Mashina Vremeni made to the stage in the 1960s. The group's songs had  перевод - Mashina Vremeni made to the stage in the 1960s. The group's songs had  английский как сказать

Mashina Vremeni made to the stage i

Mashina Vremeni made to the stage in the 1960s. The group's songs had new and unusual tunes. Their lyrics told about the problems of time. In 1976 the young musicians met Boris Grebenshchikov who invited them to Leningrad. Their concerts were played full houses. In 1978 the group started using a synthesizer it was a new instrument that was a revolution in rock music. In 1981 the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published the list of the most popular songs and the song Povorot by Mashina Vremeni entered the chart for the first time. Mashina Vremeni became the best rock group of the year. Many young people enjoyed listening to their songs. In 1980 the group recorded 2 albums. They were a success. Later the group took part in different TV programmes and films. In 1989 the group toured Africa and Great Britain. The group recorded and released more than 20 albums. Now they continue their work and tour Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe and America. Their songs are still worth listening to..
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Mashina Vremeni made to the stage in the 1960s. The group's songs had new and unusual tunes. Their lyrics told about the problems of time. In 1976 the young musicians met Boris Grebenshchikov who invited them to Leningrad. Their concerts were played full houses. In 1978 the group started using a synthesizer it was a new instrument that was a revolution in rock music. In 1981 the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published the list of the most popular songs and the song Povorot by Mashina Vremeni entered the chart for the first time. Mashina Vremeni became the best rock group of the year. Many young people enjoyed listening to their songs. In 1980 the group recorded two albums. They were a success. Later the group took part in different TV programmes and films. In 1989 the group toured Africa and Great Britain. The group recorded and released more than 20 albums. Now they continue their work and tour Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe and America. Their songs are still worth listening to ..
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Mashina Vremeni made to the stage in the 1960s. The group's songs had new and unusual tunes. Their lyrics told about the problems of time. In 1976 the young musicians met Boris Grebenshchikov who invited them to Leningrad. Their concerts were played full houses. In 1978 the group started using a synthesizer it was a new instrument that was a revolution in rock music. In 1981 the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published the list of the most popular songs and the song Povorot by Mashina Vremeni entered the chart for the first time. Mashina Vremeni became the best rock group of the year. Many young people enjoyed listening to their songs. In 1980 the group recorded two albums. They were a success. Later the group took part in different TV programmes and films. In 1989 the group toured Africa and Great Britain. The group recorded and released more than 20 albums. Now they continue their work and tour Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe and America. Their songs are still worth listening to.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Mashina vremeni made to the stage in the 1960s. the group's songs had new and unusual tunes. They told me about time. In 1976 the young musicians met Boris grebenshchikov who invited them to leningrad. Their concerts were played full houses. 1978 The group started using a synthesizer it was a new instrument that was a revolution in rock music. In 1981 the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published the list of the most popular songs and the song povorot by mashina vremeni entered the chart for the first time. Mashina vrmeni became the best rock group of the year. Many young people enjoyed listening to their songs. In 1980, the Group recorded 2 albums. They are a success. Later the group took part in different TV programs and films. In 1989 the group toured Africa and great britain. The Group recorded and released more than 20 albums. Now their work and their Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of independent states, Europe and america. Their songs are still worth listening to....<br>
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