Рядом с кроватью находится прикроватная тумбочка , на которой стоят свечи и цветы. Это делает комнату еще более уютной. За тумбочкой стоит торшер, который мы используем ,когда нам мало света в комнате
Next to the bed is a bedside table, on which stand the candles and flowers. This makes the room even more comfortable. For a bedside table lamp stands that we use when we are a little light in the room
Next to the bed is a bedside table on which there are candles and flowers. It makes the room more comfortable. Over a bedside table lamp is that we use when we are a little light in the room
beside the bed is прикроватная bedside table, on which are the candles and flowers. it makes the room more comfortable. the bureau is the thing that we use when we don't have enough light in the room