A. 1. Сегодня не так тепло, как вчера. 2. Мария - наша старшая сестра. перевод - A. 1. Сегодня не так тепло, как вчера. 2. Мария - наша старшая сестра. английский как сказать

A. 1. Сегодня не так тепло, как вче

A. 1. Сегодня не так тепло, как вчера. 2. Мария - наша старшая сестра. 3. Станция была не так далеко, как я думал. 4. На этот раз у вас меньше ошибок, чем было в прошлом cочинении. 5. Ждите дальнейших инструкций. 6. Этот отель не такой дорогой, как я предполагал. 7. Это мой лучший друг. 8. Ей столько же лет, сколько и мне. 9. Это последнее произведение писателя. 10. Дальнейшие подробности будут даны в следующий раз. 11. А нет ли дороги поближе? 12. Последний поезд прибывает в полночь. 13. Она на пять лет младше меня. 14. Я нашел его в самом дальнем углу ка. 15. Это самая короткая дорога до моря. Б. 1. Я не так молод, как вы, вы в два раза моложе. 2. Чем быстрее мы закончим работу, тем лучше. 3. Комната почти квадратная, она немного больше в длину, чем в ширину. 4. Это совершенно новый прибор, он может работать в три раза быстрее. 5. Новый аэропорт в три раза больше нашего старого. 6. У нашей бабушки очень высокое явление (blood pressure), она чувствует себя значительно хуже. 7. Самолет поднимался все выше и выше. 8. Ветер сегодня вдвое сильнее, чем вчера. 9. Чем реже они будут видеть вас здесь, тем лучше. 10. Чем богаче человек, тем более жадным (greedy) он становится. 11. Она не такой пунктуальный секретарь, как бы мне хотелось. В. 1. Этот перевод вдвое легче. Вы с ним справитесь. 2. Новый стадион в несколько раз больше старого. 3. Хотя эта комната и в два раза меньше, она мне больше нравится. 4. Он сильный, он может поднять ящик и в три раза тяжелей. 5. Сегодня вдвое холодней, чем вчера. 6. Все его приятели в два раза моложе его. 7. Пруд немного больше в длину, чем в ширину. Г. 1. Эта квартира светлее, чем квартира на первом этаже. 2. Этот вопрос важнее того вопроса, который мы обсуждали вчера. 3. Он больше занят, чем ты. 4. Этот перевод труднее того, который мы делали вместе. 5. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал. 6. Математика для нас была самым трудным предметом в школе. 7. Это кратчайший путь до театра. 8. Грамматика русского языка сложнее грамматики английского. 9. Это самое красивое здание в нашем городе. 10. Этот фильм не хуже того, который я видел позавчера. 11. Эта комната лучшая в квартире.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A. 1. Today is not as warm as yesterday. 2. Maria my elder sister. 3. Station was not as great as I thought. 4. at this time you have fewer bugs than it has in the past cočinenii. 5. wait for the further instructions. 6. The hotel is not as expensive as I imagined. 7. Is my best friend. 8. It is as old as me. 9. This is the last piece of the writer. 10. Further details will be given in the next time. 11. Whether the road closer? 12. The last train arrives at midnight. 13. It is five years younger than me. 14. I found it in the furthest corner of the Ka. 15. This is the shortest route to the sea. B. 1. I'm not as young as you are, you twice. 2. The sooner we finish it, the better. 3. room almost square, it is slightly longer than it is wide. 4. This is a completely new device, it can work three times as fast. 5. New Airport three times more of our old. 6. My grandmother very high (blood pressure), it feels much worse. 7. the plane climbed higher and higher. 8. Wind today twice stronger than yesterday. 9. The less frequently they will see you here, the better. 10. The richer a person is, the more greedy (greedy) he becomes. 11. It is not such a punctual Secretary, how I wish. B. 1. This double translation easier. You cope with it. 2. New Stadium several times larger than the old size. 3. Although this room and half of it I like. 4. He's strong, he can raise the drawer and three times harder. 5. Today twice as colder than yesterday. 6. all his buddies twice his age. 7. The pond a bit longer than it is wide. G. 1. This apartment is lighter than the apartment on the ground floor. 2. This question is more important than the issue which we have discussed today. 3. It is more busy than you. 4. This version harder that we did together. 5. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. 6. Mathematics for us was the most difficult subject in school. 7. Is the shortest way to the theatre. 8. Russian grammar tricky grammar of English. 9. This is the most beautiful building in our city. 10. This movie is not worse, which I saw yesterday. 11. This room is best in the apartment.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
A. 1. Today is not as warm as yesterday. 2. Maria - our older sister. 3. The station was not as far as I thought. 4. At this time, you have less mistakes than in the past cochinenii. 5. Wait for further instructions. 6. This hotel is not as expensive as I expected. 7. It is my best friend. 8. She was the same age as me. 9. This is the last work of the writer. 10. Further details will be given in next time. 11. And there are no roads close? 12. The last train arrives at midnight. 13. It is five years younger than me. 14. I found it in the farthest corner of the spacecraft. 15. It is the shortest way to the sea. B. 1. I'm not as young as you are, you are twice as younger. 2. The sooner we finish the better. 3. The room is almost square, it's a bit more in length than in width. 4. This is a completely new device, it can operate three times faster. 5. The new airport is three times bigger than our old one. 6. Our grandmother is very high effect (blood pressure), it feels much worse. 7. The plane climbed higher and higher. 8. The wind twice as strong today than yesterday. 9. The less they see you here, the better. 10. The richer the person, the more greedy (greedy) it becomes. 11. It is not as punctual secretary, as I would like. V. 1. This translation is twice as easy. You deal with it. 2. The new stadium is several times larger than the old. 3. Although this room and a half, she was more like it. 4. He's strong, he can pick up the box and three times heavier. 5. Today, much cooler than yesterday. 6. All his friends twice his age. 7. Pond bit more in length than in width. G. 1. This apartment is lighter than the ground floor apartment. 2. The issue is more important than the issue that we discussed yesterday. 3. It is more busy than you. 4. This transfer is more difficult that we did together. 5. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. 6. Mathematics for us was the most difficult subject in school. 7. This is the shortest way to the theater. 8. Russian Grammar English grammar difficult. 9. This is the most beautiful building in our city. 10. This film is better than the one I had seen the day before. 11. This room is the best in the apartment.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a. 1. today is warmer than yesterday. 2. maria is my older sister. 3. the station was not as far as i thought. 4. this time you have fewer errors than in the past cочинении. 5. wait for further instructions. 6.this hotel is not so expensive as i thought. 7. this is my best friend. 8. she's the same age as me. 9. this is the last work of the writer. 10. further details will be given in the next time. 11.is there no way, right? 12. the last train arrives at midnight. 13. she is five years younger than me. 14. i found it in the far corner. 15. this is the shortest route to the sea. b. 1. i'm not as young as you, you double the younger. 2.as soon as we finish the job, so much the better. 3. the room is nearly square, it's a little longer in length than width. 4. it is a new device, it can operate three times faster. 5.the new airport is three times of the old one. 6. our grandmother very high phenomenon (blood pressure), she feels much worse. 7. the plane flew higher and higher. 8. the wind today is twice stronger than yesterday. 9.the less they will be seeing you here, the better. 10. the more people, the more greedy (greedy) he becomes. 11. she is punctual, the secretary, as i'd like. in the. 1. the translation of double easier. you can handle him. 2.the new stadium several times larger than the old. 3. although this room and two times less, i like it better. 4. he is strong, he can lift the box and three times heavier. 5. double colder today than yesterday. 6.all his friends twice his age. 7. a little more in length than width. mr.. 1. this apartment is lighter than the apartment on the first floor. 2. this question is important issue that we discussed yesterday. 3. he's busythan you. 4. this translation is the one that we used to do together. 5. this is the most interesting book i've ever read. 6. math for us was the most difficult subject in school. 7. this is the shortest way to the theater. 8.russian grammar is the grammar of english. 9. this is the most beautiful building in our city. 10. this film is not as that i saw yesterday. 11. this room is the best place.
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