Если вы хотите все изменить, то начните с себя. 2. Пойми, ты же лжёшь  перевод - Если вы хотите все изменить, то начните с себя. 2. Пойми, ты же лжёшь  английский как сказать

Если вы хотите все изменить, то нач

Если вы хотите все изменить, то начните с себя. 2. Пойми, ты же лжёшь самому себе! 3. Чай очень горячий, не обожгись! 4. Осторожнее, не ушибись! 5. Позаботьтесь о себе! И постарайтесь почаще расслабляться. 6. Она посвятила себя своим детям и никогда не думала о себе. 7. Он чувствовал, что он не прав, но не мог заставить себя признаться в этом.
8.Расскажите нам о себе. Кто вы? Откуда? Чем занимаетесь?
9.Никто не сделает это за тебя, тебе придётся сделать это самому. 10. Она сама вежливость. 11. — Ты назвал бы себя крутым парнем? — Конечно, нет. 12. Соберись, ты же мужчина. 13. Она считает себя центром Земли (Вселенной). 14. Сам решай свои проблемы, а я постараюсь сконцентрироваться на моих. 15. Да я сам чувствую, что был не прав. 16. Она вне себя от счастья. 17. Ваш доклад говорит сам за себя. Он великолепен. 18. Я кошка, которая гуляет сама по себе. 19. Очень часто дети были предоставлены сами себе. 20. Мои друзья и я жив¸м недалеко друг от друга. 21. Сегодня мы ид¸м в театр и надеемся хорошо провести время. 22. Он поймал себя на том, что опять думал об этой девушке. И ему пришлось напомнить себе, что он даже не взял е¸ номер телефона. 23. В любой ситуации оставайся самим собой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If you want to change everything, start with yourself. 2. Understand that you lzhjosh' yourself! 3. The tea very hot, not obozhgis'! 4. Be careful not ushibis'! 5. Take care of yourself! And try to relax more often. 6. she devoted herself to her children and never thought about myself. 7. He felt that he was wrong, but couldn't bring myself to admit it.8. Tell us about yourself. Who are you? From where? What do you do for a living?9. no one will do it for you, you have to do it myself. 10. She herself politeness. 11. "you would call themselves a steep guy? Of course, no. 12. Put yourself together, you're the man. 13. She considers herself the center of the Earth (the universe). 14. Sam solve their problems, and I will try to concentrate on my own. 15. Yes I myself feel that was wrong. 16. She overjoyed. 17. your report speaks for itself. He is gorgeous. 18. I am the cat who walks by himself. 19. Very often children are left to themselves. 20. My friends and I zhiv ¸ m close to each other. 21. Today we ID ¸ m theatre and hope to have a good time. 22. He caught that thought again about this girl. And he had to remind himself that he had not even picked up the e-number. 23. In any situation stay yourself.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If you want to change everything, start with yourself. 2. Understand, you're lying to yourself! 3. The tea is very hot, do not burn yourself! 4. Be careful, do not hurt! 5. Take care of yourself! And try to relax more often. 6. She devoted herself to her children and never thought of myself. 7. He felt that he was wrong, but could not bring himself to admit it.
8.Rasskazhite us about yourself. Who you are? How? What do you do?
9.Nikto not do it for you, you'll have to do it yourself. 10. It is very polite. 11. - You would call himself a tough guy? - Of course not. 12. Pull yourself together, you're a man. 13. She considers herself the center of the earth (the universe). 14. Sam to solve their problems, and I will try to concentrate on my own. 15. I myself feel that I was wrong. 16. She is overjoyed. 17. Your report speaks for itself. He's great. 18. I have a cat, that walks by itself. 19. Very often, children were left to themselves. 20. My friends and I zhiv¸m close to each other. 21. Today we id¸m theater and hope to have a good time. 22. He found himself, again thinking about this girl. And he had to remind himself that he had not even taken e¸ phone number. 23. In any situation, be himself.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if you want to change things, start from myself. 2. look, you're lying to yourself! 3. the tea is very hot, don't burn yourself! 4. be careful, you mustn't hurt yourself! 5. take care of yourself! and try to relax. 6. she devoted herself to her children and never thought of himself. 7. he felt that he was not human, but could not bring himself to admit it.8.расскажите us about yourself. who are you? how do? what do you do?9.никто doesn't do it for you, you have to do it yourself. 10. she is polite. 11. - would you call yourself a man? - no, of course not. 12. come on, you're a man. 13. she thinks she is the center of the earth (the universe). 14. you decide your problems, but i will try to focus on my. 15. i myself feel that i was wrong. 16. she was overjoyed. 17. your report speaks for itself. he's great. 18. i have a cat that walks on its own. 19. very often, the children were left to themselves. 20. my friends and i жив¸м close to each other. 21. today, we ид¸м theatre and hope to have a good time. 22. he caught himself, again think about this girl. and he had to remind himself that he didn't even get е¸ phone number. 23. in any situation, be yourself.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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