1. Я не виню тебя за то, что тебе так хочется уехать из города (to bla перевод - 1. Я не виню тебя за то, что тебе так хочется уехать из города (to bla английский как сказать

1. Я не виню тебя за то, что тебе т

1. Я не виню тебя за то, что тебе так хочется уехать из города (to blame).
2. Тогда я заподозрил его в том, что он меня дразнит (to suspect). 3. Нам было
не трудно работать вместе (to have difficulty). 4. Он настаивал на том, чтобы
научить ее работать на ЭВМ (to insist). 5. Не было ничего, что могло бы
помешать ему вернуться в Лондон (to prevent). 6. Он извинился, что не пришел
вовремя (to apologize). 7. Мне удалось заставить говорить (to succeed). 8. Отец
часто обвинял меня в том, что я отношусь к дому как к отелю (to accuse). 9. Она
настояла на том, чтобы заплатить за такси (to insist). 10. Дэн уговорил Беллу
остаться на обед (to talk into). 11. Доктор начал с того, что пощупал его пульс
(to begin). 12. Он настоял на том, чтобы Анну немедленно пригласили сюда (to
insist). 13. Я спросил его, как ему нравится быть отцом (to feel about). 14. Как ты
объяснил покупку этого автомобиля? (to account). 15. Он упрекал себя за то, что
не попытался поговорить с нею (to reproach).
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I don't blame you for what you want to leave the city (to blame).2. then I suspected him of me teasing (to suspect). 3. we wereIt is not difficult to work together (to have difficulty). 4. He insisted thatteach her to work on a computer (to insist). 5. There was nothing that couldto prevent him from returning to London (to prevent). 6. He apologized, that did not comein time (to apologize). 7. I managed to get to say (to succeed). 8. the fatheroften accused me that I relate to the House as to the hotel (to accuse). 9. Itinsisted that, to pay for a taxi (to insist). 10. Dan persuaded Bellstay for lunch (to talk into). 11. the doctor began by poŝupal his pulse(to begin). 12. He insisted that Anne immediately invited back here (toinsist). 13. I asked him how he likes to be a father (to feel about). 14. How are youexplained the purchase of this car? (to account). 15. He reproached himself for beingnot tried to talk to her (to reproach).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I do not blame you for what you both want to leave the city (to blame).
2. Then I suspected him of what he teases me (to suspect). 3. It was
not difficult to work together (to have difficulty). 4. He insisted to
teach her ​​to work on a computer (to insist). 5. There was nothing that would
prevent him from returning to London (to prevent). 6. He apologized that did not come
in time (to apologize). 7. I managed to get to talk (to succeed). 8. Father
often accused me that I belong to the house as a hotel (to accuse). 9. She
insisted to pay for a taxi (to insist). 10. Dan Bell persuaded
to stay for dinner (to talk into). 11. The doctor started with what felt his pulse
(to begin). 12. He insisted that Anna immediately invited here (to
Insist). 13. I asked him how he liked being a father (to feel about). 14. How do you
explain the purchase of this vehicle? (To account). 15. He reproached himself for having
not tried to talk to her (to reproach).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. I am not blaming him for the fact that you so you don't want to be out of town (to blаme) .
2. Then i picked up his that he me teasing (to suspect). 3. We were
do not find it difficult to work together (to reformulating diffiсulty). 4. He insisted that
Teach her to work on the computer (to insist). 5. There was nothing that could be
to prevent him to return to London (to prevent). 6. He apologized, that do not come
on time (to аpоlоgize). 7. I was able to get to talk (to suссeed). 8. The father
Often accused me that I am to the home as well as the hotel (to ассuse). 9. She
insisted on that, to pay for a taxi (to insist). 10. Deng Xiaoping's fine tradition Bell
to stay for lunch (to talk into clause). 11. Doctor began with that пощупал his pulse
(to begin).12. He insisted that Anna immediately invited here (to
insist). 13. I asked him, as he likes to be his father (to feel about). 14. As you
explained purchase this vehicle? (To account). 15. He said the fact that
Not tried to talk to it (to reprоасh).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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