Я очень люблю своих родителей и не хочу их расстраивать, но иногда я п перевод - Я очень люблю своих родителей и не хочу их расстраивать, но иногда я п английский как сказать

Я очень люблю своих родителей и не

Я очень люблю своих родителей и не хочу их расстраивать, но иногда я просто не могу понять их те ссоры, которые вспыхивают без причины.
Например, вчера, когда они пришли с работы, они даже не поздоровались. Они только вошли в дом и тут же велели выключить стерео систему. Затем мама прямо ворвалась в мою комнату и сказала, чтобы я поднял с пола фантики от конфет и выбросил пустые баночки из- под Колы. Когда я вошел на кухню, отец был уже там. Он сердито прошептал, что я должен помыть посуду, пока мама не увидела ее в раковине. Он не успел договорить, что я должен сделать, из моей комнаты раздался мамин крик. Она велела мне вернуться и убраться там. Я знаю все свои обязанности, но иногда я просто забываю вовремя выполнить их. Мои родители думают, что я ленивый и безответственный, но я не такой! Они всегда кричат на меня, и не слушают моих объяснений, я больше так не могу. Мну очень нужна ваша помощь. Посоветуйте, как мне себя вести, Стобы избегать этих конфликтов?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I really love their parents and do not want to upset them, but sometimes I just can't understand those quarrels, which flare up for no reason. For example, yesterday when they came to work, they are not even greeted. They only entered the House and was immediately ordered off the stereo system. Then mom right burst into my room and said that I picked up from the floor candy wrappers from chocolates and threw empty bottles from underneath. When I walked into the kitchen, dad was already there. He angrily whispered that I should wash dishes, while mom does not see her in the sink. He did not have time to finish, what should I do from my room rang out mother's cry. She told me to come back and get out of there. I know all their responsibilities, but sometimes I just forget to implement them on time. My parents think I am lazy and irresponsible, but I'm not! They always yell at me, and don't listen to my explanation, I can't anymore. Mnu really need your help. Can you advise me how to behave, So avoid these conflicts?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I really love your parents and do not want to upset them, but sometimes I just can not understand their arguments those that flare up for no reason.
For example, yesterday, when they came to work, they do not even said hello. They had just entered the house and immediately told to turn off the stereo system. Then Mom just burst into my room and said that I picked up wrappers from candy and threw empty cans from under Cola. When I walked into the kitchen, his father was already there. He angrily whispered that I had to wash the dishes, while my mother did not see it in the sink. He did not finish what I have to do, from my room there was my mother's scream. She told me to come back and get out of there. I know all their duties, but sometimes I forget just in time to execute them. My parents think I'm lazy and irresponsible, but I do not like that! They always yell at me and do not listen to my explanation, I can not go on. Mus really need your help. Advise how I behave, Stobie avoid these conflicts?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i love my parents and i don"t want to upset them, but sometimes i just can"t understand those fights that occur for no reason.for example, yesterday, when they come to work, they don"t even say hello. they just came into the house and then have to turn off the stereo. then my mom just broke into my room and told me to pick up paul"s candy wrappers and threw the empty bottle of soda. when i walked into the kitchen, my father was already there. he angrily said that i have to wash the dishes, while the mother saw her in the sink. he didn"t finish what i have to do, my room was my mother"s screaming. she told me to come back and get out of there. i know all your responsibilities, but sometimes i just forget in time to meet them. my parents think i am lazy and irresponsible, but i don"t like that! they always yell at me, and don"t listen to my explanation, i can"t do this anymore. i really need your help. tell me how to behave, welcome to avoid these conflicts?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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