Я стала переживать по поводу моего платья цвета индиго и красных туфле перевод - Я стала переживать по поводу моего платья цвета индиго и красных туфле английский как сказать

Я стала переживать по поводу моего

Я стала переживать по поводу моего платья цвета индиго и красных туфлей. Видимо все эти детали вместе создают эффект визуальной доступности меня как объекта для всякой ерунды. Но что поделать. Я немного выпила для храбрости, танцевала, поздравляла юбиляра. И смотрела на странную привычку стрелять из оружия, всех пистолетов в воздух по случаю радости гостей. Но стреляли они на открытом воздухе. Это радует, что не в ресторане.
И все же я упрекала саму себя за идиотизм такого поступка - прийти в таком платье. Надо было одеть что то длинное, как балахон. И не делать макияж. Дагестанские дамы видимо осуждали меня.. но внешне были приветливы.
Все это не имеет значения. Большинство из этих женщин живут только тем, что сидят дома, смотрят сериалы и ухаживают за мужем. Многие и школы не закончили. Это грустно и смешно. А может это я неправильно живу. Вот о чем я думаю.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I began to worry about my dress indigo and red shoes. Apparently all these parts together to create the effect of visual availability me as an object for any nonsense. But what to do.I'm a little drunk for courage, dancing, congratulates. And looking at the strange habit of firing weapons, all guns in the air to celebrate the joy guests. But they shot outdoors. This is goodthat is not in the restaurant.
And yet, I reproached herself for the idiocy of such an act - to come in a dress. We had to wear something long, like a hoodie. And do not do makeup. Dagestan ladies apparently condemned me ..but apparently were friendly.
All of this does not matter. Most of these women live only for those who sit at home watching soap operas and caring for her husband. Many schools and did not finish. It's sad and funny.Or maybe it's me wrong I live. That's what I think.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I began to worry about my dress colors Indigo and red shoes. Apparently all these parts together create the effect of Visual accessibility of me as an object for any nonsense. But what to do about it. I'm a little drunk for bravery, danced, congratulated Boris khetagurov. And staring at the strange habit of firing weapons, all pistols in the air to celebrate joy. But they shot outdoors. It pleases, that is not in the restaurant.
And yet I reproached myself for such an act of idiocy-to come in such a dress. We had to put something long like a hoodie. And don't do the makeup. Dagestani ladies probably have condemned me. .. but outwardly were friendly.
all this does not matter. The majority of these women live only to those that are sitting at home, watching the series and take care of her husband. Many schools do not have finished. It's sad and funny. Maybe it's me wrong live. That's what I think.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I deplore the my dress color indigo and red туфлеи. Perhaps all of these parts work together to create the effect visual availability me as an object for any rot. But the encyclopedias.I am a little hovering for courage, heredity, saluting Evgeny. And glared at the strange habit of firing weapons, all pistols in the air on the occasion of joy. But they had been fired in the open air. This is pleasedThat is not in the restaurant.
AND i Karomova had told itself for the pause between trades such a gesture - to come in such a dress. It was wearing that long, as балахон. And not to do so it's exciting. Flaws ladies apparently condemned me.But on the exterior were welcoming.
all of this does not have a value. The majority of these women live only in that sitting at home, watch television serials and cared for her husband. Many schools have not finished. This is sad and ridiculous.And may I not live. That is what I think.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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