Есть мужчины, с которыми хочется быть женщиной. Вопросительно-мягко на перевод - Есть мужчины, с которыми хочется быть женщиной. Вопросительно-мягко на английский как сказать

Есть мужчины, с которыми хочется бы

Есть мужчины, с которыми хочется быть женщиной. Вопросительно-мягко наклонять голову, щуриться сквозь ресницы, качать головой с понимающим видом, выслушивать вдохновенные речи, светиться полуулыбкой стиля «мы с тобой одной крови». Хочется откровенности — но не на все темы, а только на те, на которые как раз и не принята откровенность, остальные темы с ними вообще не важны. Хочется протянутой руки, хочется припадать к плечу, и еще: знать, что вся эта чепуха из книг для подростков — все-таки не совсем чепуха. Ну не шептать «милый», конечно, и вообще без пошлости, но как-то так. Чтобы искры в зрачках и удивление в собеседнике, потому что красиво, потому что игра. Да, у меня конечно же забрать сумку. Да, меня безусловно проводить. Да, я однозначно никогда в жизни не сумею самостоятельно налить себе чаю. Я пролью, расплещу, перепутаю, обожгусь, растяну, упаду, сломаю, порежусь, заражусь и умру. Спасибо. Да, уберечь. Да, размешать. Да, протянуть. И пусть расправляют плечи : им это к лицу. Не всем, только им. С остальными такое выглядит смешно и по-детски, неуместно и почти непристойно, да просто глупо, в конце концов. А с этими можно: хотя бы за то, что только у них одних есть эта нежная, слабая, невыносимая, мягкая, тёплая ямка у шеи чуть-чуть до плеча, в которую одну и можно уткнуться благодарным усталым носом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
There are men who you want to be a woman. Interrogative-gently tilt the head, squinting through his lashes, shaking his head with a knowing view, listen to inspirational speeches,half-smile lights up the style of "we're the same blood." I would like sincerity - but not on all topics, but only to those that are just not accepted by the frankness, the remaining threads with them at all important.I would like outstretched hands, I want to drop to the shoulder, and another thing: to know that all this stuff from books for teens - still not entirely nonsense. Well, do not whisper, "cute", of course, and without any vulgarity, but something like that.To sparkle in the eye and surprise the interlocutor, because that is beautiful, because the game. Yes, I certainly pick up a bag. Yes, I certainly hold. Yes,I definitely had never'll be able to pour yourself a cup of tea. I will rain, raspleschu, confused, anneal, stretched, fall, break, cut myself, get infected and die. Thank you. Yes, keep. Yes, stir. Yes, the stretch.And let straightened his shoulders: it is to face. Not everyone, of them only. With the rest of it looks ridiculous and childish, inappropriate and almost obscene, but just stupid, after all. And with these, you can: at least for the factthat only they alone have this delicate, weak, unbearable, soft, warm little hole in the neck to the shoulder, and one in which you can bury a grateful tired face.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
There are men who want to be a woman. Inquiring-gently tilt my head, squinting through the lashes, swing his head with great views, hear inspirational speeches glow poluulybkoj "we are of one blood." Like Frank, but not on all topics, but only to those who are not adopted, other subjects of candor with them is not important. It stretched hands, pripadat′ to the shoulder, and another: to know that all this crap out books for adolescents is still not quite nonsense. Well not whisper "Darling", of course, and no vulgarity, but somehow. To spark the pupils and surprised her because it nicely, because the game. Yes, I have, of course, pick up a bag. Yes, I certainly have. Yes, I'm definitely never going to pour yourself some tea. I will cause to, raspleŝu, pereputaû, obožgus′, rastânu, fall, boxing, porežus′ 'm, and die. Thank you. Yes, protect. Yes, stir. Yes, stretching. And let them straighten shoulders: it is to face. Not all of them only. The rest of this looks funny and childish, inappropriate and almost obscenely, Yes just stupid, after all. And with these you can: at least for that only they have one there are the delicate, weak, unbearable, the soft, hot dimple the neck bare shoulder, which one and can be utknut′sâ grateful tired nose.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
There are men, with whom you don't want to be a woman. Вопросительно and gently tilt the head, not discomfortable through eyelashes, pumping head with who understands your views, listen literally infused speech,Lit полуулыбкои style "we are with you one blood". You don't want frankness - but not to all of the topics, and only to those to which both times and was not accepted by frankness, the other topics with them is not important.You don't want deception hands, you don't want God to the shoulder, and another: to know that all of this nonsense from books for adolescents - are still not entirely nonsense. Is it not art brought forth by that love "do you know what I'm going", of course, and without any genre, but also as to the so.To sparks in зрачках and surprise in a contact, because that nicely, because the game. Yes, I am of course collect your bag. Yes, I am of course to pursue. Yes,I have never in my life maybe pour yourself a tea. I sanctify myself, расплещу, перепутаю, обожгусь, растяну, can feel it, which call thee by thy name, порежусь, заражусь and die. Thank you very much. Yes, to save. Yes, garlic. Yes, route.And let debatable" places : them this is to the person. Not all, only to them. The rest is looks ridiculous and crayons, inappropriate and almost indecent, yes simply stupid, at the end of all ends. As well, these can be: although it would be for theThat only they had some have this soft, weak, an unbearable, soft, warm axilla, neck slightly to shoulder, in which one and can be уткнуться rewarding tired nose.
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