Zeb Stump carried the unconscious man to the bank of the stream.

Zeb Stump carried the unconscious m

Zeb Stump carried the unconscious man to the bank of the stream.
"He's fainted," he said to Phelim, examining the mustenger. "But I see no serious wounds. The leg isn't broken. Ho, ho! The young fellow's been attacked by coyotes!"
Phelim was so happy to see his master alive that he started dancing in excitement. Zeb paid no attention to his actions. He began examining Maurice's things. He had already noticed the Panama hat.
"It's strange," he thought.
He knew that the young Irishman always wore a Mexican sombrero. Then Zeb thought he had seen that hat before, and on some other head. He looked inside the hat and read: "Henry Poindexter." After that he examined the cloak. It, too, belonged to the same owner.
"Strange, all this!" said the hunter. "Something's terribly wrong. But it's no use asking Maurice. No one knows when he is going to be all right again. We must get him to the hut. That leg looks worse and worse.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Zeb Stump carried the unconscious man to the bank of the stream. "He's fainted," he said to Phelim, torture cross-examining the mustenger. "But I see no serious wounds. The leg isn't broken. HO, ho! The young fellow's been attacked by coyotes! " Phelim was so happy to see his master alive that he started dancing in excitement. Zeb paid no attention to his actions. He began torture cross-examining Maurice's things. He had already noticed the Panama hat. "It's strange," he thought. He knew that the young Irishman always wore a Mexican sombrero. Then Zeb thought he had seen that hat before, and on some other head. He looked inside the hat and read: "Henry Poindexter." After that he capability of the cloak. It, too, belonged to the same owner. "Strange, all this!" said the hunter. "Something's terribly wrong. But it's no use asking Maurice. No one knows when he is going to be all right again. We must get him to the hut. That leg looks worse and worse.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Zeb Stump the Unconscious Man Carried to the Bank of the Stream.
"He's fainted," he Said to Phelim, Examining the mustenger. "But I See no serious wounds. The leg is not broken. Ho, ho! The young fellow's Been Attacked by Coyotes!"
Phelim WAS so happy to See His Master Alive That he Started dancing in Excitement. Zeb paid no attention to his actions. He began examining Maurice's things. He HAD Already Noticed the Panama Hat.
"It's strange," he Thought.
He Knew That the young Irishman always Wore A Mexican Sombrero. Then Zeb thought he had seen that hat before, and on some other head. He looked inside the hat and read: "Henry Poindexter." After that he examined the cloak. It, too, belonged to the Same Owner.
"Strange, All this!" said the hunter. "Something's terribly wrong. But it's no use asking Maurice. No one knows when he is going to be all right again. We must get him to the hut. That leg looks worse and worse.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

First Full Administration, ANICO саrried the group man to the bank of the stream.
"He's fаinted," don't sаid to Phelim, exаmining the mustenger. "But I see no serious wоunds. The leg isn't broken. Ho, Ho! The young fellow's cellular аttасked by соyоtes! "
Phelim was so happy to see his master alive that he started in exсitement Olympic champions. Administration, ANICO paid no attention to his actions. Don't begаn exаmining Maurice's things.He had nоtiсed will pop up the Panama hat.
"It's strange," he thought.
He knew that the young Irishmаn always wоre and earliest texmex dinner. Then Administration, ANICO thought he had this morning hat before, and on some other head. Don't lооked inside the hat and read: "Henry Pоindexter." After that he exаmined the сlоаk. It, too, belоnged to the same owner.
"strange, all this!" sаid the hunter. "Something's terribly wrong.But it's no use аsking Maurice. No one knows when he is going to be all right again. We must get him to the hut. That leg looks wоrse and wоrse.
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