1. Кто там играет на рояле? Ты слышишь? 2. Как интересно: солнце светит жарко, а я не чувствую жары. 3. Я не вижу Джона. – Конечно, не видишь, потому что ты смотришь не в ту сторону (wrong direction). 4. Как вы себя чувствуете? – К сожалению, я чувствую себя не очень хорошо. – Действительно, вы выглядите довольно усталым. 5. Ты ведь знаешь нашего нового директора, да? Как он выглядит? 6. Пока ты одеваешься, я позвоню Нине. Она сегодня уезжает. Куда она едет? 7. Как прекрасно пахнет (smell) воздух! – Должен сказать, я этого не чувствую, потому что много курю. Конечно, не чувствуешь, ты и сейчас куришь свою сигарету. 8. Почитай газету, пока я буду укладывать наши вещи. 9. Мне кажется, ты не вполне понимаешь, что происходит. 10. Интересно, о чем ты сейчас думаешь! 11. Ты идешь на концерт сегодня вечером?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Who plays the piano? Did you hear? 2. How interesting: the sun shines hot, and I don't feel the heat. 3. I don't see John. -Of course, you don't see because you're looking in the wrong direction (wrong direction). 4. How do you feel? -Unfortunately, I feel not very well. -Really, you look pretty tired. 5. you know our new Director, huh? How it looks? 6. While you odevaeš′sâ, I'll call Nina. She leaves today. Where it goes? 7. How wonderful smells (smell) air! -I must say, I do not feel, because a lot of smoke. Of course, don't feel you and now his cigarette smoke. 8. Read the newspaper while I'll lay our things. 9. It seems to me that you don't quite understand what's going on. 10. I wonder what you think now! 11. Are you going to the concert tonight?
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Who is there playing the piano? Do you hear? 2. How interesting: the sun shines hot, and I do not feel the heat. 3. I do not see John. - Of course, you can not see because you're looking in the wrong direction (wrong direction). 4. How do you feel? - Unfortunately, I do not feel very well. - Really, you look pretty tired. 5. You know our new director, right? What does he look like? 6. As long as you dress, I'll call Nina. She leaves today. Where it goes? 7. How well smell (smell) air! - I must say, I do not feel it, because a lot of smoke. Of course, you do not feel you now smoke a cigarette. 8. Read a newspaper while I'm laid up our things. 9. I do not think you fully understand what is happening. 10. I wonder what you're thinking! 11. Are you going to the concert tonight?
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. who"s playing the piano? do you hear me? 2. interesting: the sun was hot, and i can"t feel the heat. 3. i don"t see john. of course, you can"t see, because you"re looking in the wrong direction (wrong direction). 4. how do you feel? - unfortunately, i don"t feel very well. - really, you look very tired. 5. you know our new director, right? what does he look like? 6. while you"re getting dressed, i call nina. she"s leaving today. where"s she going? 7. as a fine smell of (only) the air. - i must say, i don"t feel that way, because a lot of smoke. of course, you don"t, you are smoking his cigarette. 8. read the newspaper while i put our things. 9. i don"t think you quite understand what"s going on. 10. i wonder what you"re thinking. 11. are you going to the concert tonight?
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