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Понимаю порывы вашего истосковавшег

Понимаю порывы вашего истосковавшегося по любви сердца.... но не ужели во всей многонациональной Америке не нашлось той, которая могла бы внести свет в темноту вашей души? Не понятно мне. Я-русская. С другой культурой, не знающая английского совсем. И вы меня называете своей судьбой...я буду счастлива, если действительно окажусь вашей судьбой. Если смогу привносить в вашу жизнь радость, свет, тепло. Но я не люблю загадывать на будущее. Будущее, как и прошлое-эфимерно. Я живу здесь и сейчас. А здесь и сейчас я читаю ваши искренние признания в возродившевшихся в вашем сердце чувствах ко мне, и не знаю что ответить. Хочется бережно хранить вашу любовь, хочется отдать вам всю свою нежность, быть вам верным другом, моральной поддержкой, теплом и уютом в сердце. Но как тяжело это делать буквами. Да, мне это несколько затруднительно. Всё будет так, как мы этого хотим. Если окажется, что мы умеем вместе смотреть в одном направлении, то я буду только счастлива. И за вас и за себя. Двойное счастье)))))) выдержать бы столько)))))) как всегда-всё тяжёлое на хрупкие женские плечи)))) я снова шучу. Хорошего вам дня. Обнимаю. Татьяна
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Understand your impulses istoskovavšegosâ love heart ... but not perhaps in the whole multinational America was not one which could make a light in the darkness of your soul? It is not clear to me. I am Russian. With another culture, not knowing English. And you call me your destiny ... I'll be really happy if your destiny. If I can bring joy into your life, light, and heat. But I don't like to guess at the future. The future as the past-èfimerno. I live here and now. And here and now I am reading your heartfelt recognition in vozrodivševšihsâ in your heart feelings to me, and do not know what to answer. Want to keep your love, I want to give you all my tenderness, be you faithful friend, moral support, warmth and comfort in the heart. But how hard it is to do with the letters. Yes, it is somewhat difficult to me. Everything will be the way we want it. If it turns out that we can together look in one direction, then I'll just happy. And for you and for ourselves. Double Happiness)))))) so many would withstand)))))) as always, all heavy on the fragile shoulders)))) I'm kidding again. Have a good day. Embrace. Tatyana
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I understand your impulse of the heart longing for love .... but is not it possible the entire multiethnic America could not find one that could make the light in the darkness of your soul? It is not clear to me. I'm Russian. On the other culture, not knowing English at all. And you call me your destiny ... I'll be happy if you really find myself your destiny. If I can bring joy into your life, light, heat. But I do not like to make plans for the future. The future, as the past-efimernoe. I live here and now. And here and now I'm reading your sincere recognition vozrodivshevshihsya feelings in your heart to me, and I do not know what to say. I want to cherish your love, I want to give you all my affection, you have a true friend, moral support, warmth and comfort in the heart. But how hard it is to make letters. Yes, I'm a little difficult. Everything will be the way we want it. If it turns out that we can together look in one direction, then I'll just be happy. And for you and for myself. Double Happiness)))))) would endure so much)))))) As always, everything heavy on the fragile shoulders of women)))) I'm kidding again. Have a nice day. I embrace. Tatyana
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Understand your gusts who long for love heart .... but not o sweet my mother throughout the multinational America is not overflowing the, which could contribute to light in the dark your soul? Do not understand me. I am Russian. On the other culture,I do not overestimate it. And you call me their own destiny ... i would be happy, if indeed anything your destiny. If I can bring joy to your life, light, heat. But I don't like arable land for the future.The future, as well as past-эфимерно. I live here and now. And here and now, I am reading your sincere recognition in возродившевшихся in your heart feelings to me, and I don't know what to answer. You don't want to store your gentle love,You don't want to give you all their curiosity, be you true friend, moral support, warmth and charm in the heart. But how hard it is to do so with letters. Yes, to me, this is more difficult. All will be as we want it to be.If it is possible, however, that we're looking in the same direction, I will be just happy. And for you and for themselves. Double happiness)))))) withstand would be so much)))))) as always, all heavy on fragile women's shoulders | again, i'm kidding.Have a good day. Hug. Tatiana
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