7. Его дочери делали все, что могли, чтобы заставить Джорджа забыть Эм перевод - 7. Его дочери делали все, что могли, чтобы заставить Джорджа забыть Эм английский как сказать

7. Его дочери делали все, что могли

7. Его дочери делали все, что могли, чтобы заставить Джорджа забыть Эмилию.
8. Они только и делали, что превозносили мисс Роду Сварц до небес (to praise somebody to the skies).
9. С утра до ночи Джордж слышал, как они говорили о достоинствах и талантах (perfections and accomplishments) мисс Роды.
10. Они уговаривали брата жениться на ней. «Ты, несомненно, будешь счастлив с ней», — не раз говорили они.
11. Мисс Рода считала Джорджа очень милым молодым человеком, и ей очень хотелось (to be anxious), чтобы он женился на ней.
12. Однажды случилось так, что Рода пела любимую песенку Эмилии.
13. Она ждала, что Джордж попросит ее повторить песню, и сидела, перелистывая страницы нот (music).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
7. His daughter did everything they could to force George forget Emilia. 8. They only did that extolled the Miss Genus Swartz sky-high (to praise somebody to the skies). 9. From morning till night George heard, as they talked about the virtues and talents (perfections and accomplishments) Miss Deliveries. 10. They persuaded his brother to marry her. "You're undoubtedly going to happy with it," the times said. 11. Miss kind of believed George is a very nice young man, and she longed to (to be realism figurative painting anxious) that he married her. 12. Once it so happened, that kind of singing your favorite song of Emilia. 13. She waited that George asks her to repeat the song and sat leafing through pages of notes (music).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
7. His daughter did everything they could to make George forget Emilia.
8. They just did what they praised Miss Rhoda Swartz to heaven (to praise somebody to the skies).
9. From morning to night, George heard them talking about strengths and talents (perfections and accomplishments) Childbirth Miss.
10. They tried to persuade his brother to marry her. "You will surely be happy with it," - said more than once they did.
11. Miss Rhoda thought George very nice young man, and she wanted (to be anxious), so he married her.
12. Once it so happened that Rod sang favorite song Emilia.
13. She waited for George asked her to repeat a song and sat leafing through pages of notes (music).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
7. his daughter did everything they could to get george to emilia.
8. they're just doing that praised far miss family сварц up (to my husband made us feel at home from the skies.
9. from morning till night, george heardas they talked about the virtues and talents (perfections and accomplishments) miss delivery.
10. they told his brother to marry her. "you will certainly be happy with it, is not the time, they said.
11.miss rhoda thought george a very nice young man, and she really wanted to be anxious) that he married her.
12. once happened, what kind of singing favorite song to amelia.
13. she was waitinggeorge asks her to repeat the song and sat by turning over the pages of sheet music (music).
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