«Мое любимое животное» Мое любимое животное – это собака. Честно говор перевод - «Мое любимое животное» Мое любимое животное – это собака. Честно говор английский как сказать

«Мое любимое животное» Мое любимое

«Мое любимое животное»
Мое любимое животное – это собака. Честно говоря, я очень люблю всех животных. Мне нравятся и кошки, и хомяки, и рыбки, и птицы, и даже домашние крысы, но собака – это мое любимое животное.

Как говорится, собака – лучший друг человека. И я с этим полностью согласен. Собаки приносят счастье и радость человеку. Они всегда очень веселые, всегда хотят порезвиться и поиграть во что-нибудь, будь то мячик или простая косточка. Они оберегают человеческий дом от посторонних, охраняют свою территорию. Мне кажется, собаки очень преданы человеку, своему хозяину. Можно вспомнить легендарную историю пса Хатико, который остался ждать своего давно уже умершего хозяина. Хатико – это идеал верного, преданного пса.

Более того, собаки очень умные и их легко приручить. Заглядывая даже бродячему псу в глаза, создается ощущение, что он все понимает, все видит. Как будто через глаза собаки просвечивает ее собственная душа. А у кого никогда не возникало ощущение вины, когда видишь бродячего голодного пса, жалостно глядящего прямо на вас?

Мне кажется, что каждый человек понимает, что собаки – это одни из самых лучших животных. Они умные, приносят радость в нашу жизнь. Они охраняют наш дом, охраняют своего хозяина и создают уют в доме. Но самое главное это то, что собаки – это верные и преданные братья наши меньшие.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
"My favorite animal"
My favorite animal - a dog. Honestly, I love all animals. I like both cats and hamsters, and fish, and birds, and even pets rats, but the dog - it's my favorite animal.

As they say, the dog - man's best friend. And I totally agree with that. Dogs bring joy and happiness to man. They are always very cheerful, always want to frolic and play something,whether it's a ball or a simple stone. They protect the human home from strangers, guarding their territory. I think dogs are very loyal person to his master. One may recall the story of the legendary dog ​​Hachikowho waited his long dead master. Hachiko - an ideal loyal, faithful dog.

Moreover, dogs are very intelligent and easy to tame. Looking even wandering dog eyes, a feelingthat he understands everything, sees everything. As if through a dog's eyes shine through her own soul. And who has never had a feeling of guilt when you see a hungry dog ​​wandering pitifully staring straight at you?

I think everyone realizes that the dogs - it's one of the best animals. They're smart, bring joy into our lives. They guard our house, guarded his master and provide comfort in the house.But the most important thing is that the dog - is faithful and loyal brothers our smaller.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
"My favorite animal"
My favorite animal is the dog. Honestly, I love all animals. I like cats and hamsters, fish, and birds, and even domestic rats, but the dog is my favorite animal is.

As the saying goes, the dog-man's best friend. And I fully agree. Dogs bring happiness and joy to the person. They are always very funny, always looking to have fun and play into anything, whether it's a ball or a simple stone. They protect humans from using House guarding its territory. It seems to me, dogs are very loyal to man, to his master. You might remember the legendary history of Hachiko dog, who was left waiting for his long-deceased owner. Hachiko is the ideal of a true, faithful dog.

Moreover, the dogs are very intelligent and easy to train. Looking even a traveling dog's eyes, a feeling He understands everything, sees everything. As if through a dog's eyes shine through her own soul. And who never had a feeling of guilt, when you see a stray dog, a hungry pitiful guy looking right at you?

It seems to me that everyone knows that dogs are one of the best animals. They are smart, bring joy to our lives. They protect our House, guarded by his master and a cosiness in the House. But the most important thing is that the dog is loyal and faithful brothers our smaller.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"My favorite animal.
my favorite animal is a dog. Frankly, I love all animals. I like cats, and hamsters, fish, and poultry, and even home rats, but the dog - this is my favorite animal.

As stated, the dog is the best friend. And I fully agree. Dogs brings happiness and joy. They are always a very fun, always want to Taba and play games in that one day,Whether the ball or a simple boy. They protect the human house of bystanders, protect its territory. It seems to me, dogs are very brought to man, its owners. You can recall the legendary history psa Хатико,Which is a long time to wait for his deceased master. Хатико - this is the ideal faithful, devoted dog.

Moreover, dogs are very smart and they can easily be laughter. Looking even бродячему poc in the eyes, ears,That he understood it, all it sees. As if through the eye dog is showing through on its own soul. The others have never had a feeling guilt, when you look бродячего hungry dog, жалостно глядящего directly to you?

It seems to me that each person understands that dogs - this is one of the best animals. They're smarter, brings joy to our lives. They protect our house, protect their master and create a warm atmosphere in the house.The most important thing is that dogs are loyal and faithful brothers our smaller.
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