Привет! Ты такая милая :3 Я постеснялась тебе написать, но потом я решилась;) Надеюсь, мы найдём темы для разговоров и станем хорошими друзьями в будущем:)
Hello! You are so cute: 3 I hesitate to write you, but then I decided) I hope we will find the topics for conversations and become good friends in the future:)
Hi! You're so cute: 3 I am ashamed to write to you, but then I decided;) I hope we will find topics of conversation, and become good friends in the future :)
Hi! You are so sweet :3 I shy you write, but then I generally shied away;) i hope, we will find topics for conversations and will become good friends in the future:)