Сколько времени у тебя занимает дорога до уни 2. Кем работает твой бра перевод - Сколько времени у тебя занимает дорога до уни 2. Кем работает твой бра английский как сказать

Сколько времени у тебя занимает дор

Сколько времени у тебя занимает дорога до уни 2. Кем работает твой брат? 3, Олимпийские игры происходят каждые четыре года. 4. Джулия способна к языкам. Она хорошо говорит на чenаpex 5. Поторопись! Тебя все ждут. 6. Я думаю, они поругались они не разговаривают друг сдрутом. 7 как у тебя с работой?-Моя работа мне не нравится в настоящее время. 8 ник сейчас лондоне. Он остановился в отеле Хилтон. он всегда там останавливается. 9. Я, кажется, опять потерял ключ Вечно ты теряешь ключи 10. Обычно я ухожу с работы в 5 часов Но на этой неделе я работаю до 7 чтобы заработать немного больше денег Этот поезд никогда не опаздывает Он всегда приходит вовремя 12. Летом здесь редко идут дожди. 13. Сейчас я живу у друзей,пока я ищу квартиру 14. Вы умеете водить машину?-Я сейчас учусь. Меня учит 15. Как вы думаете, что произойдет? 16. У тебя такой грустный вид! О чем ты думаешь? 17. Почему ты на меня так смотришь Прекрати 18. Наконец, письмо пришло. 19. Мой коллега уехал во Францию. Он там отдыхает. 20 Я был булочной и купил печенье. Давай выпьем чаю. в 21. где Тина я ее сегодня не видел. 22. Привет!я только что из магазина. Я много всего купила .23. Как поживает Диана? -Я знаю, в последнее время я ее не видела 24. На этой неделе моя машина сломалась уже второй раз. 25. Вы раньше катались лошади?-Нет, я впервые катаюсь верхом на Вы раньше бывали в Лондоне?- Нет, впервые в Лондонe. я 27. Это мой друг Мы знакомы с детства. 28. я тебя уже 2 часа жду. Гдеты б 29 Смотри! Кто-то сломал забор. прочитал? 30 я читаю неделю-Сколько срaницты эту книгу уже дождь еще идет?-Нет, уже прекратился 32, сколько вр вы изучает английский?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
How long do you take the road to uni 2. Who is your brother? 3, the Olympic Games take place every four years. 4. Julia is capable for languages. She speaks at čenapex 5. Hurry up! You all are waiting. 6. I think they had a spat, they don't talk to each sdrutom. 7 How do you work?-my work I do not like now. 8 Nick now London. He stopped at the Hilton Hotel. He always stops there. 9. I seem to have lost the key again you lose keys Forever 10. Usually I'm off from work at 5:0 but this week I'm working until 7 to earn a little extra cash this train is never late, he always arrives on time 12. In summer there are rarely rains. 13. I now live with friends, while I'm looking for an apartment 14. You know how to drive?-I now am. Me teaches 15. What do you think will happen? 16. do you look so sad! What do you think? 17. Why are you looking at me like that Stop 18. Finally, the letter came. 19. my colleague went to France. He rests. 20 I had a bakery and bought cookies. Come on Let's drink tea. in 21. where Tina, I saw her today. 22. Hi! I just came from the store. I've just bought. 23. How is Diana? -I know, lately I've not seen her 24. This week my car broke down for the second time. 25. have you ever rode a horse?-no, this is the first time I go riding you've been to London?-no, for the first time in London. I am 27. This is my friend we are familiar from childhood. 28. I got you already 2:0 waiting. Gdety b 29 look! Someone broke the fence. read? 30 I read week-how many sranicty this book already rain still going?-no, have already stopped 32 how much BP you studying English?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
How much time do you take the road to the Top 2. Who runs your brother? 3, the Olympic Games are held every four years. 4. Julia language skills. She speaks good chenapex 5. Hurry! You all are waiting for. 6. I think they have sworn they were not talking to each sdrutom. 7 how do you work? -My Job I did not like at the moment. 8 nickname now London. He stopped at the Hilton Hotel. He always stops there. 9. I seem to have lost the key again, you lose your keys Forever 10. I usually leave work at 5 pm But this week I have been working up to 7 to earn a little more money, this train is never late He always arrives on time 12. In summer there is rarely rains. 13. Now I live with friends while I'm looking for an apartment 14. Can you drive a car? -I Am learning now. Teaches me 15. How do you think will happen? 16. You have such a sad sight! What's on your mind? 17. Why are you looking at me like Stop 18. Finally, the letter came. 19. My colleague went to France. He rested there. 20 I was a bakery and bought cookies. Let's have some tea. 21. Tina in which I did not see it today. 22. Hi, I just came from the store. I've just bought a .23. How is Diana? I know, lately I have not seen her 24. This week, my car broke down for the second time. 25. You rode a horse before? -No, I first ride on horseback before you ever been to London? - No, the first time in Londone. I'm 27. This is my friend We've known since childhood. 28. I've already 2:00 forward. Somewhere b 29 Look! Someone broke the fence. read? 30 I read a week-sranitsty What this book has more rain coming? No, already stopped 32 as BP you learn English?
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
How much time do you take the road to universal 2. Who is your brother? 3, The Olympic games take place every four years. 4. Julia is able to languages. It is well said that the чenаpex 5. Hurry up! You all are waiting. 6. I thinkThey поругались they not talking each сдрутом. 7 As you do with the work of the? -my work I don't like it at the present time. 8 Nick now London. He was staying at the Hilton. he is always there is stopped. 9. I have, it seems,Once again lost the key forever you're one loses his keys 10. I usually look back to work in 5 hours but this week I'm up to 7 to earn a bit more money this train has never is late he always comes in time 12.In summer it rarely rains. 13. Now I live with friends,as long as I'm looking for a flat 14. I don't suppose you can drive a car? -I am learning. I have taught 15. How do you think, what will happen? 16. You do such a sad appearance! What are you thinking about? 17.Why don't you at me so watching Man 18. Finally, the letter came. 19. My colleague went to France. There, he was recuperating. 20 I was bakery and bought biscuits. Let's have a quick pint tea. in 21. where Tina i didn't see it today. 22. Hi!I only that from the magazine. I have just bought Germany 23. As поживает Diane? -I know, the last time I saw 24. This week my car has broken down for the second time. 25. You Ever day horse? -No,I first skate on top of you before we visited in London?- No, for the first time in Лондонe. i am 27. This is my friend we are familiar from childhood. 28. I have already 2 hours waiting. Гдеты b 29 look! Someone broke the fence. read?30 I am reading a week, how many сраницты this book already rain is still? -No, already stopped 32, how many bp are you studying English?
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