1. Вы перебили меня, и теперь я не помню, на чем я остановился. 2. Я о перевод - 1. Вы перебили меня, и теперь я не помню, на чем я остановился. 2. Я о английский как сказать

1. Вы перебили меня, и теперь я не

1. Вы перебили меня, и теперь я не помню, на чем я остановился. 2. Я очень рад, что он согласился на наше пред­ложение. 3. Мы только что продали последний экземпляр этой книги. Жаль, что вы раньше нам не сказали, что она вам нужна. 4. Вы зря, потратили время на перевод этой статьи; она не представляет никакого интереса. 5. Он никогда не вмешивался в мои дела, и я ему за это благодарен. 6. Его никак нельзя было назвать любопытным; хотя он всегда охотно выслушивал других, но сам почти никогда не задавал вопросов. 7. Ваш товарищ уже расска­зал мне в чем дело, и я думаю, что смогу помочь вам. 8. Я не спрашивал его ни о чем; он сам мне все рассказал. 9. Он только что звонил на вокзал и узнал, что поезд еще не пришел. 10. Я узнал ваш телефон в справочном бюро и звонил вам несколько раз, но никто не отвечал. 11. Экзаменаторы пришли четверть часа тому назад и вызвали трех студентов. 12. Экзаменаторы уже пришли; три студента уже готовятся отвечать. 13. Дождь уже прекратился, и люди идут без плащей и зонтов. 14. Я никогда не забуду вашу доброту. Вы всегда были так внимательны ко мне. 15. Когда мы были студентами, мы всегда помогали друг другу. 16. Я знаю его много лет; он всегда был мне хорошим другом. 17. Очень рад с вами познакомиться. Я столько слышал о вас и давно хотел с вами встретиться. 18. Где вы достали этот чудесный ковер? — Он у меня с тех пор, как я переехал на эту
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. you have killed me, and now I do not remember where I stopped. 2. I am very pleased that he has agreed to our proposal. 3. We just sold the last copy of the book. Too bad you didn't tell us earlier that you need it. 4. you wasted, spent time on the translation of this article; It is of no interest. 5. He never interfered in my business, and I am grateful to him for that. 6. It cannot be called a curious; Although he is always willing to listen to others, but he is almost never asked questions. 7. your friend has already told me what was wrong, and I think I can help you. 8. I did not question him about anything; He told me everything. 9. He has just called on the station and found out that the train has not yet come. 10. I found your phone at the information desk and called you several times, but no one answered. 11. the Examiners came a quarter of an hour ago, and three students. 12. the Examiners have already come; three students are already preparing to answer. 13. the rain has stopped, and people go without coats and umbrellas. 14. I will never forget your kindness. You were always so nice to me. 15. When we were students, we have always helped each other. 16. I know him for many years; He's always been a good friend to me. 17. very pleased to meet you. I heard about you and have been wanting to meet you. 18. where do you get hold of this wonderful carpet? -I have it since I moved to this
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. You killed me, and now I can not remember where was I. 2. I am very pleased that he has agreed to our proposal. 3. We just sold the last copy of the book. Sorry you earlier we were not told that you need it. 4. You should not have spent time on the translation of this article; it is of no interest. 5. He never interfered in my business, and I told him for that. 6. It could not be called curious; although he always willing to listen to others, but he almost never asked questions. 7. Your friend has told me what was wrong, and I think I can help you. 8. I did not ask him about anything; he told me everything. 9. He just called to the station and found out that the train had not yet arrived. 10. I heard your phone at the information desk and called you several times, but no one answered. 11. The examiners came a quarter of an hour ago and caused three students. 12. The examiners have already come; Three students are preparing to respond. 13. The rain had stopped, and people go without a raincoat and an umbrella. 14. I will never forget your kindness. You were always so attentive to me. 15. When we were students, we always helped each other. 16. I've known him for many years; He was always a good friend to me. 17. I am very glad to meet you. I had heard so much about you, and have long wanted to meet you. 18. Where did you get this wonderful carpet? - I have it since I moved to this
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. You spear pierced me, and now I don't remember what I am stopped. 2. I am very pleased that he has agreed to our Lord for meeting proposal. 3. We have just sold the last copy of this book. It is regrettable that you previously, we have not said,What do you need it. 4. You vain, have invested time to translate the article; it is of no interest. 5. He has never interfered in my case, and I am grateful to him for this. 6. It could not have been described as curious.Although he is always gladly listened other, but is almost never asked questions. 7. Your comrade already got room here one can see me in the case, and I think that I can help you. 8. I have not asked him about the than; he me all told. 9.He had just called the station and learned that the train had not yet arrived. 10. I learned your phone in the background the bureau and called you a few times, but no one was in charge. 11.Examiners must have a quarter of an hour ago, and caused three students. 12. Examiners must have already agreed; three students are already prepared to respond. 13. Rain has stopped, and the people are without or gabions and umbrellas. 14.I will never forget your kindness. You have always been so careful not to me. 15. When we were students, we have always helped each other. 16. I know his many years; it has always been me a good friend. 17.Very pleased to meet you. I have heard so much about you and the long-standing would like you to meet. 18. Where you distribute this wonderful rug? - He i have since then, as I moved to this
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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