Этим же вечером я отправилась с к своей одногруппнице, чтобы забрать у перевод - Этим же вечером я отправилась с к своей одногруппнице, чтобы забрать у английский как сказать

Этим же вечером я отправилась с к с

Этим же вечером я отправилась с к своей одногруппнице, чтобы забрать учебник. В этот же вечер на меня было совершено нападение в подъезде ее дома. Когда вечером 30 Апреля я вышла из ее квартиры, и стала спускаться вниз, на меня напали сзади и стали душить, потом повалили на пол. Это было ужасно. Я стала кричать, и получила пару ударов по лицу сильной мужской рукой. Нападающий все время твердил мне, что это «привет от моего старого друга». Нападающего спугнула женщина, по-видимому соседка, которая поднималась на этаж вместе со своим мужем и ребенком. Так как нападающий был в маске, лица его я не видела. Соседи собирались вызвать мне скорую, но я отказалась. Ночь я провела на обезболивающих. Эту ночь мне пришлось провести у подруги в квартире. Жутко болела голова и тошнило. На утро я обратилась в травм пункт для оказания медицинской помощи. От госпитализации я отказалась. У меня оставались считанные дни до отъезда (за пару дней до нападения на меня, я получила визу в США на участие в программе обмена студентов), и нужно было уладить некоторые вопросы в университете. 3 Мая 2015 года на адресах в Сумы пришла повестка о вызове меня в суд как подозреваемой по делу за определенным номером. О каком деле шла речь, я не знаю. Но 4 мая 2015 года около восьми вечера снова раздался звонок на домашний. На трубке опять был Пархоменко. Он снова меня оскорблял и сказал, что «мне должен был понравиться привет, который мне передали от него пару дней назад». Потом он добавил, что «самое худшее для тебя еще впереди, до скорой встречи 8 Мая». Именно эта дата стояла на повестке в суд.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The same evening I went with its odnogruppnice, to pick up the tutorial. In this evening for me was attacked in the stairwell of her home. On the evening of April 30 when I came out of her apartment and was going down, I was attacked from behind and began to choke, then knocked to the floor. It was awful. I started crying and got a couple of blows to the face of a strong male hand. Striker all the time kept telling me that it's "Hi from my old friend." Striker frightened the woman, apparently a neighbour, who was raised on the floor along with her husband and child. Because the striker was in the mask, his face I haven't seen. The neighbors were going to call me an ambulance, but I refused. The night I spent on the painkillers. I had to spend the night with a friend in an apartment. Creepy headache and vomiting. In the morning I asked injuries point to provide medical assistance. I refused to be admitted to hospital. I stayed a few days before departure (for a couple of days before the attacks on me, I got a visa to the United States to participate in the program exchange students), and had to settle some matters at the University. May 3, 2015 year addresses in Sumy came summons me in court as a suspect in the case beyond a certain number. About any matter discussed, I don't know. But May 4, 2015 year around 8 pm the doorbell rang again at home. The tube was again Parkhomenko. He insulted me again and said, "I was supposed to be like Hi, I transferred from it a couple of days ago. Then he added that "the worst is yet to come for you, see you soon May 8. This date was on the Court agenda.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
That evening I went to her with a classmate to take a tutorial. On the same evening I was attacked in the stairwell of her house. When the evening of 30 April, I walked out of her apartment, and began to go down, I was attacked from behind and began to choke, then knocked to the floor. It was terrible. I began to scream, and got a couple of punches in the face of strong male hand. Forward kept telling me that it "regards from my old friend." Attacker startled woman, apparently a neighbor, who rose to the floor with her husband and child. Since the attacker was wearing a mask, his face I could not see. The neighbors were going to call me an ambulance, but I refused. The night I spent on painkillers. That night I had to spend with a friend in the apartment. Terrible headache and vomiting. In the morning I went to the point of injury to health care. From the hospital, I refused. I stayed a few days before departure (two days before the attack on me, I get a visa to the United States to participate in the student exchange program), and it was necessary to resolve some of the issues at the university. May 3, 2015 at the address in Sumy came the summons me to the court as a suspect in the case of a certain number. What kind of business in question, I do not know. But the May 4, 2015 about eight o'clock the phone rang again at home. On the tube was again Parkhomenko. He insulted me again and said, "I was like hello, which I gave him a couple of days ago." Then he added that "the worst is yet to come for you, see you soon May 8". This date was on the court agenda.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
that night i went out with my одногруппнице to pick up the book. in the evening i was assaulted in the hallway of her apartment. when the night of 30 april, i walked out of her apartment and started going down, i was attacked from behind and began to choke, and then down to the floor. it was awful. i started to scream and get a couple of shots to the face a male hand. the attacker always said to me, "hello my old friend". the attacker messed up woman, apparently, from which came up on the floor with her husband and child. since the attacker was wearing a mask, people i haven"t seen him. the neighbors were going to call me an ambulance, but i refused. the night i was on painkillers. that night, i had a friend in an apartment. a headache and nausea. in the morning i went to the trauma centre for medical assistance. from the hospital i refused. i had a few days to check out for a couple of days before the attacks on me, i got the visa in the united states to participate in the exchange program students), and had to settle some questions in university. on may 3, 2015 to addresses in the sumy came - call me in court as a suspect in the case for a certain number. for what was said, i don"t know. but 4 may 2015 about eight o"clock again a call at home. the tube was again parkhomenko. he insulted me again and said, "i should like hey, i gave him a couple of days ago. he then added that "the worst for you later, see you soon on 8 may. this date was on the subpoena.
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