Я знаю, ты очень любишь музыку, поэтому я хотел бы посоветовать тебе одного исполнителя. Его зовут Джозеф Салват - и мне очень нравится его голос. Именно он и запечатлен на моей фотографии. Правда, он здорово получился? На фотографии видна вся его харизма и любовь к тому, чем он занимается.
Фотография была сделана летом. Тогда мне удалось побывать на записи клипа песни "Shoot and run", которую исполнят Джозеф. Я не смогла удержаться от того, чтобы не сделать снимок.
Как я уже сказала, на фотографии изображены съемки клипа. Все присутствующие очень ждали съемочного процесса, так как это очень захватывающе! Съемочная группа записывала клип на новую песню Джозефа, которая, как обычно, оказалась невероятно мелодичной.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I know you're very love music, so I would like to advise you of one of the executor. His name is Joseph Salvat-and I really like his voice. It is imprinted on my photos. However, it turned out to be great? On the photo is visible all his charisma and love of what he does.Picture was taken in the summer. Then I managed to visit at record clip of the song "Shoot and run" that will be performed by Joseph. I could not resist the order to not take a picture.As I have already said, the photograph shows the shooting. All present very waited for the film-making process, as this is very exciting! The camera crew recorded the clip to a new song by Joseph, who, as usual, proved to be an incredibly melodious.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i know you are very fond of music, however i would like to recommend you one perpetrator. his name is joseph салват - and i really like the sound of his voice. it is imprinted on my photos. really, he's turned out? in the picture you can see the entire his charisma and his love for what he does.the photograph was taken in the summer. then i was able to record the video song "shoot and run ',' joseph. i couldn't resist to make a picture.as i have already said in the picture depicts the movie clip. everyone is waiting for the shooting process, as it is very exciting. a film crew recorded the video for a new song by joseph, who, as usual, was extremely melodic.
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