Это наверное плохо? Это эгоизм? Есть такое выражение "прожигать жизнь" но это не для меня. Я наслаждаюсь жизнью, всеми тонкостями, отенками, чувствами и впечатлениями
This is probably a bad thing? It is selfishness? There is a saying "live fast" but it's not for me. I enjoy life, all the subtleties, otenkom, feelings and impressions
This is probably a bad thing? It's selfishness? there is a saying "burn life" but it's not for me. I enjoy life, all niceties, otenkami, feelings, and impressions
I think this is bad? This is selfishness? there is such an expression "burn life" but it's not for me. I appreciate life, all subtleties, and ivory elegance, feelings and impressions