describe Shrewsbury/ Is the place where you live different&what can yo перевод - describe Shrewsbury/ Is the place where you live different&what can yo английский как сказать

describe Shrewsbury/ Is the place w

describe Shrewsbury/ Is the place where you live different&
what can young people do in your place&
???)В США нету ничего для досуга молодых людей.Поэтому молодежь ходят по улицам и занимаются вандализмом.
2) Give some examples of the anti-sotial behaviour
????)Антисоциальное поведение это вандализм, нарушение закона, и манер.
3) How could the local authorities solve Liam's problems
?????)Местные власти могут выделять больше денег на досуг молодых людей. И молодежь будет занята. У них не будет времени на антисоциальное поведение.

4) Make a list of advice Liam's got. . Which piece of advice is the most and the least useful
????)Он получил разные советы. Например: найти место где молодые люди смогут тратить своё время. Найти занятия например спорт, балет, гимнастика, езда на велосипедах, чтение книг, чтение в компьютере, занятия в организациях, кадетские группы.
Все эти советы очень полезны.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
describe Shrewsbury/Is the place where you live different andWhat can young people do in your place and???) In the United States nothing for leisure activities of young people. So young people walking around the streets and deal with vandalism.gostagger on2) Gives some examples of the anti-sotial behaviour????) Anti-social behaviour is vandalism, violation of the law, and manners.violationlaw3) How could the local authorities solve Liam's problems?????) Local authorities can allocate more money for leisure time of young people. And young people will be busy. They will have no time for antisocial behavior.allocatemorebusy4) Make a list of advice Liam's got. . Which piece of advice is the most and the least useful????) He received different advice. For example: find a place where young people can spend their time. Find classes such as sports, Ballet, gymnastics, cycling, reading books, reading in computer classes in organizations, Cadet groups.All these tips are very useful.gotTipsdifferentTo findfor examplespend
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Shrewsbury the describe / Is the PLACE where clause you the live Different &
what young people CAN do in your PLACE &
???) In the US, there is nothing for young leisure lyudey.Poetomu youth walking the streets and engaged in vandalism.
2) Give some of the examples of anti-sotial the Behaviour
????) Antisocial behavior is vandalism, violation of the law, and manners.
violation of
the law of
3) How Could the local Authorities of Liam's Problems view the solve
?????) Local authorities may allocate more money to young people's leisure time. And young people will be busy. They will have no time for anti-social behavior.
more than

4) Make a list of advice Liam's got. . Piece of advice the Which is the are most and the Least Useful
????) He received different advice. For example, to find a place where young people can spend their time. Find classes such as sports, ballet, gymnastics, cycling, reading books, reading, computer, class organizations, cadet group.
All of these tips are very useful.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
describe Shrewsbury / is the place where you live in?what can young people do in your place.? ????) in the us there is nothing to leisure activities of young людей.поэтому young people walking through the streets and engage in vandalism.walkpullon2) give some examples of the anti sotial behaviour? ?? ????), anti social behaviour that's vandalism, violation of the law and manners.violationthe law3) how could the local authorities solve liam's problems? ?? ????) the local government can allocate more money for leisure activities for young people. and the young people will be busy. they don't have time for anti social behaviour.allocatemorebusy4) make a list of advice liam's got. . that piece of advice is the most and the least useful? ?? ?) he got different advice. for example: to find a place where young people can spend their time. find activities such as sport, ballet, gymnastics, riding on the bike, reading books, reading in the computer class in the organizations, the cadet unit.all these tips are very useful.receivedtipsdifferentfindfor examplewaste
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