Суть данной балльной оценки заключается в том, что в ходе анализа определяются наиболее важные параметры (ключевые показатели) эффективности для структурных подразделений нефтегазовых компаний: устанавливаются интервалы значений количественных показателей, в соответствии с которыми этим показателям присваивается оценка от 0 до 5 баллов (Таблица 2.2).
Параметр (показатель) имеющий оценку 4-5 баллов включается в ССП, 2-3 балла – остается на индивидуальное рассмотрение управляющего органа для включения его в ССП, 0-1 балл – не включается в ССП.
Таблица 2 – Пример балльной оценки показателей эффективности для включения их в ССП (по сегментам)
Показатель 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Разведка и добыча
Прирост числа месторождений, шт. Более 10 7-10 5-6 3-4 1-2 Без изменений
Средняя глубина скважин, тыс. м. Менее 2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501-4000 4001-5000 Более 5000
Количество действующих скважин в процентах от эксплуатационного фонда, % Более 90 80-90 70-79 60-69 50-59 Менее 50
Среднегодовое изменение коэффициента эксплуатации скважин, % Более 4 4 3 2 1 Без изменений
Дебит скважин по нефти, т/сут. Более 8 6,1-8 4,1-6 2,1-4 1-2 Менее 1
Первичная переработка нефти, млн. тонн Более 20 15,1-20 13,1-15 10-13 5-10 Менее 5
Коэффициент интеграции 0,91-1 0,8-0,9 0,61-0,79 0,5-0,6 0,3-0,5 Менее 0,3
Коэффициент использования мощностей 0,91-1 0,8-0,9 0,61-0,79 0,5-0,6 0,3-0,5 Менее 0,3
Прирост маржи переработки, % Более 75 51-75 36-50 21-35 10-20 Менее 10
Глубина переработки, % Более 85 70-85 60-69 50-59 40-49 Менее 40
Транспортировка нефти и газа
Годовой объем перекачки нефти (нефтепродуктов), млн. тонн Более 80 66-80 51-65 41-50 20-40 Менее 20
Пропускная способность трубопровода, млрд. м3/год; млн. тонн/год Более 180;
Более 60 151-180;
51-60 131-150; 41-50 101-130; 31-40 70-100; 15-30 Менее 70;
Менее 15
Годовой объем транспортной работы, млрд. тонн/км Более 50 41-50 33-40 26-32 15-25 Менее 15
Годовой объем товарного газа, млрд.м3 Более 120 101-120 91-100 81-90 60-80 Менее 60
Годовые потери нефти, газа и нефтепродуктов, % Более 20 16-20 9-15 6-8 3-5 Менее 3
Сбыт и маркетинг
Годовая поставка нефти, млн. тонн Более 3 2,1-3 1,6-2 1,1-1,5 0,6-1 Менее 0,5
Годовой экспорт нефти, млн. тонн Более 8 6,1-8 4,6-6 3,1-4,5 1-3 Менее 1
Продажа нефти (нефтепродуктов) на внутреннем рынке, млн. тонн/год Более 2 1,51-2 1,26-1,5 1,1-1,25 0,5-1 Менее 0,5
Реализация нефтепродуктов на экспорт, млн. тонн/год Более 6 5,1-6 4,1-5 3,1-4 1-3 Менее 1
Приобретение нефти и газоконденсата для собственных нужд, млн. тонн Более 13 10,1-13 7,1-10 5,1-7 3-5 Менее 3
Число законченных строительством разведочных и эксплуатационных скважин, тыс. шт./год Более 18 15-18 12,1-14,9 10,1-12 7-10 Менее 7
Число законченных капитальным ремонтом скважин, тыс. шт./год Более 1,5 1-1,5 0,91-99 0,81-0,9 0,5-0,8 Менее 0,5
Годовой объем разведочного и эксплуатационного бурения, млн. м Более 3 2,1-3 1,6-2 1,1-1,5 0,5-1 Менее 0,5
Средняя календарная продолжительность цикла строительства скважин, сут. Более 120 101-120 81-100 51-80 30-50 Менее 30
Далее для оценки эффективности корпоративных стратегий нефтегазовых компаний по выбранным ключевым показателям в разрезе структурных подразделений проводится оценка их значимости для корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовой компании в целом.
Более подробно данный этап рассмотрен в пункте 3 данной главы.
На четвертом этапе оценки формируется ССП на плановый год в соответствии с классическими проекциями (Таблица 2.3).
Таблица 2.3 – Ключевые показатели оценки деятельности для каждой СБЕ для включения в ССП
Структурная бизнес-единица (СБЕ) Показатели для составляющих ССП
Финансы Обучение и развитие Бизнес-процессы Клиенты
Разведка и добыча
Транспортировка нефти и газа
Сбыт и маркетинг
Ответственность за формирование ССП должна быть закреплена за соответствующими структурными подразделениями нефтегазовых компаний.
Затем происходит утверждение и ввод в действие ССП.
На пятом этапе осуществляется планирование ССП, их мониторинг, а также разработка стратегической карты нефтегазовой компании. В рамках мониторинга выявляются и анализируются факторы, повлиявшие на достижение поставленных целей корпоративной стратегии и формируются предложения по изменению ССП.
Мониторинг ССП рекомендуется делать каждые шесть месяцев в течение 5 лет.
На шестом этапе оценки проводится план-фактный анализ выполнения ССП в целях контроля выполнения ССП и достижения целей корпоративной стратегии. Если имеющиеся отклонения фактических результатов от смоделированной системы сбалансированных показателей допустимы, то выполнение целей корпоративной стратегии следует считать успешным. В случае недопустимости имеющихся отклонений следует вернуться к третьему этапу данного алгоритма и провести тщательную корректировку модели ССП.
Если после проведенной корректировки модели ССП было выявлено, что отклонения от плана остаются на высоком уровне и данная модель ССП применялась ранее, то делается вывод о том, что корпоративная стратегия не эффективна и производится разработка мер по повышению ее эффективности.
Необходимо отметить, что экономическую оценку корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовых компаний следует осуществлять не однократно, а в те моменты, когда возникшая ситуация (внешние обстоятельства) или предполагаемое решение (внутренняя корректировка корпоративной стратегии) способны существенным образом повлиять на эффективность и результативность корпоративной стратегии предприятия и его структурных подразделений. Такие моменты определяются руководством нефтегазового предприятия и его структурных подразделений. В обобщенном виде среди данных ситуаций можно выделить следующие:
- появляются ранее не принимавшиеся во внимание результаты (показатели) или становится возможной стоимостная оценка результатов;
- корректиру
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The essence of a mark estimation is that in the analysis are the most important parameters (key performance indicators) for structural units of oil and gas companies: set interval values of quantitative indicators, in accordance with which these indicators is given a score from 0 to 5 points (table 2.2).Parameter (index) has rated 4-5 points included in the MTP 2-3 points-is the governing body for consideration of inclusion in the MTSP, 0-1 score is not included in the MTSP.Table 2 is an example of a mark estimation of performance indicators for inclusion in the MTP (by segment) Figure 5 4 3 2 1 01 2 3 4 5 6 7Exploration and productionGrowth in deposits, PCs. More than 10 7-10 5-6 3-4 1-2 no changeAverage well depth, thous. PM less than 2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501-4000 4001-5000 more than 5000The number of wells in the percentage of operational fund, more than 90% of the 80-90 70-79 60-69 50-59 less than 50The average annual change in%, well Over 4 4 3 2 1 unchangedFlow of oil wells, t/d. More than 8 6.1 4.1 2.1 -4 -6 -8 1-2 less than 1ProcessingPrimary oil refining, mln. tons More 20 15.1 13.1 -20 -15 10-13 5-10 less than 5Coefficient of 0.91 -1 integration -0.9 0.61 0.8 0.5 0.3 -0.6 -0.79 -0.5 less than 0.3The capacity utilization ratio of 0.91 -1 -0.9 -0.79 0.61 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.3 Less -0.5 -0.6Increase margins, more than 75% 51-75 36-50 21-35 10-20 less than 10Depth of processing more than 85% 70-85 60-69 50-59 40-49 less than 40Oil and gas transportationThe annual volume of oil (mineral oil), mln. tons more than 80 66 80 65-51-41-50 20-40 less than 20The throughput of the pipeline, bln. m3/year; million. More than 180 tons/year;60151 more -180;51-60 131-150; 41-50 101-130; 31-40 70-100; 15-30 fewer than 70;Less than 15The annual volume of transport work, bln. tons/km more than 50 41-50 33-40 26-32 15-25 less than 15Annual volume of sales gas, bln M3 More 120101 -120 91-100 81-90 60-80 less than 60The annual loss of oil, gas and petroleum products, more than 20% of 16-20 9-15 6-8 3-5 less than 3Sales and marketingAnnual oil supply, mln. tons more than 3 -3 2.1 1.6 1.1 0.6 -1.5 -2 -1 less than 0.5The annual export of petroleum, mln. tons more than 8 6.1 -8 4.6 -6 3.1 -4.5 1-3 less than 1Sales of crude oil (petroleum) in the domestic market, mln. tons/year more than 2 1.51 -2 1.26 -1.5 1.1 -1.25 -1 less than 0.5 0.5Sales of oil products for export, mln. tons/year more than 6 5.1 4.1 3.1 -5 -6 -4 1-3 less than 1Acquisition of oil and gas condensate production, million for their own needs. tons more than 13 -13 -10 5.1 7.1 10.1 -7 3-5 less than 3ServiceThe number of completed construction of exploratory and production wells, thous. PCs./year more than 18 15-18 12.1 10.1 -14.9 -12 7-10 less than 7The number of complete overhaul of wells, thous. PCs./year more than 1.5 1-1, -99 -0.9 0.81 0.91 5 0.5 -0.8 less than 0.5The annual volume of exploratory and production drilling, mln. More than 3 m 2.1 1.6 1.1 -2 -3 -1.5 0.5 -1 less than 0.5The average duration of the calendar cycle of building wells, h. More -120 120101 81-100 51-80 30-50 less than 30Continue to assess the effectiveness of the corporate strategies of oil and gas companies on selected key indicators in the context of structural units of assessment of their relevance to corporate strategy in the oil and gas company.In more detail this stage addressed in paragraph 3 of this chapter.In the fourth stage, the evaluation of the MTSP for the plan year is formed in accordance with the classical projections (table 2.3).Table 2.3-performance measurement key performance indicators for each SBE for MTPStructural business unit (SBE) Indicators for the MTSP Finance training and development business processes ClientsExploration and production Processing Oil and gas transportation Sales and marketing Service Responsible for the formation of the MTSP should be assigned to the respective structural units of oil and gas companies.Then comes the approval and implementation of the MTSP.The fifth stage is planning the MTP, monitoring, and development strategic maps of oil and gas company. Within the framework of the monitoring identifies and analyses the factors affecting achievement of corporate strategy and changes to the MTP.Monitoring the MTP is recommended every six months for 5 years.On the sixth stage of evaluation is a plan-fact analysis of the implementation of the MTP in order to monitor implementation of the MTSP and achievement of corporate strategy. If deviations of actual results from simulated balanced scorecard are valid, the execution of the corporate strategy should be considered successful. In the case of non-existing errors should go back to the third phase of the algorithm, and a careful adjustment of the model of the MTSP.If after adjusting the model MTP revealed that deviations from the plan remain at a high level and the MTSP has been used previously, it is concluded that the corporate strategy is not effective and is developing measures to enhance its efficiency.It should be noted that economic evaluation of corporate strategy of oil and gas companies should be carried out not once, but in those moments when the situation (external circumstances) or proposed solution (internal adjustment of corporate strategy) can significantly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the corporate strategy of the company and its business units. Such moments are determined by the leadership of the oil and gas company and its business units. Summarized data of situations can be distinguished:-There has not previously been taken into account (s) or allow the valuation of results;-korrektiru
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The essence of this scoring is that the analysis identifies the most important parameters (key performance indicators) for the effectiveness of structural units of oil and gas companies: set intervals of values of quantitative indicators, in accordance with which these indicators is assigned a rating from 0 to 5 points (Table 2.2) .
Parameter (figure) having 4-5 assessment included in the MTP, 2-3 points - remains on the individual review of the governing body for inclusion in the MTP, 0-1 points - not included in the MTP. Table 2 - Example of scoring performance for inclusion in the MTP (segment) Indicator 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Exploration and Production Increase of deposits volume. More than 10 7-10 5-6 3-4 1-2 Unchanged average depth of wells, thous. m. less than 2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501-4000 4001-5000 More than 5,000 Number of active wells in the percentage of the operational fund,% More than 90 80-90 70-79 60-69 50-59 Less than 50 average annual variation of the well operation, over 4% 4 3 2 1 No change Flow rate of oil wells, tons / day. More than 8 6,1-8 4,1-6 2,1-4 1-2 Less than 1 Refining Refinery throughput, mln. tons more than 20 15,1-20 13,1-15 10-13 5-10 Less than 5 Factor Integration 0,91-1 0.8-0.9 0.5-0.6 0.3-0.5 0,61-0,79 Less than 0.3 Capacity utilization rate 0,91-1 0.8 0.9 0.5-0.6 0.3-0.5 0,61-0,79 Less than 0.3 Increase in refining margins, more than 75% 51-75 36-50 21-35 10-20 Less than 10 Depth of refining,% More than 85 70-85 60-69 50-59 40-49 Less than 40 Oil and Gas Transportation The annual volume of pumping oil (petroleum), mln. tons more than 80 66-80 51-65 41-50 20-40 Less 20 The capacity of the pipeline billion. m3 / year; mln. tonnes / year more than 180, more than 60 151-180; 131-150 51-60; 41-50 101-130; 31-40 70-100; 15-30 Less than 70; less than 15 annual volume of transport work, billion. ton / km more than 50 41-50 33-40 26-32 15-25 Less than 15 annual output of marketable gas, more than 120 billion m3 101-120 91-100 81-90 60-80 Less than 60 annual loss of oil, gas and petroleum products, more than 20% 16-20 9-15 6-8 3-5 Less than 3 Sales and Marketing Annual oil supply, mln. tons more than 3 2,1-3 1.6-2 0.6-1 1.1-1.5 Less than 0.5 annual oil exports, million. More than 8 tons 6,1-8 3,1-4,5 4,6-6 1-3 Less than 1 selling oil (oil products) on the domestic market, mln. tons / year more than 2 1,51-2 1,26-1,5 1.1-1.25 0.5-1 Less than 0.5 Petroleum Products Export Sales mln. tonnes / year more than 6 5,1-6 4,1-5 3,1-4 1-3 Less than 1 Purchases of oil and gas condensate production for their own needs, mln. tons more than 13 10,1-13 7,1- 10 Less than 3 3-5 5,1-7 Service Number of completed exploration and production wells, thous. pcs. / year more than 18 7-10 15-18 12,1-14,9 10,1-12 Less than 7 Number of completed workover, thous. pcs. / year more than 1.5 1-1,5 0,5-0,8 0,81-0,9 0,91-99 Less than 0.5 Annual exploration and development drilling, mln . Over 3 m 2,1-3 1.6-2 1.1-1.5 0.5-1 Less than 0.5 average calendar cycle of well construction, day. More than 120 101-120 81-100 51-80 30-50 Less than 30 Next to assess the effectiveness of corporate strategies of oil companies in selected key performance indicators in the context of structural units to assess their relevance to the corporate strategy of the oil and gas company as a whole. For more information discussed in this stage Paragraph 3 of this chapter. The fourth stage of evaluation forms MTP planned a year in accordance with the classical projections (Table 2.3). Table 2.3 - Key Performance measures for each SBU for inclusion in the MTP structural business units (SBUs) indicators for the components of SCF Finance Training and development of client's business processes Exploration and Production Refining Oil and Gas Transportation Sales and Marketing Service is responsible for the formation of the MTP is to be assigned to the appropriate structural unit of oil and gas companies. Then there is approval and commissioning of CSP. On the fifth stage, the planning MSP them monitoring, and the development of strategic oil and gas company cards. As part of the monitoring are identified and analyzed factors that influenced the achievement of the objectives of the corporate strategy and form proposals for changing the MSP. MSP monitoring is recommended to be done every six months for five years. At the sixth stage of evaluation is conducted, plan vs. actual analysis of the implementation of the MTP in order to monitor the implementation of the MTP and the achievement of the corporate strategy. If the existing deviation of actual results from the simulated balanced scorecard are permissible, then the objectives of the corporate strategy to be considered successful. In the case of non-existing abnormalities should return to the third stage of the algorithm and to conduct a thorough adjustment of the MTP model. If, after adjusting the model BSC found that the deviations from the plan are still at a high level and this model was used earlier SCF, it is concluded that corporate strategy is not effective and covers the development of measures to improve its effectiveness. It should be noted that the economic evaluation of the corporate strategy of oil and gas companies should be made not once, but in those moments when the situation arose (external circumstances), or the supposed solution (internal adjustment of corporate strategy) can a significant impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the corporate strategy of the enterprise and its structural divisions. Such moments are determined by the direction of the oil and gas company and its divisions. In summary, among these cases are the following: - there has not previously taken into account the results (figures) or becomes possible valuation results; - corrective
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The nature of the scoring is that in the course of the analysis identifies the most important parameters (key performance indicators) of the effectiveness for the structural units gas companies:There are intervals of quantitative indicators, in accordance with which these indicators is assigned to the 0 to 5 points (table 2.2 ) .
The parameter (rate) is the assessment 4-5 points is activated in the MTP, 2-3 points - remains on the individual consideration of control body for its inclusion in the MTP, 0-1 score is not included in the MTP.
Table 2 - Example scoring performance indicators for their inclusion in the MTP (segments)
Figure 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
exploration and production growth in the number of deposits
, used more than 10 7-10 5-6 3-4 1-2 without change
The average well depth, tys. m. Less than 2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501-4000 4001-5000 more than 5000
number of operating wells as a percentage of operating fund, % more 90 80-90 70-79 60-69 50-59) 50
Average annual rate change exploitation wells, % more than 4 4 3 2 1 without change
debit wells for oil, t/d. More than 8 6.1 -8 4.1 -6 2.1 -4 1-2 less than 1
primary oil processing, million tons more than 20 15.1 -20 13,1-15 10-13 5-10 less than 5
integration rate 0.8 0.91 -1 -0,9 -0,79 0.61 0.5 - 0.6 0.3 - 0.5 Less Than 0.3
utilization of 0.91 -1 0.8 -0,9 -0,79 0.61 0.5 - 0.6 0.3 - 0.5 Less Than 0.3
growth margin processing, % more than 75 51-75 36-50 21-35 21-35 21-35 10-20 less than 10
depth processing,% More Than 85 70-85 70-85 70-85 70-85 70-85 60-69 40-49 50-59) less than 40
transportation of oil and gas
annual volume of oil (petroleum products), million tons 80 66-80 51-65 41-50 41-50 41-50 20-40 20
bandwidth pipe, billion m3/year; million tons/year more than 180 ;
More than 60 151-180 ;
numbers 51-60 131-150; 41-50 41-50 41-50 101-130; 31-40 70-100; 15-30 70 ;
annual volume of transport work, billion tons/km 50 41-50 41-50 41-50 33-40 33-40 33-40 26-32 15-25 15
annual volume of commercial gas, billion.m3 More than 120 101-120 91-100 81-90 60-80 less than 60
Annual losses of oil, gas and petroleum products, % more than 20 16-20 9-15 6-8 3-5 less than 3
sales and marketing
annual supplies of petroleum, million tons more than 3 2.1 -3 1.6 -2 1.1 -1.5 0.6 -1 less than 0.5
annual oil exports, million tons more than 8 6.1 -8 4.6 -6 3.1 -4.5 1-3 less than 1
Sale of petroleum (petroleum products) in the domestic market, million tons/year, more than 2 -2 1.51 1.26 -1.5 1.1 0.5 -1.25 -1 less than 0.5
the petroleum products for export, million tons/year, more than 6 5.1 -6 4.1 -5 3.1 -4 1-3 less than 1
The acquisition of oil and are drilled for their own needs, million tons more than 13 10.1 -13 -10 7.1 5.1 -7 3-5 less than 3
Number of completed construction exploration and production wells, k. used. /year, more than 18 15-18 12.1 -14,9 10,1 - 12 7-10 less than 7
Number of completed major repairs wells, thousands. used. /year more than 1.5 1-1.5 0.91 -99 0.81 -0,9 0.5 -0.8 less than 0.5
annual volume of exploration and drilling, million m more than 3 2.1 -3 1.6 -2 1.1 -1.5 0.5 -1 less than 0.5
The average calendar cycle duration construction of wells, IWL. More than 120 101-120 81-100 51-80 30-50 30
Further evaluation of the effectiveness for corporate strategies oil and gas companies on the selected key indicators in the cross-sectional view structural units is carried out an assessment of their relevance for corporate strategyCompany as a whole.
In more detail this stage discussed in paragraph 3 of this chapter.
the fourth phase of the assessment is a MTP for the plan year in accordance with the classical projections (table 2.3 ) .lord Table 2.3 - Key performance indicators for each СБЕ for inclusion in the MTP
Structural business unit (СБЕ) indicators for the MTSP
finance training and development business processes customers
exploration and production
transporting oil and gas
sales and marketing
Service lord responsible for the formation MTP must be secured for the relevant structural units gas companies.
And then there is the approval and commissioning of the MTP.
in the fifth stage is planning MTP, their monitoring, as well as elaboration of the strategic map oil & gas companies.As part of the monitoring identifies and analyzes the factors that had an impact on the achievement of the goals corporate strategy and generated proposals to change MTP.
MTP monitoring it is recommended that you do so every six months to 5 years.
In the sixth phase of the assessment is carried out the plan, proceeding from the analysis of MTP in order to control the MTP and the achievement of objectives corporate strategy.If existing deviations of actual from simulated system balanced indicators are valid, it is the fulfilment of the objectives corporate strategy should be considered successful.In the case of inadmissibility of event should be to return to the third phase of this algorithm, and to undertake a thorough adjustment model MTP.
if, after the MTP model adjustments have been identified,That deviations from the plan will remain at a high level, and this model MTP has been applied previously, the findings suggest that,That the corporate strategy is not effective, and is the development of measures to improve its efficiency.
it must be noted,That economic assessment corporate strategy companies should be carried out not once, and in those moments,When the situation (external circumstances) or the expected decision (internal adjustment corporate strategy) can significantly affect the efficiency and effectivenessBusiness Strategies and its structural units.Such points are determined by the gas business and its structural units. In aggregated form the data situation you can highlight the following:
- appear not previously taken into account the results (indicators) or becomes possible valuation of results;
- professional
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