На западе Польши есть таинственный «Кривой лес», посаженный в 1930 год перевод - На западе Польши есть таинственный «Кривой лес», посаженный в 1930 год английский как сказать

На западе Польши есть таинственный

На западе Польши есть таинственный «Кривой лес», посаженный в 1930 году. Около 400 деревьев растет с изгибом в 90 градусов у основания их стволов. Все деревья изогнуты в сторону севера. Объяснить этот загадочный феномен ученые пока не могут, но существует множество версий о причинах странного роста сосен. Согласно одному из предположений, люди намеренно искривили стволы деревьев для удобства дальнейшего изготовления из них мебели, саней и лодок. Другая версия называет причиной искривления стволов сильные ветры. Существует также мнение, что один местный селекционер специально хотел вырастить лес, все деревья которого будут обращены в сторону севера, тогда никто не смог бы заблудится в таком лесу. Четвёртая версия - в прошлом веке в этом молодом лесу жила ведьма и заколдовала лес. Чем глупее человек, тем абсурднее версия.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the West of Poland there is a mysterious "curve of forest, planted in the year 1930. About 400 trees growing in the 90-degree bend at the base of their stems. All the trees are bent toward the North. Explain this mysterious phenomenon, scientists can not yet, but there are many versions about the causes of strange growth pines. One of the assumptions people purposely iskrivili tree trunks for the convenience of further manufacturing of furniture, sleigh and boats. Another version calls cause curvature of the trunks of strong winds. It is also felt that a local breeder specifically wanted to grow a forest, all the trees which are turned towards the North, then no one could get lost in this forest. The fourth release in the last century in this young forest witch lived and zakoldovala forest. Dumber than a person is, the more absurd version.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the west, Poland has a mysterious "Crooked Forest" planted in 1930. About 400 trees growing with a bend of 90 degrees at the base of their trunks. All the trees are bent in the direction of the north. To explain this mysterious phenomenon scientists can not yet, but there are many theories about the causes of the strange growth pines. According to one of the assumptions people deliberately twisted tree trunks for the convenience of further manufacture of these furniture, sleds and boats. Another version calls cause curving trunks strong winds. There is also a belief that a local breeder specifically wanted to grow a forest, all the trees which will be turned towards the north, then no one could get lost in a forest. The fourth version - in the last century in this young forest lived a witch and enchanted forest. The foolish man, the absurd version.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to the west of poland is the mysterious "crooked forest, planted in the 1930s. about 400 trees growing to 90 degree bend at the base of their guns. all the trees bent toward the north.to explain this mysterious phenomenon, scientists can not yet, but there are many theories about the causes of unusual growth of pines. according to one theory, thepeople deliberately искривили tree trunks for the convenience of the further manufacture of furniture, a sled and boats. another version of the cause distortion. strong winds. there was also the viewa local breeder specifically wanted to raise the forest, all the trees which are turned towards the north, then no one could get lost in the woods.the fourth version in the last century in the young forest witch lived and the enchanted forest. the stupid man, the абсурднее version.
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