Я люблю тебя тоже. Очень сильно. Спасибо за твои письма и за твои трогательные слова. Я понимаю, что ты устал, поэтому я не буду мучить тебя долгими письма. Я просто хочу сказать, что мы в порядке.
I love you too. Very strongly.Thank you for your letter and for your touching words.I understand that you are tired, so I will not torment you long letters. I just want to say that we are OK.
I love you too. Very much. Thank you for your letter and for your moving words. I know you're tired, so I will not torment you long letters. I just want to say that we are right.
I love you too. Very. Thank you very much for your letter and for your precious words. I understand that you are tired, so I will not haunt you long letters. I would just like to say that we are in order.