Радуга наблюдается в стороне, противоположной Солнцу, на фоне дождевых облаков или дождя. Разноцветная дуга обычно находится от наблюдателя на расстоянии 1-2 км, а иногда ее можно наблюдать на расстоянии 2-3 м на фоне водяных капель, образованных фонтанами или распылителями воды. Центр радуги находится на продолжении прямой, соединяющей Солнце и глаз наблюдателя – на противосолнечной линии. Угол между направлением на главную радугу и противосолнечной линией составляет 41-42є. В момент восхода солнца противосолнечная точка (точка М) находится на линии горизонта, и радуга имеет вид полуокружности. По мере поднятия Солнца противосолнечная точка опускается под горизонт и размер радуги уменьшается. Она представляет собой лишь часть окружности. Часто наблюдается побочная радуга, концентрическая с первой, с угловым радиусом около 52є и обратным расположением цветов. При высоте Солнца 41є главная радуга перестает быть видимой и над горизонтом выступает лишь часть побочной радуги, а при высоте Солнца более 52є не видна и побочная радуга. Поэтому в средних экваториальных широтах в околополуденные часы — это явление природы никогда не наблюдается. У радуги различают семь основных цветов, плавно переходящих один в другой. Вид дуги, яркость цветов, ширина полос зависят от размеров капелек воды и их количества. Большие капли создают более узкую радугу, с резко выделяющимися цветами, малые – дугу расплывчатую, блеклую и даже белую. Вот почему яркая узкая радуга видна летом после грозового дождя, во время которого падают крупные капли. Впервые теория радуги была дана в 1637 году Рене Декартом. Он объяснил радугу, как явление, связанное с отражением и преломлением света в дождевых каплях. Образование цветов и их последовательность были объяснены позже, после разгадки сложной природы белого света и его дисперсии в среде. Дифракционная теория радуги разработана Эри и Партнером.
Чаще всего мы наблюдаем одну радугу. Нередки случаи, когда на небосводе появляются одновременно две радужные полосы, расположенные одна за другой; наблюдают и еще большее число небесных дуг – три, четыре и даже пять одновременно. Это интересное явление наблюдали ленинградцы 24 сентября 1948 года, когда во второй половине дня среди туч над Невой появились четыре радуги. Оказывается, что радуга может возникать не только от прямых лучей; нередко она появляется и в отраженных лучах Солнца. Это можно видеть на берегу морских заливов, больших рек и озер. Три-четыре радуги – обыкновенные и отраженные – создают подчас красивую картину. Так как отраженные от водной поверхности лучи Солнца идут снизу-вверх, то радуга, образующаяся в лучах, может выглядеть иногда совершенно необычно. Не следует думать, что радугу можно наблюдать только днем. Она бывает и ночью, правда, всегда слабая. Увидеть такую радугу можно после ночного дождя, когда из-за туч выглянет Луна. Некоторой подобие радуги можно получить на таком опыте: Нужно колбу, наполненную водой, осветить солнечных светом или лампой через отверстие в белой доске. Тогда на доске отчетливо станет видна радуга, причем угол расхождения лучей по сравнению с начальным направлением составит около 41-42°. В естественных условиях экрана нет, изображение возникает на сетчатке глаза, и глаз проецирует это изображение на облака. Если радуга появляется вечером перед заходом Солнца, то наблюдают красную радугу. В последние пять или десять минут перед закатом все цвета радуги, кроме красного, исчезают, она становится очень яркой и видимой даже спустя десять минут после заката. Красивое зрелище представляет собой радуга на росе. Ее можно наблюдать при восходе Солнца на траве, покрытой росой. Эта радуга имеет форму гиперболы.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Rainbow seen in the side opposite the Sun, amid rain clouds or rain. Multi-colored arc usually is from the observer at a distance of 1-2 km away, and sometimes it can be observed at a distance of 2-3 m against a backdrop of water droplets formed fountains or water jets. Rainbow Center is located on the continuation of direct connecting the Sun and eye of the beholder-at the antisolar line. The angle between the direction of the primary Rainbow and the antisolar line is 41-42ê. At the moment of Sunrise» point (point m) is on the horizon, and the Rainbow has the appearance of a semicircle. As uplifting Sun» point falls under the horizon and Rainbow size decreases. It represents only part of the circumference. Often sideline Rainbow, concentric with the first, with an angular radius of about 52ê and the reverse arrangement of flowers. At the height of the Sun 41ê the main Rainbow is no longer visible and on the horizon is only part of the side of the Rainbow and the Sun height more 52ê is not visible and the secondary Rainbow. Therefore, in the medium Equatorial latitudes in okolopoludennye watches is a natural phenomenon never observed. Rainbow have distinguish seven basic colours, smoothly moving one to another. ARC view, vivid color, width depends on the size of the water droplets and their quantities. Big drops create more narrow Rainbow with sharply prominent flowers, small-arc, produced vague and even white. This is why bright narrow Rainbow seen in the summer after rain storms, during which large drops fall. For the first time, the theory of the Rainbow was given in the year 1637 Rene Descartes. He explained the Rainbow as a phenomenon associated with the reflection and refraction of light in raindrops. The formation of flowers and their sequence were explained later, after solving the complicated nature of white light and its dispersion in the environment. Diffraction theory developed by Erie and Rainbow partner.More often we are seeing one Rainbow. There are cases when the two appear in the sky Rainbow Stripes, located one after another; Watch and more heavenly Doug-three, four and even five at a time. It is an interesting phenomenon observed Leningrad September 24, 1948 year when afternoon among the clouds above the Neva emerged four Rainbow. It turns out that Rainbow can arise not only from direct rays; She often appears in the reflected rays of the Sun. This can be seen on the shore of the sea bays, large rivers and lakes. Three or four of the Rainbow-ordinary and reflected the sometimes-create a beautiful picture. As reflected from the surface of the sun rays coming from the bottom up, the Rainbow, the rays may look sometimes quite unusual. We should not think that you can only watch the Rainbow day. It happens at night, the truth is always weak. See such a rainbow you can after a night of rain, when from behind the clouds vyglânet the moon. Some semblance of a rainbow can be obtained on this experience: you need a flask filled with water, to light solar light or lamp through the opening in the White Board. Then on the Board clearly Rainbow becomes visible, with the angle of divergence beams compared with primary focus will be around 41-42°. In vivo no screen, the image occurs in the retina of the eye, and the eye projects this image on clouds. If the Rainbow appears in the evening before sunset, watch the Red Rainbow. In the last five or ten minutes before sunset all colors of the Rainbow, in addition to the Red disappear, it becomes very bright and visible even after ten minutes after sunset. Beautiful sight is a rainbow on the mildew. It can be seen in the sunrise on the grass, covered with dew. The Rainbow has the shape of a Hyperbola.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Rainbow seen in the side opposite the sun, against rain clouds or rain. Colorful arc is usually from the observer at a distance of 1-2 km, and sometimes it can be seen at a distance of 2-3 m on a background of water droplets formed by fountains or water spray. The center of the rainbow is on the continuation of the straight line joining the sun and the observer's eye - on the sunscreen line. The angle between the direction of the main line of the rainbow, and sunscreen is 41-42є. At the time of sunrise tinted point (M) is on the horizon, and a rainbow looks like a semicircle. With the lifting of the sun tinted the point drops below the horizon, and decreases the size of the rainbow. It represents only a portion of the circumference. Frequently observed side rainbow, concentric with the first, with an angular radius of about 52є and reversing the colors. At the height of the sun 41є main rainbow ceases to be visible above the horizon and serves only part of the side of the rainbow, and at the height of the sun is not visible more 52є and sideline rainbow. Therefore, in the middle equatorial latitudes near midday - a natural phenomenon never observed. In rainbow are seven primary colors, smoothly transitioning from one to another. Type arc color intensity bandwidths depend on the size of the water droplets and of their number. Large droplets create a rainbow of narrow, with striking colors, small - arc vague, faded and even white. That is why a narrow colorful rainbow is visible in the summer after a rain storm, during which large drops are falling. The theory of the rainbow was given in 1637 by René Descartes. He explained the rainbow, a phenomenon associated with the reflection and refraction of light in raindrops. Formation of colors and their sequence were explained later, after the clue to the complex nature of white light, and its dispersion in the environment. The diffraction theory of the rainbow is designed Erie and partners.
Most often we see a rainbow. Cases when in the sky at the same time there are two bright bands, arranged one behind the other; watching and many more celestial arcs - three, four and even five simultaneously. This is an interesting phenomenon was observed Leningrad September 24, 1948, when in the second half of the day among the clouds over the Neva were four rainbow. It turns out that the rainbow can arise not only from the direct rays; often it appears in the reflected rays of the sun. This can be seen on the shores of bays, large lakes and rivers. Three or four of the rainbow - ordinary and reflected - sometimes create a beautiful picture. As reflected from the water surface of the sun's rays are bottom-up, a rainbow formed in the rays can sometimes look quite unusual. We should not think that the rainbow can be seen only in the afternoon. It happens at night, however, always weak. You can see a rainbow after a night of rain, when from behind the clouds look out moon. Some semblance of the rainbow can be found on this experience: You must flask filled with water, sunlight or light up a lamp through the hole in the whiteboard. Then, on the board will be clearly visible to the rainbow, and the angle of divergence compared with the initial focus will be around 41-42 °. Under natural conditions, the screen no image appears on the retina of the eye and the eye is projecting the image on a cloud. When the rainbow appears in the evening before sunset, watch the red rainbow. In the last five or ten minutes before sunset, a rainbow of colors, except red, disappear, it becomes very bright and visible even ten minutes after sunset. A beautiful sight is a rainbow in the dew. It can be seen at sunrise on the grass covered with dew. This rainbow is in the form of hyperbole.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
rainbow is in the opposite side to the sun, the rain clouds or rain. rainbow arc is usually from the observer at a distance of 1 to 2 km.and sometimes it can be observed at a distance of 2 to 3 m of water drops formed fountains or spray bottles of water. the rainbow is the continuation of directconnecting the sun and the eye of observer is to противосолнечной line. the angle between the direction of the rainbow and противосолнечной line is 41 - 42є.at the time of the rising of the sun противосолнечная point (point m) is located on the line of the horizon, and the rainbow is a species of полуокружности.as the rising sun противосолнечная point falls under the horizon, and the size of the rainbow is reduced. it represents only a part of the circumference. there is often a secondary rainbow, концентрическая first.with a radius of about 52є and an arrangement of flowers. at the height of the sun 41є primary rainbow ceases to be visible on the horizon is the only branch of the rainbowbut at the height of the sun is not visible, and more 52є secondary rainbow. therefore, in the medium-sized equatorial latitudes in the околополуденные watch is a phenomenon of nature has never been observed. there are seven primary colors in the rainbow.smoothly moving one in the other. type of arc, the brightness of colors, the width of the bands depend on the size of the drops of water and their quantities. large drops are more narrow, rainbow, with sharply выделяющимися flowerssmall is a loose, блеклую and even white. that's why a narrow rainbow after rain in summer lightning, during which they fall large drops. for the first time, the theory of the rainbow was given in 1637, rene descartes.he explained the rainbow, as the phenomenon of reflection and refraction of light in the rain drops. education of colors and their sequence are explained later.after solving the complex nature of white light and its dispersion in the environment. diffraction theory of the rainbow designed erie and partner. often we see a rainbow. there are many instanceswhen in the sky appear at the same time, two more lanes located one after the other, watching and more celestial doug is three, four and even five at the same time.this interesting phenomenon observed ленинградцы on 24 september 1948, when the afternoon of clouds over невой appeared four rainbows. it turns out that the rainbow may arise not only from the direct rays.often she appears in reflected sunlight. it can be seen on the beach of large bays, rivers and lakes. three to four rainbows is common and is often reflected a beautiful picture.as reflected from the water surface of the rays of the sun coming up, the rainbow, in the air, can appear sometimes quite unusual. no one should think that the rainbow can be seen during the day.it is the night is always weak. you can see the rainbow after a rain, when the moon is out from behind the clouds. some of the rainbow can be obtained from those experiences to the flask filled with waterlight solar light or lamp through a hole in the white board. then on the board can be seen the rainbow, and the angle of divergence of beams compared with the primary direction of approximately 41 42°.in natural conditions, the screen's image appears on the retina of the eye, and the eye is projecting that image on the clouds. if a rainbow appears the afternoon before sunset, watching the red rainbow.in the last five or ten minutes in the evening all the colors of the rainbow, but red, disappear, it becomes very vivid and visible even after ten minutes after sunset.it's a beautiful sight is a rainbow on the dew. it can be seen at sunrise on the grass covered with dew. the rainbow is in the form of hyperbole.
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