Музей располагается в двух строениях: в здании Кунсткамеры и пристроен перевод - Музей располагается в двух строениях: в здании Кунсткамеры и пристроен английский как сказать

Музей располагается в двух строения

Музей располагается в двух строениях: в здании Кунсткамеры и пристроенном к нему в 1887 г. Музейном флигеле.
Здание Кунсткамеры построено в стиле петровского барокко. Это первое музейное строение в России и, видимо, старейшее здание в мире, возведенное специально для музея. Здание венчает башня с армиллярной сферой, символизирующей модель Солнечной системы.
По преданию, место для строительства музея выбрал Петр I. Он обратил внимание на необычную сосну, диковинная часть которой представлена в музее. Первоначальный проект здания был, по всей вероятности, составлен архитектором Андреасом Шлютером, а затем разработан на основе его чертежей Г. Маттарнови при личном участии Петра. Позднее работами руководили архитекторы Н. Гербель и Г. Киавери. Весь комплекс работ был завершен в 1734 г. архитектором М. Земцовым. После пожара в здании Кунсткамеры в 1747 г. была выполнена декоративная отделка некоторых залов. Так, на потолке зала второго этажа восточного флигеля Кунсткамеры (зал библиотеки; ныне Зал барокко, где расположена экспозиция "Естественно-научные коллекции Кунсткамеры") художник Д. Джанни в 1757 г. создал лепной узор, а скульптор М. Павлов в 70-х гг. XVIII в. - два горельефа - "Празднующая Европа" и "Триумф России". Плафон и горельефы сохранились до наших дней. Сгоревшая во время пожара 1747 г. деревянная башня была восстановлена только через 200 лет. Тогда же башню увенчала знаменитая армиллярная сфера (проект Р.И. Каплан-Ингеля)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Museum is housed in two buildings: the building of the Kunstkammer and presented to him in 1887 g. Museum wing. The Kunstkammer building built in the style of Petrine Baroque. This is the first museum building in Russia and, apparently, the oldest building in the world built specifically for the Museum. The building is crowned by a tower with armillârnoj area, symbolizing the model of the solar system. According to legend, a place for the construction of the Museum chose Peter. He drew attention to the unusual pine, a curious part of which is presented in the Museum. The initial project of the building was most likely compiled by the architect Andreas Šlûterom, then developed on the basis of his drawings, Georg mattarnovi personal involvement. Later works architects n. Gerbel and g. Kiaveri. The whole complex of works was completed in 1734, the architect m. Zemskov. After a fire in the building of the Kunstkammer in 1747, was executed the decoration of some of the rooms. So, on the ceiling of the Hall the second floor of the East Wing of the Kunstkammer (library Hall; now the Baroque Hall, where the exhibition "Science Collections of the Kunstkammer") the artist d. Gianni in 1757, he established pattern, and stucco sculptor m. Pavlov in 70-ies. XVIII.-two high-Where "Europe" and "a triumph for Russia." Ceiling and high reliefs survived until our days. Burned during the fire of 1747 g. wooden tower was restored only through 200 years. At the same time the Tower crowned the famous armillary sphere (project R.i. Kaplan-Ingelâ)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The museum is housed in two buildings: the building of the Kunstkammer and adjoined to him in 1887 by the Museum wing.
The building was built in the Kunstkammer of Peter's baroque. This is the first museum building in Russia and probably the oldest building in the world, erected specially for the museum. The building is crowned with a tower armillary sphere symbolizing a model of the solar system.
According to the legend, the place chosen for the construction of the museum, Peter I. He noticed an unusual pine outlandish part of which is represented in the museum. The original design of the building was, in all probability, drawn by the architect Andreas Schlüter, and then developed on the basis of his drawings G. Mattarnovi with the personal participation of Peter. Later work led by architects N. and G. Gerbel Kiaveri. All the work was completed in 1734 by architect M. Zemtsov. After a fire in the Kunstkammer in 1747 was executed decorative finish some rooms. For example, on the ceiling of the hall of the second floor of the eastern wing of the Kunstkammer (library hall; now Baroque Hall, where the exhibition "Natural Science Collections of the Kunstkammer"), the artist Gianni D. in 1757 created a stucco pattern, and sculptor Mikhail Pavlov 70 gg. XVIII century. - Two high relief - "Celebrating Europe" and "Triumph of Russia." Bowl and high reliefs have survived to the present day. Burned in a fire in 1747 wooden tower was restored only after 200 years. At the same time the famous tower crowned armillary sphere (Draft RI Kaplan-Ingel)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the museum is housed in two buildings: building кунсткамеры and пристроенном to him in 1887. the museum wing.the building was built in the baroque style кунсткамеры petrovsky. this is the first museum building in russia and, probably, the oldest building in the world, erected specifically for the museum. building for tower with армиллярной area represents the model of the solar system.according to the legend, the place to build the museum chose peter i. he drew attention to the peculiar pine, a curious part of which is presented in the museum. the initial design of the building was, in all probability, is the architect andreas шлютером and then developed on the basis of his drawings. mattarnovi in personal participation of petra. later works were the architects of n. гербель and mr.. киавери. all complex of works was completed in 1734. the architect. земцовым. after the fire in the building кунсткамеры in 1747. decorative trim was implemented in some rooms. so, on the ceiling of the second floor of the east pavilion (hall кунсткамеры library; the baroque hall, where is located the "natural science collections кунсткамеры) artist dr.. gianni in 1757. created for the moulded pattern, and sculptor. pavlov in the 1970s. xviii. two горельефа - "celebrating their europe" and the "triumph of russia". and горельефы luminaire could have survived to our days. burnt during the fire 1747). the wooden tower was restored only in 200 years. then the tower crowned the armillary sphere (the r. i.. kaplan - ингеля)
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