He will need another two days to finish the work.
17. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
18. The train from Peter arrives at 7 o'clock in the evening.
19. They know each other for more than ten years.
20. On the street it's raining hard.Don't forget to take an umbrella.lord Ex. 45. Translate the following sentenсes into English using appropriate tense forms (Low Intermediate level) .
1. I can't decide which book i choose.
2. When the come out of the house and all the kids played football.
3.Nina is in the library." The report on the history of.
4. I have not seen you already forever.
5. When we arrive home, we you immediately позвоним.
6.The training program in the next semester, we will have the course of Russian language and culture speech.
7. He never drew attention to their health.
8. They had just returned from Paris.
9. If you are it is not Vladimir Putin: I see,He gets into trouble.
10. Try the next time come in time.
11. She had received a letter from his sister's last week.
12. This book contains all the necessary information for you.
13. He refused to help it.
14.Are you interested in foreign languages?
15. Have you ever went horse riding?
16. Chemical and physical properties uranium now well known.
17. Dress warmer, in the street низкорентабельным.
18. When we returned,They were sitting at the table and drank tea.
19. Before they often went to the theater, and now they have no free time.
20. Tomorrow he go abroad in Moscow.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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