Ученые констатируют — многие виды растений, животных, птиц и насекомых перевод - Ученые констатируют — многие виды растений, животных, птиц и насекомых английский как сказать

Ученые констатируют — многие виды р

Ученые констатируют — многие виды растений, животных, птиц и насекомых исчезают с лица нашей планеты в 1 000 раз быстрее естественного уровня. Это означает, что мы теряем от 10 до 130 видов каждый день.
В докладе, опубликованном в начале 2010 года, Комиссия по биоразнообразию ООН обращает внимание на катастрофические изменения в мире живой природы. Автор доклада сравнивает нынешнюю ситуацию с исчезновением динозавров 65 миллионов лет назад.
На сегодняшний день более 40% всех живых видов на Земле находятся под угрозой исчезновения. Если эти темпы вымирания сохранятся или ускорятся, то число вымирающих видов в следующие десятилетия будет исчисляться миллионами. Безусловно, это повод задуматься каждому жителю планеты, ибо исчезновение отдельных видов неизбежно ведет к глобальным экологическим проблемам, угрожая стабильности всей экосистемы Земли.
Сегодня мы предлагаем взглянуть на 25 наиболее узнаваемых видов животных, над которыми нависла угроза полного исчезновения, и представить мир дикой природы без них…
Коала, фото
1. Коала
Статус: уязвимый.
Угрозы: По оценкам австралийского фонда Koala (данные 2008 года) в дикой природе осталось около 100 000 коал.
На коалу велась активная охота вплоть до начала XX века, когда они оказались на грани исчезновения. Миллионы шкурок зверька были проданы в Европе и Соединенных Штатах.
Широкомасштабное уничтожение коал происходило в Квинсленде в 1915, 1917 и 1919 годах, тогда с помощью оружия, ядов и петель было убито более одного миллиона животных. Эта бойня вызвала широкий общественный резонанс и стала, вероятно, первой экологической проблемой, сплотившей австралийцев. Однако, несмотря на растущее движение по защите местных видов, нищета и голод, возникшие в результате засух 1926 -1928 годов, привели к очередному массовому убийству. В течение одного месяца после открытия охотничьего сезона в августе 1927 года было уничтожено 600 000 коал.
Сегодня основными угрозами выживанию вида являются: последствия урбанизации, деградация мест обитания, вырубка кормового растения коал – эвкалипта, дорожно-транспортные происшествия, нападения собак. В последние годы некоторые колонии коал сильно пострадали от инфекционных заболеваний, особенно от хламидиоза. Хламидиоз коал отличается от человеческой формы, он может привести к слепоте и бесплодию. Обследования показали, что по крайней мере 50% особей инфицированы хламидиями и ретровирусом, ослабляющим иммунитет животных.
Смотрите также: Интересные факты о коалах.
Фото шимпанзе
2. Шимпанзе
Статус: находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: В последние 20-30 лет наблюдается быстрое сокращение популяции шимпанзе, прогнозы на будущее не утешительны.
Снижение численности шимпанзе связано с разрушением и деградацией их среды обитания (подсечно-огневое земледелие, масштабные лесозаготовки), браконьерством ради добычи мяса и нелегальной торговли детенышами. В последнее время большой угрозой популяции шимпанзе стали инфекционные болезни. Дело в том, что шимпанзе восприимчивы к человеческим заболеваниям, и, в связи с ростом контактов между ними и людьми, происходит увеличение количества случаев заражения.
Амурский тигр, фото
3. Амурский тигр
Статус: находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: В 30-х годах XX века численность амурских тигров составляла не более 50 особей, а по некоторым данным – не более 20-30. Планомерные действия по сохранению вида к 1980-м годам принесли свои плоды, число животных возросло до 200.
Основной угрозой существованию больших кошек всегда было браконьерство. Кость тигра на китайском черном рынке ценится на вес золота, шкура тигра — желанный трофей.
В конце 1980-х годов спрос на кость тигра резко возрастает, хорошо организованные банды браконьеров в это время сильно подкосили поголовье тигров. Только к 1993 году были возобновлены программы по сохранению амурского тигра, и уже в 1996 году их число приблизилось к 430.
Сегодня количество обитающих в дикой природе тигров оценивается в 431 – 529 особей.
Серьезной угрозой для тигров стали также крупномасштабные незаконные рубки и лесные пожары, лишающие их привычных мест обитания.
Фото африканских слонов
4. Африканский слон
Статус: находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: В XX веке численность африканских слонов сокращалась в геометрической прогрессии. Браконьерская добыча слоновой кости приобрела чудовищный размах. Так, в течение 10 лет, предшествовавших международному запрету на торговлю слоновой костью (1990 год), численность африканских слонов упала в два раза. Еще в 1970 году насчитывалось 400 000 особей, но уже к 2006 году их осталось лишь 10 000.
Кения стала одной из стран, где африканские слоны были практически уничтожены. В период между 1973 и 1989 годами количество слонов здесь снизилось на 85%. В Бурунди, Гамбии, Мавритании и Свазиленде слоны исчезли совсем.
В настоящее время африканский слон формально имеет правительственную защиту, а в некоторых областях, в последнее время, наблюдается прирост численности в среднем на 4%. Однако браконьерство по-прежнему процветает. Известно, что в 2012 году наблюдался большой всплеск нелегальной добычи слоновой кости.
Галапагосский морской лев, фото
5. Галапагосский морской лев
Статус: находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: Галапагосский морской лев – один из видов морских львов, обитающих исключительно на Галапагосских островах и, чуть в меньшем количестве, на Исла-де-Ла-Плата (Эквадор).
Численность популяции в 1978 году составляла около 40 000, в настоящее время количество особей сократилось на 50%.
Основные угрозы – тенденция к падежу и прекра
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Scientists note many kinds of plants, animals, birds and insects are disappearing from the face of our planet 1000 times faster than the normal level. This means that we lose from 10 to 130 species every day.In a report published at the beginning of 2010 the year of biodiversity, the UN, the Commission draws attention to the catastrophic changes in the world of wildlife. The report compares the present situation with the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.To date, more than 40% of all living species on earth are endangered. If this rate of extinction will continue or accelerate, then the number of endangered species in the next decade will be numbered in the millions. Certainly, it is an occasion to ponder every inhabitant of the planet, for the extinction of individual species leads to global environmental problems, threatening the stability of the whole of the Earth's ecosystem.Today, we offer a look at the 25 most recognizable animal species threatened by extinction, and to wildlife without them ...Koala photo1. KoalaStatus: vulnerable.The threat: the Australian Koala Foundation estimates that data (2008 year) in the wild is about 100000 koalas.For the Koala has been an active hunting until the early 20th century, when they were on the verge of extinction. Millions of animal pelts were sold in Europe and the United States.Large-scale destruction of koalas in Queensland in 1915, 1917 and 1919 respectively, then using weapons, poisons and loops were killed more than a million animals. This carnage has sparked a public outcry and was probably the first environmental issue brings together Australians. However, despite the growing movement to protect native species, poverty and famine caused by drought, -1928 1926, led to mass murder. Within one month after the opening of the hunting season in August 1927, destroyed 600000 koalas.Today the main threats to the survival of the species are: the impact of urbanization, Habitat degradation, cutting fodder plants koalas-eucalyptus, traffic accidents, dog attacks. In recent years some colonies koalas hard hit by contagious diseases, particularly chlamydia. Chlamydia koalas differs from the human form, it can lead to blindness and infertility. The survey showed that at least 50% of individuals infected with chlamydia and a retrovirus, weakening the immune system of animals.See also: interesting facts about koalah.Photos of chimpanzees2. ChimpanzeesStatus: endangered.The threat: in the last 20 years there has been a 30-rapid decline in the population of chimpanzees, predictions for the future are not encouraging.The decline of chimpanzees is the destruction and degradation of their Habitat (slash-and-burn agriculture, large-scale logging), poaching for meat and illegal trade in calves. Recently, chimpanzee populations have become a big threat infectious diseases. The fact of the matter is that chimpanzees are susceptible to human diseases, and the growing contacts between them and humans, there is an increase in the number of cases of infection.The Amur tiger, photo3. Siberian TigerStatus: endangered.The threat: in the 30-ies of XX century the number of Amur Tigers stood at no more than 50 individuals, and according to some reports-no more than 20-30. The planned actions for the conservation of the 1980 years bore fruit, the number of animals has increased to 200.The major threat to the existence of big cats has always been poaching. Tiger bone in Chinese black market is worth its weight in gold, the skin of a tiger is a coveted trophy.In the late 1980 's, the demand for tiger bone increases dramatically, well-organized gangs of poachers in this time much rounds off the number of tigers. Only the 1993 year resumed the program for the conservation of the Amur tiger, and already in the year 1996 close to 430.Today the number of species in the wild tigers is estimated at 431-529 species.Serious threat to Tigers were also large-scale illegal logging and forest fires, deprived of their usual habitats.Photos of African elephants4. African elephantStatus: endangered.The threat: in the 20th century, the number of African elephants declined exponentially. Extraction of ivory poaching has become a monstrous proportions. So, over the 10 years preceding the international ban on ivory trade (1990 year), the number of African elephants has dropped in half. Back in 1970, there were 400000 animals, but by 2006 they left only 10000.Kenya has become one of the countries where African elephants had been virtually destroyed. Between 1973 and 1989 years, the number of elephants here has decreased by 85%. In Burundi, Gambia, Mauritania and Swaziland elephants disappeared altogether.The African elephant nominally has governmental protection, and in some areas recently, there has been an increase of 4% on average. But poaching is still thriving. It is known that in 2012, there has been a large spike in illegal extraction of ivory.Galapagos sea lion, photo5. The Galapagos sea lionStatus: endangered.The threat: Galápagos sea lion is one of the species of sea lions found only on the Galapagos Islands and, to a smaller number, on Isla de la Plata (Ecuador).In 1978, the population was around 40000, the number of individuals was reduced by 50%.The main threat is the trend towards destruction and separation
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Scientists have found - many species of plants, animals, birds and insects are disappearing from our planet in 1000 times faster than the natural rate. This means that we are losing 10 to 130 species every day.
In a report published in early 2010, the Commission on Biodiversity UN drew attention to the catastrophic changes in the world of wildlife. Author of the report compares the current situation with the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
Today, more than 40% of all living species on Earth are threatened with extinction. If these extinction rates continue or accelerate, the number of endangered species in the next decade will be in the millions. Of course, this is a reason to think everyone on the planet, for the disappearance of some species will inevitably lead to global environmental problems, threatening the stability of the entire ecosystem of the Earth.
Today, we offer a look at 25 of the most recognizable species under threat extinction, and imagine a world without wildlife them ...
Koala, photo
1. Koala
Status: Vulnerable.
Threats: According to the Australian fund Koala (2008 data) in the wild there are about 100,000 koalas.
On the koala was actively hunting until the beginning of XX century, when they were on the verge of extinction. Millions of animal skins were sold in Europe and the United States.
The large-scale destruction of koalas in Queensland occurred in 1915, 1917 and 1919, then with weapons, poisons and loops were killed more than one million animals. This massacre caused a public outcry and became probably the first environmental issue has united Australians. However, despite the growing movement for the protection of native species, poverty and hunger caused by drought years of 1926 -1928, led to another mass murder. Within one month after the opening of the hunting season in August 1927 destroyed 600,000 koalas.
Today, the main threats to the survival of species are: the impact of urbanization, habitat degradation, deforestation fodder plant koalas - eucalyptus, car accidents, dog attacks. In recent years, some of the colony of koalas have suffered from infectious diseases, particularly chlamydia. Chlamydia koalas different from the human form, it can lead to blindness and infertility. Surveys have shown that at least 50% of individuals infected with chlamydia and retrovirus, weakens the immune system of animals.
See also: Interesting facts about Koalas.
Photo chimps
2. Chimpanzees
Status: endangered.
Threats: In the last 20-30 years there has been a rapid decline in the population of chimpanzees, predictions for the future are not encouraging.
Reducing the number of chimpanzees due to the destruction and degradation of their habitat (slash-and-burn agriculture, large-scale logging), poaching for the production of meat, and illegal trade in calves. In recent years, a large population of chimpanzees become a threat of infectious diseases. The fact that chimpanzees are susceptible to human diseases, and, due to increased contacts between them and the people, there is an increase in the incidence of infection.
The Amur tiger, photo
3. Amur Tiger
Status: endangered.
Threats: In the 30-ies of XX century the number of tigers was not more than 50 individuals, and according to some reports - no more than 20-30. Planned action to conserve species to the 1980s bore fruit, the number of animals has increased to 200.
The main threat to the existence of big cats has always been poaching. Bone Tiger in the Chinese black market is worth its weight in gold, tiger skin - the coveted trophy.
In the late 1980s, the demand for tiger bone increases dramatically, well-organized gangs of poachers at this time greatly decimated population of tigers. Only in 1993 were renewed program for Amur tiger conservation, and in 1996 their number approached 430.
Today, the number living in the wild tigers is estimated at 431 - 529 individuals.
A major threat to tigers have also become a large-scale illegal logging and forest fires, depriving their usual habitat.
Photo African elephants
4. African Elephant
Status: endangered.
Threats: In the XX century the number of African elephants decreased exponentially. Poaching ivory acquired monstrous proportions. Thus, during the 10 years preceding the international ban on the ivory trade (1990), the number of African elephants dropped twice. In 1970, there were 400,000 individuals, but by 2006 they have only 10,000.
Kenya has become one of the countries where African elephants have been virtually destroyed. Between 1973 and 1989 the number of elephants are reduced by 85%. In Burundi, Gambia, Mauritania and Swaziland elephants disappeared altogether.
Currently, the African elephant has a formal government protection, and in some areas, in recent years, there has been increase in the number by an average of 4%. However, poaching is still thriving. It is known that in 2012 there was a big surge in illegal mining ivory.
Galápagos sea lion, photo
5. Galapagos sea lion
Status: endangered.
Threats: Galapagos sea lion - a type of sea lions that live exclusively in the Galapagos Islands and, to a lesser amount on the Isla de la Plata (Ecuador).
The population in 1978 year was about 40,000, is now the number of individuals decreased by 50%.
The main threat - the tendency to case and Terminated
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Scientists note - many types of plants, animals, birds and insects are disappearing from the face of our planet in 1,000 times faster than natural level. This means that we are losing 10 to 130 species every day.
in the report,Published in early 2010, the Commission on the biodiversity secretariat drew attention to the catastrophic changes to the world's wildlife.Author of the report compares the current situation with the disappearance of dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
to date, more than 40% of all living species on Earth are in danger of extinction.If these extinctions will continue or accelerate, the number of endangered species in the following decade will be counted in millions. Of course, it is an occasion to reflect each citizen of the world,Because of the disappearance of species inevitably leads to global environmental issues, threatening the stability throughout the Earth's ecosystems.
we look at 25 of the most highly recognizable species of animals,That are facing the threat of extinction, and to submit a report to wildlife world without them ...
a koala, photo
1. A Koala
Status: vulnerable.
threat:It is estimated that the fund Australian Koala (2008 data) in the wild remains 100 000 koalas.
the koala has been an active hunting up to the beginning of the twentieth century, when they were on the verge of extinction.toad down millions of furs were sold in Europe and the United States.
large-scale destruction of koalas in Queensland in 1915, 1917 and 1919, respectively, whereas the use of weapons,Poisons and hinges have killed more than one million animals. This carnage caused a wide public resonance and has become, perhaps, the first environmental problem that brings together Australians. However,In spite of the growing movement for the protection of local species, poverty and hunger, encountered by the droughts 1926 -1928 biennium, have resulted in the next mass killing.Within one month after opening the hunting season in August 1927, it was destroyed 600,000 koalas.
today the main threats survival types are: the effects of urbanization, the degradation of habitats,Notching protein supply plants koalas - eucalyptus, traffic accidents, attack dogs. In recent years, some colonies koalas have been severely affected by infectious diseases, particularly from adapted.Koala Conservation Center counselling and voluntary testing for HIV infection is different from the human form, it can lead to blindness and infertility. Surveys have shown that at least 50% animals infected with chlamidia and ретровирусом, weakened immunity animals.
See also: fun facts about коалах.
Photo chimpanzee
2. Chimpanzees
Status: located in endangered species.
threat: in the past 20-30 years there has been a rapid decline in populations of chimpanzees,Projections for the future, not from reassuring.
decline in the number of chimpanzees is associated with the destruction and degradation of habitats (slash-and-burn agriculture, large-scale logging),Poaching for meat production and illegal trade extremely difficult. Recently, high risk populations of chimpanzees have become infectious diseases. The fact that chimpanzees are susceptible to human diseases,And, in view of the increase in contacts between them and the people, is the increase in the number of cases of infection.
Amur tiger, photo
3. Amur tiger
Status: under the endangered species.
threat:In 30-s, XX century strength Syabar tigers was not more than 50 species, and according to some - not more than 20-30. A structured steps for the presence of the species by the 1980s, to bear fruit, the number of animals has increased 200.
The main threat to their livelihood large cats have always been poaching. Bone tiger on the Chinese black market is valued by weight of gold, unlit tiger - desired trophy.
At the end of the 1980s, demand for bone tiger is increasing dramatically, well-organized gangs we pass at this time is very подкосили livestock tigers.Only in 1993, the program has been renewed for the conservation Amur tiger, and already in 1996, their number of closer to 430.
today the number of species in the wild tigers are estimated at 431 - 529 species.
A serious threat to tigers have also become the large-scale illegal logging and forest fires, which dispossess their familiar habitats.
Photo African elephants
4. The African Elephant
Status:Under endangered species.
threat: in the twentieth century the African elephants declined steadily in the geometric progression. Mostly carried out under mining ivory has become horrendous proportions. For example, in 10 years,Prior to the international ban on the ivory trade (1990), the strength African elephants fell in two times. Even in 1970, there were 400 000 species, but already by 2006, there are only 10,000.
Kenya has become one of the countries, where African elephants have been virtually destroyed. In the period between 1973 and 1989, the number of elephants here has decreased by 85 %. In Burundi, the Gambia, Mauritania and Swaziland elephants disappeared entirely.
Currently, the African elephant is formally has a government protection, and in some areas, in the recent past, there has been a growth in the number of on average 4 %. However, poaching continues to flourish.It is known that, in 2012, there was a large surge in illegal mining ivory.
Galápagos marine left, photo
5. Galápagos marine left
Status: under the endangered species.
threat:Galápagos marine left - one of the types of sea lions, species exclusively in the Galapagos Islands, and, in a slightly smaller number of, the Isla de la Plata (Ecuador) .
The population in 1978 was 40 000, currently, the number of animals has been reduced by 50 % .
the main threat - a tendency to mortality rates and termination
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