Он хотел прогулятьсяВзял сигарету. На этот раз это был не из-за нее, а перевод - Он хотел прогулятьсяВзял сигарету. На этот раз это был не из-за нее, а английский как сказать

Он хотел прогулятьсяВзял сигарету.

Он хотел прогуляться
Взял сигарету. На этот раз это был не из-за нее, а за нее. Он осознал, что ее больше нет. Человек, который любил его до смерти, уже покинул этот мир. Может в глубине души какая та часть его радовалась, но ему было грустно.
Как бы все не совпадалось, он знал, что это не его вина, что он этого не делал. Одна лишь мысль о ее смерти вернуло его в реальность и тогда он понял, что прошел буквально 6 км.
Пришел домой. Вокруг полиции, шум, свет камер.
После взятки показании и данных, они меня не беспокоили. Только полтора месяца спустя один мужчина пришел и заявил
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He wanted to take a walkPicked up a cigarette. This time it was not because of her, and for her. He realized that it is no more. The man who loved him to death, have already left this world. Maybe deep down what is the part of his teammates, but it was sad. Like all sovpadalos′, he knew it was not his fault that he didn't do it. The mere thought of her death brought it into reality and then he realized that was just 6 km away. Came home. Around the police, noise, light cameras.After bribery allegations and data they haven't bothered me. Only a month and a half later, a man came and said
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He wanted to take a walk
I took a cigarette. This time it was not because of her, and for her. He realized that it is no more. The man who loved him to death, has left this world. Maybe deep down, what that part of it happy, but he was sad.
As if things are not the same, he knew that it was not his fault that he did not. Just the thought of her death brought him back to reality, and then he realized that he was just 6 km away.
Came home. Around the police, noise, light cameras.
After bribes testimony and data, it does not bother me. Only one and a half months later, a man came and said
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
He would like to explore
took a cigarette. At this time it was not because of the it, as well. He realized that it is no longer present. People, who loved him to death, had already left this world. May, in their heart of hearts what is the portion of its Olympians,He would like to explore
took a cigarette. At this time it was not because of the it, as well. He realized that it is no longer present. People, who loved him to death, had already left this world. May, in their heart of hearts what is the portion of its Olympians,He would like to explore
took a cigarette. At this time it was not because of the it, as well. He realized that it is no longer present. People, who loved him to death, had already left this world. May, in their heart of hearts what is the portion of its Olympians,But it was sad.
How would all not совпадалось, he knew that this was not his fault, that he didn't do it. One only thought of her death returned it in reality, and then he realized that it was just 6 km away.
Came home.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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