Национальная галерея в лондоне была построена в период между 1832 и 18 перевод - Национальная галерея в лондоне была построена в период между 1832 и 18 английский как сказать

Национальная галерея в лондоне была

Национальная галерея в лондоне была построена в период между 1832 и 1838 годами. 2 Иностранцев, приезжающих в британию, поражает обилие традиций и обычаев.3 В Шотландии Рождество не отмечают. 4 Кроме праздников религиозного происхождения, есть праздники, которые не связаны с религией.5 В России после реформы календаря Рождество отмечают после нового года 6 Рождественская елка уже украшена. Можно начинать праздновать, да? 7 Все приготовили для приема гостей?-Индейка жарится в духовке, ее подадут через 10 минут. 8 Родители не ложились спать, пока не были упакованы подарки для всех детей. 9 Зал украшали для празднования юбилея. Никого не выпускали.10 Национальный день Благодарения провозгласил президент Линкольн в 1863 году, и с тех пор его отмечают в последний четверг ноября. 11 Если вас пригласили в гости, где будут подавать еду, следует заранее сказать, если вы соблюдаете диету. 12 В канун Нового года принимают решения начать новую жизнь, тратить поменьше денег, бросить курить и т.д, дают всевозможные обещания. 13 В последние годы во многих городах США устраивают бесплатные музыкальные концерты бля публики. 14 В тыкве вырезают дырки для глаз, носа и рта, а внутри зажигают свечку. 15 Лохнесское чудовище видели и сфотографировали много раз с тех пор, как его впервые увидели в 1933 году. 16 Профессор рассердился за то, что 1 апреля над ним подшутили. 17 За праздниками последовали будни . 18 За что его критикуют? - Его лекции никто не слушает. 19 Надеюсь, что мою открытку получат до праздника. 20 Вы знаете, из чего делают йоркширский пудинг? Нет? Я тоже не знаю
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The National Gallery in London was built between 1832 and 1838 years. 2 foreigners coming to Britain, is the abundance of traditions and customs in Scotland, 3. Christmas is not celebrated. 4 excluding holidays religious origin, there are festivals that are not related to religion. 5 in Russia after the reform calendar Christmas celebrate new year 6 Christmas tree already decorated. You can begin to celebrate, Yes? 7 All prepared to receive guests?-the Turkey is roasted in the oven, it will be served by 10 minutes. 8 parents went to bed, not yet packaged gifts to all children. 9 Hall decorated for the celebration of the Jubilee. No one is released. 10 National Thanksgiving Day proclaimed by President Lincoln in 1863, and since then it is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. 11 If you are invited to visit, where you will be served a meal in advance to say, if you follow the diet. 12 on new year's Eve, decide to start a new life, spend less money, quit smoking, and so on, give all sorts of promises. 13 in recent years in many cities in the United States organized a free musical concerts fucking public. 14 in the pumpkin cut out holes for eyes, nose and mouth, and lit a candle. 15 Loch Ness monster seen and photographed many times since he first saw the 1933 year. 16 Professor angry for being April 1 podšutili over it. 17 For the holidays followed the everyday life. 18 For his mauling? -Nobody listens to his lectures. 19 I hope that my card will receive prior to the holiday. 20 you know what makes Yorkshire Pudding? No? I also do not know
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The National Gallery in London, was built between 1832 and 1838 years. 2 foreigners coming to Britain, affects the abundance of traditions and obychaev.3 Scotland do not celebrate Christmas. 4 In addition to the religious holidays of origin, there are holidays that are not associated with religiey.5 In Russia, after the reform of the calendar celebrate Christmas after New Year 6 Christmas tree is already decorated. You can begin to celebrate, right? 7 All prepared for the reception? -Indeyka Roasted in the oven, it will be served in 10 minutes. 8 Parents do not go to bed until they were packaged gifts for all children. 9 Hall decorated for the celebration of the anniversary. Nobody vypuskali.10 National Thanksgiving Day proclaimed by President Lincoln in 1863, and since then it is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. 11 If you are invited to visit, which will be serving food should be a foregone conclusion, if you are dieting. 12 New Year's Eve decide to start a new life, spend less money, quit smoking, etc., provide all sorts of promises. 13 In recent years, many US cities organize free music concerts fucking audience. 14 pumpkin cut holes for the eyes, nose and mouth, and lit a candle inside. 15 Loch Ness monster seen and photographed many times since it was first seen in 1933. 16 The professor was angry because April 1 played a joke on him. 17 followed by the holiday weekdays. 18 For what its critics? - His lectures nobody listens. 19 I hope that my card to get to the festival. 20 You know of what make Yorkshire Pudding? No? I do not know either
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The National Gallery in London was built in the period between 1832 and 1838 years. 2 Foreigners, coming to Britain, striking the abundance traditions and обычаев.3 in Scotland Christmas is not noted.4 The holidays religious origin, there are holidays, which are not linked to the религиеи.5 in Russia after the reform calendar Christmas note after the new year, 6 Sonya Belimova already decorated.You can begin to celebrate, yes? 7 All sat down with the reception? -eating eel noodles in the center of the oven, it will be served 10 minutes. 8 Parents did not put to sleep, until they were packed gifts for all children.9 Room dressed for the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary. No one выпускали.10 The National Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed president Lincoln in 1863, and since then, his note in the last Thursday November.11 If you were invited to the guests, which will provide food, should be given in advance to say, if you're eating diet. 12 On the eve of the new year, take the decisions to start a new life, to spend our money, to stop smoking, etc.,Give every promise. 13 In recent years, many cities across the United States are satisfied with free music concerts view profile | Leave eroticon a shout public. 14 In carving pumpkins and gourds cut holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth, as well as within prayer candles are lit.15 Does Nessie really exist ? have seen and photographed many times since then, as it saw the first in 1933. 16 Professor was angry over the fact that 1 April over him in decline. 17 For the holidays was followed by weekdays .18 For that his detractors? - His lectures nobody listens. 19 I hope that my card will be before the holiday. 20 You know, from which make saffron buns pudding? There is no? I don't know
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