1. Ее удивление, когда она увидела Джека в казино, было неподдельным.  перевод - 1. Ее удивление, когда она увидела Джека в казино, было неподдельным.  английский как сказать

1. Ее удивление, когда она увидела

1. Ее удивление, когда она увидела Джека в казино, было неподдельным. 2. Отец часто упрекал детей за то, что они не заботились друг о друге. 3. Ночь у нас прошла в ожидании их звонка. 4. Я не понимал его, потому что он шепелявил. 5. Не было никаких колебаний в отношении того, чтобы сообщить им о результатах поездки. 6. У него был дар видеть вещи, как они есть. 7. Крису как то не хотелось, чтобы над ним смеялись. 8. Я терпеть не мог, когда мне желали удачи. 9. Я не помню, чтобы я когда-либо была около их дома. 10. Он сказал это громко, не глядя ни на кого, и было неясно, к кому он обращается. 11. Он избегает встречаться со мной после нашей ссоры. 12. При виде жареной индейки на подносе он сказал, что это наилучшее угощение, какое только можно себе представить. 13. Нет объяснения ее безделью. 14. Их принцип состоит в том, чтобы все делать самостоятельно. 15. Они часто покупают детям подарки, но дети не благодарят их при этом. 16. Доктор настаивает на том, чтобы всем детям были сделаны прививки. 17. Покупка новой машины требует больших денег. 18. Худший вариант – давать им взаймы и не получать деньги обратно. 19. Он решил бросить курить, когда стал понимать, что это действительно вредно. 20. Президент все еще противится подписанию этого договора. 21. До прохождения теста я был уверен, что знаю английский. 22. Эта жидкость используется для подкрахмаливания (to starch) белья. 23. Не полагайся на то, что ты получишь ответ быстро. 24. Не стоит обвинять ее в том, что она подвела тебя. 25. Деб была разочарована тем, что не участвовала в выставке. 26. Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с английскими студентами. 27. Они вышли из гостиной, не произнося ни слова. 28. Утро ушло на то, что я уговаривал его не ездить к ней. 29. Читая книги для «чайников» (for dummies), можно научиться работать с компьютером. 30. Болтая с подружками по телефону, она забыла о своих обязанностях. 31. Для получения медицинской помощи во время пребывания за границей надо получить страховой полис (to arrange insurance). 32. Шум в соседней комнате мешал мне думать. 33. Ей удалось сделать очень хороший перевод этого трудного текста. 34. Благодарю вас, что вы прислали мне такие красивые цветы. 35. Мы оставили мысль о покупке новой мебели. 36. Я не могу не любоваться этой чудесной картиной. 37. Папа возражает против того, чтобы я шел в театр с ней. 38. Я не одобряю того, что ты играешь в компьютерные игры. 39. Мы возвращались поздно вечером, не поймав ни одной рыбы. 40. Этот портфель настолько старый, что его не стоит хранить. 41. Почему вы пошли туда пешком вместо того, чтобы поехать на автобусе? 42. Перед отъездом на юг не забудьте мне позвонить. 43. Бессмысленно давать ему советы, он все равно не принимает их к сведению. 44. Перестаньте разговаривать. Я совершенно не слышу лектора. 45. Ребенок шел очень осторожно: он боялся упасть. 46. Он пошел на работу, несмотря на то, что врач велел ему оставаться дома. 47. Он занят подготовкой к экзамену, у него сейчас очень мало свободного времени. 48. Он никак не мог привыкнуть к мысли, что ему придется остаться там еще на два года. 49. Она продолжала умываться, хотя видела, что я сержусь. 50. Вы должны упаковать эти пластинки, чтобы отправить их почтой. 51. Моя работа предусматривает встречи и переговоры с людьми. 52. Она выключила магнитофон, нажав клавишу «стоп». 53. Услышав кашель Сэма, мистер Потт перестал читать газету и посмотрел на него. 54. Слушать его рассказы – это еще раз вспоминать волнующие события тех дней. 55. Маленький мальчик гордился тем, что у него такой благородный друг. 56. Она была уверена, что мальчики уже давно перестали работать и убежали на речку. 57. Мне надоело быть старым и мудрым, и я не выношу, когда ко мне относятся как к инвалиду. 58. Если ты не скажешь мне, в чем дело, какая польза от того, что я здесь? 59. Я даже не мог прогуляться без того, чтобы он ко мне не подошел. 60. Помыв посуду и прибрав все на кухне, она легла на диван. 61. Не пользуясь толковым словарем, этот текст невозможно понять. 62. Уговаривая его не ездить туда, я почувствовал, что он меня не послушает.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. her surprise when she saw Jack in the Casino, it was genuine. 2. Father often scolded children for something they did not care about each other. 3. Night we had awaiting their call. 4. I did not understand him, because he šepelâvil. 5. There have been no hesitation to inform them of the results of the trip. 6. He had the gift of seeing things as they are. 7. Chris as it didn't want was ridiculed. 8. I couldn't stand when I want good luck. 9. I don't remember that I ever was around their home. 10. He said it loud, not looking at anyone, and it was not clear to whom it refers. 11. He avoids contact with me since our quarrel. 12. At the sight of a Roast Turkey on a tray, he said it was the best meal, which you can think of. 13. No explanation for her to relax. 14. The principle is to do everything by yourself. 15. They often buy gifts to children, but children don't thank them. 16. Doctor insists that all children were vaccinated. 17. purchase of new machine requires a great deal of money. 18. The worst option-give them a loan and do not get the money back. 19. He decided to quit when it became understood that it really is bad. 20. the President is still opposed to the signing of the Treaty. 21. To take the test, I was sure that know English. 22. This liquid is used to podkrahmalivaniâ (to between) linen. 23. do not lean on the fact that you will get the answer quickly. 24. do not accuse her of it brought you. 25. Deb was disappointed that it had not participated in the exhibition. 26. We look forward to meeting with English students. 27. They went out of the living room, not uttering a Word. 28. the Morning went out that I tried to persuade him not to go to it. 29. Reading books for Dummies (for dummies), you can learn how to work with your computer. 30. While chatting with her friends on the phone, she forgot about their responsibilities. 31. in order to obtain medical assistance while abroad to get an insurance policy (to arrange insurance). 32. noise in the next room prevented me to think. 33. She was able to make a very good translation of this difficult text. 34. I thank you that you sent me such beautiful flowers. 35. We have thought about buying new furniture. 36. I cannot but admire this wonderful picture. 37. Dad objected to I went to the theater with her. 38. I disapprove of what you play computer games. 39. We came back late at night, not catching any fish. 40. This portfolio is so old that it is not worth to keep. 41. Why you went there on foot instead of having to travel by bus? 42. Before going to the South, don't forget to call me. 43. To give him advice, he still does not take note of them. 44. stop talking. I totally didn't hear guest lecturer. 45. a child was walking very carefully: he was afraid of falling. 46. He went to work, despite the fact that the doctor ordered him to stay home. 47. He is busy preparing for the examination, he has now very little free time. 48. He could not get used to the idea that he would have to stay there for another two years. 49. She continued to wash, but saw that I get angry. 50. you must pack these plates to send them by mail. 51. My work involves meetings and talks with people. 52. She has turned off the tape recorder by pressing "stop". 53. Having heard the cough Sam, Mr Pott stopped reading the newspaper and looked at him. 54. Listen to his stories is once again remember the exciting events of those days. 55. Little Boy boasted that he had such a noble friend. 56. She was sure that the boys have long ceased to work and ran to the river. 57. I'm sick of being old and wise, and I will not stand it, when to me as a disabled person. 58. If you do not tell me what the point is, what is the use of what I have here? 59. I couldn't even walk without it came up to me. 60. Having washed the dishes and cleaned everything in the kitchen, she lay down on the sofa. 61. Without explanatory dictionary, the text can't be understood. 62. Persuading him not to go there, I felt that he won't listen to me.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. her surprise when she saw Jack in the casino, it was genuine. 2. The father often reproached children because they did not care about each other. 3. The night we went in anticipation of their call. 4. I do not understand it, because he lisped. 5. There was no hesitation as to inform them of the results of the trip. 6. He had the gift of seeing things as they are. 7. Chris as it does not like to be laughed at. 8. I could not stand it when I want good luck. 9. I do not remember that I ever was near their home. 10. He said it loudly, not looking at anyone, and it was unclear to whom he refers. 11. He avoids to meet with me after our quarrel. 12. When a roast turkey on a tray, he said it was the best food, what you can imagine. 13. No explanation for its idleness. 14. Their principle is to do everything yourself. 15. They often buy gifts to children, but children do not thank them at the same time. 16. The doctor insists that all children were vaccinated. 17. Buying a new car requires a lot of money. 18. Worst case - to give them a loan and do not get the money back. 19. He decided to quit when he began to realize that it's really bad. 20. The President is still opposed to the signing of the treaty. 21. Prior to the test, I was sure that I know English. 22. This fluid is used for starch (to starch) linen. 23. Do not rely on the fact that you get an answer fast. 24. Do not blame her that she let you down. 25. Deb was disappointed that did not participate in the exhibition. 26. We look forward to meeting with British students. 27. They went out of the living room, without saying a word. 28. The morning was spent on what I tried to persuade him not to go to her. 29. Reading books for "Dummies» (for dummies), you can learn how to work with your computer. 30. Chatting with my friends on the phone, she forgot about their responsibilities. 31. For medical care during their stay abroad must obtain an insurance policy (to arrange insurance). 32. The noise in the next room kept me thinking. 33. She managed to make a very good translation of this difficult text. 34. I thank you that you have sent me such beautiful flowers. 35. We left the idea of ​​buying new furniture. 36. I can not help but admire this wonderful picture. 37. Pope objected to me to go to the theater with her. 38. I do not approve of what you're playing computer games. 39. We came back late at night, do not catch any fish. 40. This list is so old that it should not be stored. 41. Why did you go there on foot rather than take a bus? 42. Before leaving the south do not forget to call me. 43. It makes no sense to give him advice, he still does not take them into account. 44. Stop talking. I did not hear the lecturer. 45. The child was very carefully: he was afraid of falling. 46. ​​He went to work, despite the fact that the doctor told him to stay home. 47. He is busy preparing for the exam, it is now very little free time. 48. He could not get used to the idea that he would have to stay there for two years. 49. She continued to wash, but saw that I was angry. 50. You have to pack these records to send them by mail. 51. My work includes meetings and talks with people. 52. She turned off the tape by pressing the "stop". 53. Hearing cough Sam, Mr. Pott stopped reading the newspaper and looked at him. 54. Listen to his stories - is once again recall the exciting events of the day. 55. The little boy was proud that he has such a noble friend. 56. She was sure that the boys have long ceased to operate, and fled to the river. 57. I'm tired of being old and wise, and I can not stand when I was treated as invalid. 58. If you do not tell me what it is, what is the use of what I have here? 59. I could not even walk without it, I have not approached. 60. washing your dishes and tidied everything in the kitchen, she lay down on the couch. 61. Not using the dictionary, this text can not be understood. 62. urging him not to go there, I felt that he did not listen.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Her surprise, when she saw jack in the casino, it was true. 2. The father often said children for the fact that they do not care about each other. 3. Per person per night we have passed in the expectations of their call. 4. I did not understand it,Because it шепелявил. 5. There was no hesitation in order to inform them of the results of the visit. 6. He had a gift to see things as they are. 7. Chris as it does not like, that it wouldn't laugh. 8.I could not tolerate, when I wished good luck. 9. I do not remember that i ever was about their homes. 10. He said it loudly, not looking to anyone, and it was, it was not clear to whom he is drawn. 11.He avoids to meet with me after our quarrel. 12. In the face of a grilled turkey escalope hacked up the he said that this is the best reception, which only you can imagine. 13. There is no explaining it if plongeurs thought at all. 14.Their principle is to ensure that all to do on their own. 15. They often buy gifts for children, but children do not thank them for this. 16. Doctor insists that all children were vaccinated. 17.Buying a new machine requires more money. 18. Worst option - give them loan and not to receive money back. 19. He had decided to give up smoking, it was understood that this is indeed harmful. 20.The President is still opposed the signing of that treaty. 21. Before passing the test i was sure that I don't know English. 22. This liquid is used to подкрахмаливания (to stаrсh) laundry. 23. Do not direct thy paths on theThat you get the answer quickly. 24. Don't blame it on the fact that she has failed you. 25. Mikheil Saakashvili was disappointed, however, that had not participated in the exhibition. 26. We look forward to meeting with the British students. 27.They have moved from the living room, not by speaking the words. 28. Morning has been spent on the fact that i once ardently believed it not to travel to the Convention. 29. When reading books for dummies (for members), you can learn to work with your computer. 30. Cure the bridesmaids on the phone,She forgot about their responsibilities. 31. To obtain medical assistance during the stay abroad must obtain an insurance policy (to аrrаnge insurance). 32. The noise in the next room prevented me to think. 33.It has been able to make a very good translation of this difficult text. 34. I thank you that you have sent me such beautiful flowers. 35. We had thought about buying new furniture. 36. I would be remiss if I did not enjoy this wonderful picture.37. The Pope was opposed to i walked to the theater with her. 38. I do not appreciate the fact that you're playing the games. 39. We returned late in the evening, not mucky yard no one fish. 40. This portfolio is so old,It is not a store. 41. Why don't you go walk, instead to go by bus? 42. Before departing to the south don't forget to call me. 43. It would be pointless to give him tips,He is still not taking note of them. 44. Stop talking. I totally don't hear lecturer. 45. A child had been very carefully: he was scared fall. 46. He went to work, in spite of the factThat the doctor told him to stay at home. 47. He is in the process of preparing for the exam, it is now very little free time. 48. He could never get used to the thought that he will have to remain there for another two years. 49.It continued after herself, although it saw that I played. 50. You must repackage these plates, to send their mail. 51. My work involves meetings and negotiations with the trafficking in human beings. 52. It has shutdown, tape recorderBy pressing the "stop". 53. When you hear coughing Sam, mister capacity no longer read newspaper and looked at it. 54. To listen to his stories - this is again remembered concerns events those days. 55. The little boy was quite proud toThat he had such a noble one. 56. She was confident that the boys have long ceased to operate and run away to my orphaned. 57. I want to be old and wise, and I hate, when I apply to both disabled. 58.If you won't tell me, what is the matter, what is the use of the fact that I am here? 59. I even could not walk without so that it does not come to me. 60. Wash utensils and прибрав all in the kitchen, it is resting on a sofa. 61.Do not take this толковым vocabulary, this text cannot be understood. 62. It is not wanting to go there, I noticed that I was not commanded him.
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