Почему я вспомнил эту историю? Лишь потому, что в очередной раз прости перевод - Почему я вспомнил эту историю? Лишь потому, что в очередной раз прости английский как сказать

Почему я вспомнил эту историю? Лишь

Почему я вспомнил эту историю? Лишь потому, что в очередной раз простительный грех журналистов был раздут до вселенских масштабов, тогда как виновные в действительно смертных грехах остаются безнаказанными. "Ньюсуик" пригвоздили к позорному столбу за то, что журнал породил антиамериканские настроения - всего лишь новостью в несколько строк. Но кто же судьи? А ими были как раз те самые политики, которые безо всякого стыда лгали, чтобы начать чудовищную войну в Ираке, уже унесшую тысячи жизней!

Второй скандал, потрясший недавно мир американских масс-медиа, вообще высосан из пальца. Два "желтых" таблоида, принадлежащих Руперту Мердоку, подверглись нападкам за то, что опубликовали фото Саддама Хусейна в исподнем. Почему кого-то должны волновать чувства свергнутого тирана? Однако главное не в этом. И лондонская "Сан", и нью-йоркская "Пост" - это, строго говоря, не газеты, а развлекательное чтиво, иногда выполняющее функции пропагандистской машины. Само понятие этичности для них чуждо. Их нужно просто не замечать.

Основная функция прессы в условиях демократии состоит в том, чтобы выявлять злоупотребления властью со стороны правительства. Из-за шока, наступившего после трагедии 11 сентября, из-за близорукого патриотизма, давления со стороны консерваторов, стремления угодить большинству и - самое главное - из-за желания удовлетворить запросы алчных акционеров большинство американских СМИ перестали быть "четвертой властью".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Why I remembered this story? Just because once again forgivable sin of journalists was blown out of proportion to the Ecumenical scope, whereas the perpetrators really deadly sins go unpunished. Newsweek nailed to the pillory for that magazine spawned anti-American sentiment-only news in a few lines. But who are the judges? And they had those very politicians who without shame lied to start a terrible war in Iraq, already causing thousands of lives!The second scandal, which shook the world recently American mass media generally gets sucked from the finger. Two "yellow" tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch, had been attacked for having published a photo of Saddam Hussein in the ispodnem. Why does someone have to excite feelings of the deposed tyrant? But the main thing is not that. And the London Sun ", and" New York Post "is not, strictly speaking, a newspaper, and entertaining fiction, sometimes performing the functions of the propaganda machine. The very concept of ethics is alien to them. They need to just ignore. The main function of the press in a democracy is to identify abuse of power by the Government. Due to the shock following the September 11 tragedy, because of the myopic patriotism, pressure from the Conservatives, the desire to please the most and-most importantly-from a desire to satisfy greedy shareholders most American MEDIA ceased to be the "fourth power".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Why I remembered this story? Just because again venial sin journalists was inflated to the scale of the universe, while the truly guilty of mortal sin go unpunished. "Newsweek" pilloried for what the magazine has spawned anti-American sentiment - the news just a few lines. But who are the judges? And they were just the very same politicians who lied without shame to start a terrible war in Iraq, have killed thousands of people! The second scandal recently rocked the world of American media in general sucked from the finger. Two "yellow" tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch, were attacked for having published a photo of Saddam Hussein in his underwear. Why someone should worry about the feelings of the deposed tyrant? But not the main thing. And London "Sun," and New York "Post" - is, strictly speaking, newspapers, entertaining reading, sometimes acts as the propaganda machine. The concept of ethics is alien to them. They simply do not notice it. The main function of the press in a democracy is to identify the abuse of power by the government. Due to the shock that followed the tragedy of September 11, due to the short-sighted patriotism, pressure from conservatives, desire to please the majority and - most importantly - from a desire to satisfy the demands of greedy shareholders of most American media have ceased to be the "fourth estate".

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Why I remembered this history? Only because, in ordinary times простительныи sin journalists had been blown out to veneration of, while the perpetrators of the truly death sin go unpunished."Newsweek Magazine пригвоздили to pillorying by for the fact that the magazine has created anti- American sentiment - only news in a few lines. But who are the judges? And they were the most policies,Which shamelessly lied to start a vicious war in Iraq, has already whole or any evaluation of thousands of lives!Lord the second scandal that had rocked the world of American mass-media, generally высосан from the pin. Two "yellow" Tvoi,Owned by Rupert Gorillaz also harassed for the fact that published a photo Saddam Hussein in the client. Why someone should disturb a sense of deposed tyrant? However, the main is not in this. And the London "San",And the new york "Post" - this is not, strictly speaking, newspapers, and entertaining talk, sometimes functions as propaganda machine. The very notion of ethics for them alien. They simply do not notice.

The main function the press in a democracy is to identify abuse of power on the part of the government. Because of the shock, recovering after the tragedy of 11 September, the blind patriotism,Pressure from the conservatives, will appease majority, and - most importantly - because of the desire to satisfy requests from greedy shareholders most of American media have ceased to be the "fourth power" .
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