Был чудесный весенний вечер. Фрэд жил в пригороде небольшого городка,г перевод - Был чудесный весенний вечер. Фрэд жил в пригороде небольшого городка,г английский как сказать

Был чудесный весенний вечер. Фрэд ж

Был чудесный весенний вечер. Фрэд жил в пригороде небольшого городка,где не было высоких зданий. Его отец был архитектором. Недавно они переехали в большой дом, который построил его отец. В доме было жарко.
"Пойду прогуляюлебедями". Он пошёл к пруду. В воздухе стоял чудесный запах, так как цвели магнолии.
Вдруг он увидел девушку. Она сидела на скамейке, а в руке у неё был прекрасный цветок магнолии. Девушка смотрела на воду. Она была прелестна. У неё были длинные тёмные волосы, и на ней было красивое розовое платье.
Фрэд подошёл к ней."Привет,-сказал он.-Как тебя зовут?" "Элеонора",-ответила она и улыбнулась ему.
Фрэд и Элеонора разговаривали уже долго, когда заметили,что солнце село. Почти стемнело."Мне надо идти домой",-сказала Элеонора. "Где ты живёшь?"-спросил Фрэд. "В маленьком домике у моста,-ответила Элеонора.-А ты где живёшь?" "В новом красном доме в центре города",-ответил Фрэд. "О,да он богат",-подумала про себя Элеонора.
"Я буду ждать тебя здесь завтра в 7 вечера",-сказал Фрэд. На следующий день, когда Фред пришел в парк, он понял, что Элеонора уже приходила туда, потому что увидел свежий цветок магнолии на скамейке
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Was a wonderful spring evening. Fred lived in a suburb of a small town, where there were no tall buildings. His father was an architect. They recently moved into a large house built by his father. The House was hot. "Go progulâûlebedâmi". He went to the pond. In the air stood a wonderful smell as blossomed magnolias. Suddenly he saw a girl. She sat on the bench, and in her hand she had beautiful Magnolia flower. The girl stared at the water. She was lovely. She had long dark hair, and it was a beautiful pink dress. Fred came to it. " Hi, he said, what's your name? " "Eleanor," she replied and smiled at him. Fred and Eleanor chatted for a long time when noticed that the Sun has set. Almost sunset. " I need to go home, "said Eleanor. "Where do you live?" Fred asked. "In a small cabin near the bridge, Eleanor said.-and you are where you live?" "The new Red House in the Centre of the city," said Fred. "Oh yes he is rich," thought to herself, Eleanor. "I will wait for you here tomorrow at 7 pm," said Fred. The next day, when Fred came to the Park, he realized that Eleanor had already come in there, because I saw a fresh flower of Magnolia on the bench
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It was a wonderful spring evening. Fred lived in the suburbs of a small town, where there were no tall buildings. His father was an architect. They recently moved into a large house, built by his father. The house was hot.
"Go progulyayulebedyami". He went to the pond. The air was filled with a wonderful smell as a magnolia bloomed.
Suddenly he saw the girl. She sat on the bench, and in her hand she had a beautiful magnolia flower. She looked at the water. She was lovely. She had long dark hair, and she was wearing a beautiful pink dress.
Fred walked up to her. 'Hi,' he said on.-What's your name? " "Eleanor" -. She said and smiled at him,
Fred and Eleanor talked for a long time, when they noticed that the sun had set. Almost dark, "I have to go home", -. Eleanor said. "Where do you live?" - Asked Fred. "In a small house near the bridge, he replied Eleonora.-A where you live?" "The new red house in the center of the city", - said Fred. "Oh, yes, he's rich," - thought to herself, Eleanor.
"I'll meet you here tomorrow at 7 pm" - Fred said. The next day, when Fred came to the park, he saw that Eleanor has already come back, because I saw fresh magnolia flower on the bench
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
was a beautiful spring evening. i lived in the suburbs of a small town, where there was not high buildings. his father was an architect. they recently moved into a large house built by his father. in the house it was hot."i прогуляюлебедями". he went to the pond. in the air, stood a beautiful smell, so as the blossom of magnolia.suddenly, he saw a girl. she was sitting on the bench, and in her hand she had a beautiful flower. the girl looked at the water. she was nice. she had long dark hair, and she was wearing a beautiful pink dress.i walked up to her. "hey," said он. - what"s your name? " eleanor "she said and smiled.fred and eleanor talked a long time, and have noticed that the sun goes down. almost dark. "i have to go home," said the princess. " where do you live? " said fred. " in a small house next to the bridge, is said элеонора. - where do you live? " new red house in the centre of the city, "said fred." oh, yes, he is rich, thought to myself you."i"ll meet you here tomorrow at 7 o"clock," said fred. the next day, when fred came to the park, he realized that eleanor had come there because i saw a fresh flower on the bench
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