l Он, должно быть, слышал об этом. 2. Этот дом, должно быть, построен в начале столетия. 3. Вы не должны прекращать работу, пока вы ее не закончите. 4„ У них, вероятно, сейчас урок. 5. Не огорчайся, он, должно быть, сделал это случайно. 6. Он, вероятно, сейчас спит. 7, Я ищу этот дом вот уже полчаса и нигде не могу его найти. Должно быть, она дала мне неправильный адрес. 8. Мне не пришлось делать этот чертеж. 9. Он, вероятно, не успел закончить работу к пятнице и был вынужден потратить на нее все выходные, т„к. ее нужно было закончить к понедельнику. 10 Она, должно быть, не полила сад. Земля очень сухая. 11с Выбора не было, и им пришлось согласиться. 12. Она, должно быть, ждет нас дома. 13. Она должна ждать нас дома. 14 Ей, наверное, не сказали, что мы уже вернулись, 15, Ей пришлось извиниться, хотя это и было неприятно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
l he must have heard about it. 2. The House must be built at the beginning of the century. 3. you must not discontinue work until you're done. 4 "they probably now a lesson. 5. Not Oracle, he must have done it accidentally. 6. He probably now sleeps. 7, I'm looking for this House that's already half an hour and can't find it anywhere. It should be, she gave me the wrong address. 8. I did not have to do this drawing. 9. He probably did not have time to finish the work by Friday and was forced to spend on it all weekend, t"k. it had to be completed by Monday. 10 It should be poured not garden. The land is very dry. 11 there was no choice, and they had to accept. 12. She must be waiting for us at home. 13. It should wait for us at home. 14 It probably did not say that we have already returned, 15, had to apologize, although this was unpleasant.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
l He must have heard about it. 2. The house should be built in the beginning of the century. 3. You must not stop working until you have finished it. 4 "They are probably a lesson today. 5. Do not worry, he must have done it accidentally. 6. He's probably sleeping now. 7, I'm looking for this house here for half an hour and nowhere can not find it. She must have given me the wrong address. 8. I did not have to do this drawing. 9. He probably did not have time to finish the job by Friday and had to spend on it all weekend, that "to. it had to be finished by Monday. 10 She must have not watered the garden. The land is very dry. 11c There was no choice, and they had to accept. 12. It must be waiting for us at home. 13. It should be waiting for us at home. 14 She probably did not say that we have returned, 15, She had to apologize, even though it was unpleasant.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
l he must have heard about it. 2. this house must have been built at the beginning of the century. 3. you don"t have to stop work until you finish. 4„ is probably now the lesson. 5. don"t worry, he must have done it by accident. 6. perhaps he"s sleeping now. 7, i"m looking for the house for half an hour and i can"t find it anywhere. she must"ve given me the wrong address. 8. i don"t have to do the design. 9. he probably hasn"t had a chance to finish the job by friday and was forced to spend her all weekend, т„к. she had to finish by monday. 10 she must not be watered the garden. the land is very dry. 11c didn"t have a choice, and they had to agree. 12. she must be waiting for us at home. 13. she must be waiting for us at home. 14 she must not say what we have already returned, 15, she had to apologize, even though it was uncomfortable.
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