1. Где Мэри? — Она в библиотеке, она готовится к докладу. Она уже рабо перевод - 1. Где Мэри? — Она в библиотеке, она готовится к докладу. Она уже рабо английский как сказать

1. Где Мэри? — Она в библиотеке, он

1. Где Мэри? — Она в библиотеке, она готовится к докладу. Она уже работает три часа. - Where is Mary? - She is at the library, she is getting ready for her report. She has been working for three hours.
2. Он думал, что его друзья работают вместе. - He thought that his friends worked together.
3. Она была удивлена: она еще никогда не видела столько цветов. - She was surprised, she had never seen so many flowers.
4. Когда я проснулся, мама уже встала и готовила чай. - When I woke, my mother had (already) got up and was making tea.
5. Я уже полчаса стараюсь вспомнить ее имя, но до сих пор еще не вспомнил. - I've been trying to recollect her name for half an hour, but I have failed so far.
6. Когда он пришел домой, мы уже ушли в кино. - When he came home, we had (already) gone for the cinema.
7. Она сказала, что идет дождь и нам лучше сидеть дома. - She said that it was raining, and we'd better stay at home.
8. Она жила в этом доме уже пять лет, когда приехал ее брат. - They had been living for five years in this house, when her brother came.
9. Она думала, что будет хорошая погода. - She thought that the weather would be fine. (She thought the weather to be fine.)
10. Разве ты не понимаешь, что весной будет уже три года, как я ношу эту шляпу - Don't you understand that I'll be wearing his hat for three years in spring?
11. Неужели они играют в шахматы с самого утра? - Can they have been playing chess since morning?
12. Они шли по дороге уже два или три часа, когда вдруг пошел дождь. - They had been walking along the street for two or three hours, when it suddenly began to rain.
13. Что делает твой брат? — Он работает в институте. — А что он сейчас делает? — Он читает газету. Я всегда приношу ему газеты, когда он приходит с работы. - What does your brother do? - He works at an institute. - And what is he doing now? - He is reading a newspaper. I always bring him newspapers, when he comes home.
14. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер, и становилось все холоднее и холоднее. - It was already dark, when we came up to the house: the strong wind was blowing, it was getting colder and colder.
15. Что вы будете делать завтра в восемь часов вечера? — Завтра к восьми часам я уже закончу все свои уроки, и в восемь часов буду играть на рояле. - What will you be doing at eight p.m. tomorrow? - I'll have finished all my hometasks by eight tomorrow, and I'll be playing the piano at 8.
16. Они читали Диккенса по-английски, и знают многие его произведения. - They read Dickens in English, and they know many of his works.
17. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять будем часто ходить на каток. - The winter has come, and we'll often go to the skating-rink again.
18. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол, а Билл и Джон считали круглые камешки, которые они принесли с реки. - When TOm left home, all the boys were playing football, and Bill and John were counting the round stones,
which they had brought from the river.
19. Я знаю, что она работает над этой статьей уже три недели. - I know that she has been working at (on) this article for three weeks.
20. Когда я повторила свой вопрос, он сказал, что не слышал меня в первый раз, но я ясно видела, что он хорошо слышал меня оба раза. - When I repeated my question, he said that he hadn't heard me for the first time, but I knew perfectly well that he had heard both times.
21. Ну, уложила ты свои вещи наконец? Такси уже десять минут ожидает у дверей. - Have you packed you things (stuff) at last? The taxi has been waiting for ten minutes at the door.
22. Мы сидим здесь уже два часа, а я все еще не рассказал тебе о своей поездке. - We have been sitting here for two hours, and I haven't still told you about my trip.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. where is Mary? Is It in the library, she is preparing to report. It already runs three hours. -Where is Mary? -She is at the library, she is getting ready for her report. She has been working for three hours. 2. He thought his friends working together. -He thought that his friends worked together. 3. She was surprised she had never seen so many flowers. She was surprised, she had never seen so many flowers. 4. when I woke up MOM had already stood up and prepared the tea. -When I woke, my mother had (already) got up and was making tea. 5. I have already half an hour try to remember her name, but so far have not remembered. -I've been trying to recollect her name for half an hour, but I have failed so far. 6. when he came home we had already gone to the movies. -When he came home, we had (already) gone for the cinema. 7. She said that it was raining and we had better stay at home. -She said that it was raining, and we'd better stay at home. 8. She lived in this House for five years, when her brother arrived. -They had been living for five years in this house, when her brother came. 9. She thought that would be nice. -She thought that the weather would be fine. (She thought the weather to be fine.) 10. don't you see that the spring will be for three years, as I wear this hat-Don't you understand that I'll be wearing his hat for three years in the spring? 11. do they play chess in the morning? -Can they have been playing chess since morning? 12. they went on the road for two or three hours, when all of a sudden it started raining. -They had been walking along the street for two or three hours, when it suddenly began to rain. 13. what makes your brother? He works at the Institute. What he is now doing? Is He reading a newspaper. I always bring him a newspaper when it comes to work. -What does your brother do? -He works at an institute. -And what is he doing now? -He is reading a newspaper. I always bring him newspapers, when he comes home. 14. it was already dark when we got to the House; a strong wind was blowing and it was getting colder and colder. -It was already dark when we came up to the house: the strong wind was blowing, it was getting colder and colder. 15. what will you do tomorrow at 8 p.m.? Tomorrow the eight hours I've already finished all their lessons, and at eight o'clock I will play on the piano. -What will you be doing at eight p.m. tomorrow? -I'll have finished all my hometasks by eight tomorrow, and I'll be playing the piano at 8. 16. they read Dickens and know many of his works. -They read Dickens in English, and they know many of his works. 17. Come winter, and now we'll often walk to the rink. -The winter has come, and we'll often go to the skating-rink again. 18. When Tom went out of the House, all the guys were playing football, and Bill and John felt round stones, which they brought from the river. -When TOm left home, all the boys were playing football, and Bill and John were counting the round stones which they had brought from the river. 19. I know that she is working on this article for three weeks. -I know that she has been working at (on) this article for three weeks. 20. when I repeated the question, he said he didn't hear me the first time, but I clearly saw that it heard me both times. -When I repeated my question, he said that he hadn't heard me for the first time, but I knew perfectly well that he had heard both times. 21. well, you put your things last? Taxi for ten minutes waiting at the door. -Have you packed you things (stuff) at last? The taxi has been waiting for ten minutes at the door. 22. we sit here for two hours, and I still haven't told you about her trip. -We have been sitting here for two hours, and I still haven't told you about my trip.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Where is Mary? - It is in the library, she is preparing the report. She is already working three hours. - Where is Mary? - She is at the library, she is getting ready for her report. She has been working for three hours.
2. He thought that his friends work together. - He thought that his friends worked together.
3. She was surprised she had never seen so many flowers. - She was surprised, she had never seen so many flowers.
4. When I woke up, my mother was already up and making tea. - When I woke, my mother had (already) got up and was making tea.
5. I have half an hour trying to remember her name, but still have not remembered. - I've been trying to recollect her name for half an hour, but I have failed so far.
6. When he came home, we had gone to the movies. - When he came home, we had (already) gone for the cinema.
7. She said that the rain and we had better stay at home. - She said that it was raining, and we'd better stay at home.
8. She lived in this house for five years, when her brother arrived. - They had been living for five years in this house, when her brother came.
9. She thought that the weather is good. - She thought that the weather would be fine. (She thought the weather to be fine.)
10. Do not you know that spring will be for three years, as I wear this hat - Do not you understand that I'll be wearing his hat for three years in spring?
11. Will they play chess in the morning? - Can they have been playing chess since morning?
12. They walked along the road for two or three hours, when suddenly it began to rain. - They had been walking along the street for two or three hours, when it suddenly began to rain.
13. What does your brother? - He works at the Institute. - What's he doing now? - He reads the newspaper. I always bring him a newspaper when he comes home from work. - What does your brother do? - He works at an institute. - And what is he doing now? - He is reading a newspaper. I always bring him newspapers, when he comes home.
14. It was already dark when we reached the house; strong wind was blowing, and it was getting colder and colder. - It was already dark, when we came up to the house: the strong wind was blowing, it was getting colder and colder.
15. What will you do tomorrow at eight o'clock in the evening? - Tomorrow at eight o'clock I finished all my classes, and at eight o'clock I'll play the piano. - What will you be doing at eight pm tomorrow? - I'll have finished all my hometasks by eight tomorrow, and I'll be playing the piano at 8.
16. They read Dickens in English, and know many of his works. - They read Dickens in English, and they know many of his works.
17. Winter came, and now again we will often go to the rink. - The winter has come, and we'll often go to the skating-rink again.
18. When Tom left the house, all the guys were playing football, and Bill and John felt round stones, which they brought from the river. - When Tom left Home, All the Boys Were playing Football, and Bill and John Were counting the Round stones,
Which They HAD Brought from the River.
19. I know that she is working on this article for three weeks. - I know that she has been working at (on) this article for three weeks.
20. When I repeated her question, he said that he did not hear me the first time, but I could clearly see that it is well heard me both times. - When I repeated my question, he said that he had not heard me for the first time, but I knew perfectly well that he had heard both times.
21. Well, you packed my things last? Taxi for ten minutes waiting at the door. - Have you packed you things (stuff) at last? The taxi has been waiting for ten minutes at the door.
22. We are sitting here for two hours, and I still have not told you about my trip. - We have been sitting here for two hours, and I have not still told you about my trip.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Where Mary? Is it in the library, it was preparing to report. It is already running three hours. - Where is Mary? - She is at the library, she is getting ready for her report. She has been working for three hours.
2. He thought that his friends are working together. - He thought that his friends worked together.
3.She was surprised: she has never seen so many colors. - She was surprised, she had never avoid duplicates so peer surveillance.
4. When I woke up, mom was already seated and prepared tea. - When I numerous bootlegs more than doubling their catalog, my mother had (already) got up and was making tea.
5.I have already half an hour trying to remember her name, but it is still not remembered. - Aditya cellular trying to reсоlleсt meteors name for half an hour, but I have failed so far.
6. When he came home, we have already gone to the cinema. - When he scoreboard slot home, we had (already) gone for the cinema.
7. She said,
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