жажда мщения была чрезвычайно распространена среди евреев после второй перевод - жажда мщения была чрезвычайно распространена среди евреев после второй английский как сказать

жажда мщения была чрезвычайно распр

жажда мщения была чрезвычайно распространена среди евреев после второй мировой войны. По всей послевоенной Германии шныряли еврейские банды, состоящие иногда из десятков бывших узников концлагерей. Они разыскивали немецких охранников и членов администрации лагерей и убивали их. Еврейский писатель Илья Эренбург писал "Убей немца" и самому Сталину пришлось унять его, напомнив, что "гитлеры уходят, а Германия и немецкий народ остаются". Существовали планы отравить воду в верховьях Рейна и таким образом убить несколько миллионов немцев. Еще в 1941 году в США вышла книга еврея Теодора Кауфмана «Германия должна погибнуть!», в которой автор предлагал после окончания войны стерилизовать немцев и разделить территорию Германии между Голландией, Бельгией, Францией, Чехословакией и Польшей. Эта геноцидноманьячная еврейская идея стала частью плана Маршалла - в оккупированном США, Англией и Францией секторе Германии "мировая демократия" планировала в обязательном порядке провести стерилизацию всех мужчин призывного возраста, подозреваемых в участии в боевых действиях. А ведь в конце войны в созданном фольксштурме призывной возраст был от 14 до 60 лет. То есть планировалось стерилизовать всё мужское детопроизводное население Германии! В 1945 году на пути этой придуманной евреями садистской преступной акции встал Сталин, который предупредил вчерашних союзников, что если они начнут стерилизацию, он начнет против них войну".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
the thirst for vengeance has been extremely common among Jews after World War II. Throughout post-war Germany snooping around Jewish gang, consisting sometimes of dozens of former prisoners of concentration camps. They were looking for the German guards and members of the administration of the camps and murdered them. The Jewish writer Ilya Ehrenburg wrote "kill the German ' and the Stalin had to appease him, recalling that" Hitlers, and Germany and the German people are. " There were plans to poison the water in the upper reaches of the Rhine and thus kill several million Germans. In 1941, the United States published a book the Jew Theodore Kaufman's Germany must perish! ' ", in which the author suggested to sterilize the Germans after the war and split the German territory between the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia and Poland. This Jewish idea genocidnoman′âčnaâ became a part of the Marshall plan in the occupied United States, Britain and France Gaza Germany "world democracy planned to hold mandatory sterilization of all age men suspected of involvement in the fighting. But at the end of the war in the fol′ksšturme age was from 14 to 60 years. That is intended to sterilize all male detoproizvodnoe the people of Germany! In 1945, in the way that Jews invented a sadistic criminal act was Stalin, who yesterday warned allies that if they start the sterilization, he will begin a war against them. "
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
thirst for vengeance was extremely common among the Jews after World War II. Throughout post-war Germany darted Jewish gangs, sometimes consisting of dozens of former prisoners of concentration camps. They were looking for the German guards and members of the administration of the camps and killed them. Jewish writer Ilya Ehrenburg wrote "Kill the Germans" and Stalin himself had to calm him, recalling that "Hitler go, but Germany and the German people remain." There were plans to poison the water in the upper reaches of the Rhine and thus kill several million Germans. In 1941 in the United States published a book Jew Theodore Kaufman's "Germany Must Perish!", In which he offered after the war to sterilize the Germans and Germany divided the territory between Holland, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia and Poland. This genotsidnomanyachnaya Jewish idea became part of the Marshall Plan - occupied in the United States, Britain and France, the German sector "world democracy" planned to fail to sterilize all men of military age, suspected of involvement in hostilities. But at the end of the war created Volkssturm draft age was between 14 and 60 years. That is intended to sterilize the entire male population of Germany detoproizvodnoe! In 1945, in the way that the Jews invented by sadistic criminal action arose Stalin, who warned yesterday's allies that if they begin to sterilization, it will start a war against them. "
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
A thirst for vengeance was extremely widespread among Jews after the second world war. Throughout the post-war Germany could be spies." Jewish gangs, consisting sometimes of the dozens of former concentration camp prisoners.They were German guards and members of the administration camps and killed them. Jewish writer Ilya Mikhail wrote "Kill Germans" and the Stalin had his disciples, recalling that "Mr Hilaire Belloc go,And Germany and the German people remain". There were plans to poison water upstream Rhine and in such a way to kill a few million Germans.Even in 1941, in the United States book jew Theodor WBI research shows "Germany must die! ", in which the author suggested that after the end of the war be sterilized Germans and to divide the territory between Germany Holland, Belgium,France, Czechoslovakia and Poland. This геноцидноманьячная Jewish idea has become a part of Marshall Plan - in occupied us,England and France sector Germany "the world democracy" had planned in order to hold a mandatory sterilization all men of military age, suspected of involvement in the fighting.But at the end of the war in the crafted фольксштурме age was 14 to 60 years. That is planned sterilize all male детопроизводное population of Germany!In 1945, in the way that concealed Jews sadistic criminal acts was Stalin, who warned yesterday's allies, that if they begin to sterilization, he starts against them war".
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